### Name: ebayes ### Title: Empirical Bayes Statistics for Differential Expression ### Aliases: ebayes eBayes treat ### Keywords: htest ### ** Examples # See also lmFit examples # Simulate gene expression data, # 6 microarrays and 100 genes with one gene differentially expressed set.seed(2004); invisible(runif(100)) M <- matrix(rnorm(100*6,sd=0.3),100,6) M[1,] <- M[1,] + 1 fit <- lmFit(M) # Ordinary t-statistic par(mfrow=c(1,2)) ordinary.t <- fit$coef / fit$stdev.unscaled / fit$sigma qqt(ordinary.t,df=fit$df.residual,main="Ordinary t") abline(0,1) # Moderated t-statistic eb <- eBayes(fit) qqt(eb$t,df=eb$df.prior+eb$df.residual,main="Moderated t") abline(0,1) # Points off the line may be differentially expressed par(mfrow=c(1,1))