Wheat2 package:nlme R Documentation _W_h_e_a_t _Y_i_e_l_d _T_r_i_a_l_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: The 'Wheat2' data frame has 224 rows and 5 columns. _F_o_r_m_a_t: This data frame contains the following columns: _B_l_o_c_k an ordered factor with levels '4' < '2' < '3' < '1' _v_a_r_i_e_t_y a factor with levels 'ARAPAHOE' 'BRULE' 'BUCKSKIN' 'CENTURA' 'CENTURK78' 'CHEYENNE' 'CODY' 'COLT' 'GAGE' 'HOMESTEAD' 'KS831374' 'LANCER' 'LANCOTA' 'NE83404' 'NE83406' 'NE83407' 'NE83432' 'NE83498' 'NE83T12' 'NE84557' 'NE85556' 'NE85623' 'NE86482' 'NE86501' 'NE86503' 'NE86507' 'NE86509' 'NE86527' 'NE86582' 'NE86606' 'NE86607' 'NE86T666' 'NE87403' 'NE87408' 'NE87409' 'NE87446' 'NE87451' 'NE87457' 'NE87463' 'NE87499' 'NE87512' 'NE87513' 'NE87522' 'NE87612' 'NE87613' 'NE87615' 'NE87619' 'NE87627' 'NORKAN' 'REDLAND' 'ROUGHRIDER' 'SCOUT66' 'SIOUXLAND' 'TAM107' 'TAM200' 'VONA' _y_i_e_l_d a numeric vector _l_a_t_i_t_u_d_e a numeric vector _l_o_n_g_i_t_u_d_e a numeric vector _S_o_u_r_c_e: Pinheiro, J. C. and Bates, D. M. (2000), _Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS_, Springer, New York.