### Name: anova.gls ### Title: Compare Likelihoods of Fitted Objects ### Aliases: anova.gls ### Keywords: models ### ** Examples # AR(1) errors within each Mare fm1 <- gls(follicles ~ sin(2*pi*Time) + cos(2*pi*Time), Ovary, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | Mare)) anova(fm1) # variance changes with a power of the absolute fitted values? fm2 <- update(fm1, weights = varPower()) anova(fm1, fm2) # Pinheiro and Bates, p. 251-252 fm1Orth.gls <- gls(distance ~ Sex * I(age - 11), Orthodont, correlation = corSymm(form = ~ 1 | Subject), weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | age)) fm2Orth.gls <- update(fm1Orth.gls, corr = corCompSymm(form = ~ 1 | Subject)) anova(fm1Orth.gls, fm2Orth.gls) # Pinheiro and Bates, pp. 215-215, 255-260 #p. 215 fm1Dial.lme <- lme(rate ~(pressure + I(pressure^2) + I(pressure^3) + I(pressure^4))*QB, Dialyzer, ~ pressure + I(pressure^2)) # p. 216 fm2Dial.lme <- update(fm1Dial.lme, weights = varPower(form = ~ pressure)) # p. 255 fm1Dial.gls <- gls(rate ~ (pressure + I(pressure^2) + I(pressure^3) + I(pressure^4))*QB, Dialyzer) fm2Dial.gls <- update(fm1Dial.gls, weights = varPower(form = ~ pressure)) anova(fm1Dial.gls, fm2Dial.gls) fm3Dial.gls <- update(fm2Dial.gls, corr = corAR1(0.771, form = ~ 1 | Subject)) anova(fm2Dial.gls, fm3Dial.gls) # anova.gls to compare a gls and an lme fit anova(fm3Dial.gls, fm2Dial.lme, test = FALSE) # Pinheiro and Bates, pp. 261-266 fm1Wheat2 <- gls(yield ~ variety - 1, Wheat2) fm3Wheat2 <- update(fm1Wheat2, corr = corRatio(c(12.5, 0.2), form = ~ latitude + longitude, nugget = TRUE)) # Test a specific contrast anova(fm3Wheat2, L = c(-1, 0, 1))