### Name: implicitGeneric ### Title: Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions ### Aliases: implicitGeneric setGenericImplicit prohibitGeneric ### registerImplicitGenerics 'implicit generic' ### Keywords: programming methods ### ** Examples ### How we would make the function with() into a generic: ## Since the second argument, 'expr' is used literally, we want ## with() to only have "data" in the signature. ## Note that 'methods'-internal code now has already extended with() ## to do the equivalent of the following ## Not run: ##D setGeneric("with", signature = "data") ##D ## Now we could predefine methods for "with" if we wanted to. ##D ##D ## When ready, we store the generic as implicit, and restore the original ##D setGenericImplicit("with") ##D ##D ## (This example would only work if we "owned" function with(), ##D ## but it is in base.) ## End(Not run) implicitGeneric("with")