panel.violin {lattice}R Documentation

Panel Function to create Violin Plots


This is a panel function that can create a violin plot. It is typically used in a high-level call to bwplot.


panel.violin(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width,
             horizontal = TRUE,
             alpha, border, lty, lwd, col,
             varwidth = FALSE,
             bw, adjust, kernel, window, 
             width, n = 50, from, to, cut,
             na.rm, ...)


x, y numeric vector or factor. Violin plots are drawn for each unique value of y (x) if horizontal is TRUE (FALSE)
box.ratio ratio of the thickness of each violin and inter violin space
box.width thickness of the violins in absolute units; overrides box.ratio. Useful for specifying thickness when the categorical variable is not a factor, as use of box.ratio alone cannot achieve a thickness greater than 1.
horizontal logical. If FALSE, the plot is ‘transposed’ in the sense that the behaviours of x and y are switched. x is now the ‘factor’. See documentation of bwplot for a fuller explanation.
alpha, border, lty, lwd, col graphical parameters controlling the violin. Defaults are taken from the "plot.polygon" settings.
varwidth logical. If FALSE, the densities are scaled separately for each group, so that the maximum value of the density reaches the limit of the allocated space for each violin (as determined by box.ratio). If TRUE, densities across violins will have comparable scale.
bw, adjust, kernel, window, width, n, from, to, cut, na.rm arguments to density, passed on as appropriate
... arguments passed on to density.


Creates Violin plot of x for every level of y. Note that most arguments controlling the display can be supplied to the high-level (typically bwplot) call directly.


Deepayan Sarkar

See Also

bwplot, density


bwplot(voice.part ~ height, singer,
       panel = function(..., box.ratio) {
           panel.violin(..., col = "transparent",
                        varwidth = FALSE, box.ratio = box.ratio)
           panel.bwplot(..., fill = NULL, box.ratio = .1)
       } )

[Package lattice version 0.17-25 Index]