imageplot package:limma R Documentation _I_m_a_g_e _P_l_o_t _o_f _M_i_c_r_o_a_r_r_a_y _S_t_a_t_i_s_t_i_c_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Creates an image of colors or shades of gray that represent the values of a statistic for each spot on a spotted microarray. This function can be used to explore any spatial effects across the microarray. _U_s_a_g_e: imageplot(z, layout, low = NULL, high = NULL, ncolors = 123, zerocenter = NULL, zlim = NULL, mar=c(2,1,1,1), legend=TRUE, ...) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: z: numeric vector or array. This vector can contain any spot statistics, such as log intensity ratios, spot sizes or shapes, or t-statistics. Missing values are allowed and will result in blank spots on the image. Infinite values are not allowed. layout: a list specifying the dimensions of the spot matrix and the grid matrix. low: color associated with low values of 'z'. May be specified as a character string such as '"green"', '"white"' etc, or as a rgb vector in which 'c(1,0,0)' is red, 'c(0,1,0)' is green and 'c(0,0,1)' is blue. The default value is '"green"' if 'zerocenter=T' or '"white"' if 'zerocenter=F'. high: color associated with high values of 'z'. The default value is '"red"' if 'zerocenter=T' or '"blue"' if 'zerocenter=F'. ncolors: number of color shades used in the image including low and high. zerocenter: should zero values of 'z' correspond to a shade exactly halfway between the colors low and high? The default is TRUE if 'z' takes positive and negative values, otherwise FALSE. zlim: numerical vector of length 2 giving the extreme values of 'z' to associate with colors 'low' and 'high'. By default 'zlim' is the range of 'z'. Any values of 'z' outside the interval 'zlim' will be truncated to the relevant limit. mar: numeric vector of length 4 specifying the width of the margin around the plot. This argument is passed to 'par'. legend: logical, if 'TRUE' the range of 'z' and 'zlim' is shown in the bottom margin ...: any other arguments will be passed to the function image _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: This function may be used to plot the values of any spot-specific statistic, such as the log intensity ratio, background intensity or a quality measure such as spot size or shape. The image follows the layout of an actual microarray slide with the bottom left corner representing the spot (1,1,1,1). The color range is used to represent the range of values for the statistic. When this function is used to plot the red/green log-ratios, it is intended to be an in silico version of the classic false-colored red-yellow-green image of a scanned two-color microarray. This function is related to the earlier 'plot.spatial' function in the 'sma' package and to the later 'maImage' function in the 'marray' package. It differs from 'plot.spatial' most noticeably in that all the spots are plotted and the image is plotted from bottom left rather than from top left. It is intended to display spatial patterns and artefacts rather than to highlight only the extreme values as does 'plot.spatial'. It differs from 'maImage' in that any statistic may be plotted and in its use of a red-yellow-green color scheme for log-ratios, similar to the classic false-colored jpeg image, rather than the red-black-green color scheme associated with heat maps. _V_a_l_u_e: An plot is created on the current graphics device. _A_u_t_h_o_r(_s): Gordon Smyth _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'maImage', 'image'. An overview of diagnostic functions available in LIMMA is given in 09.Diagnostics. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: M <- rnorm(8*4*16*16) imageplot(M,layout=list(ngrid.r=8,ngrid.c=4,nspot.r=16,nspot.c=16))