oneway package:lattice R Documentation _F_i_t _O_n_e-_w_a_y _M_o_d_e_l _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Fits a One-way model to univariate data grouped by a factor, the result often being displayed using 'rfs' _U_s_a_g_e: oneway(formula, data, location=mean, spread=function(x) sqrt(var(x))) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: formula: formula of the form 'y ~ x' where 'y' is the numeric response and 'x' is the grouping factor data: data frame in which the model is to be evaluated location: function or numeric giving the location statistic to be used for centering the observations, e.g. 'median', 0 (to avoid centering). spread: function or numeric giving the spread statistic to be used for scaling the observations, e.g. 'sd', 1 (to avoid scaling). _V_a_l_u_e: A list with components location: vector of locations for each group. spread: vector of spreads for each group. fitted.values: vector of locations for each observation. residuals: residuals ('y - fitted.values'). scaled.residuals: residuals scaled by 'spread' for their group _A_u_t_h_o_r(_s): Deepayan Sarkar _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'rfs', 'Lattice'