text.rpart package:rpart R Documentation _P_l_a_c_e _T_e_x_t _o_n _a _D_e_n_d_r_o_g_r_a_m _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Labels the current plot of the tree dendrogram with text. _U_s_a_g_e: ## S3 method for class 'rpart': text(x, splits=TRUE, label, FUN=text, all=FALSE, pretty=NULL, digits=getOption("digits") - 3, use.n=FALSE, fancy=FALSE, fwidth=0.8, fheight=0.8, ...) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: x: fitted model object of class 'rpart'. This is assumed to be the result of some function that produces an object with the same named components as that returned by the 'rpart' function. splits: logical flag. If 'TRUE' (default), then the splits in the tree are labeled with the criterion for the split. label: For compatibility with 'rpart2', ignored in this version (with a warning). FUN: the name of a labeling function, e.g. 'text'. all: Logical. If 'TRUE', all nodes are labeled, otherwise just terminal nodes. pretty: an integer denoting the extent to which factor levels in split labels will be abbreviated. A value of (0) signifies no abbreviation. A 'NULL', the default, signifies using elements of letters to represent the different factor levels. digits: number of significant digits to include in numerical labels. use.n: Logical. If 'TRUE', adds to label (#events level1/ #events level2/etc. for 'class', 'n' for 'anova', and #events/n for 'poisson' and 'exp'). fancy: Logical. If 'TRUE', nodes are represented by ellipses (interior nodes) and rectangles (leaves) and labeled by 'yval'. The edges connecting the nodes are labeled by left and right splits. fwidth: Relates to option 'fancy' and the width of the ellipses and rectangles. If 'fwidth < 1' then it is a scaling factor (default = 0.8). If 'fwidth > 1' then it represents the number of character widths (for current graphical device) to use. fheight: Relates to option 'fancy' and the height of the ellipses and rectangles. If 'fheight <1' then it is a scaling factor (default = 0.8). If 'fheight > 1' then it represents the number of character heights (for current graphical device) to use. ...: Graphical parameters may also be supplied as arguments to this function (see 'par'). As labels often extend outside the plot region it can be helpful to specify 'xpd = TRUE'. _S_i_d_e _E_f_f_e_c_t_s: the current plot of a tree dendrogram is labeled. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'text', 'plot.rpart', 'rpart', 'post.rpart', 'abbreviate' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: freen.tr <- rpart(y ~ ., freeny) plot(freen.tr) text(freen.tr, use.n=TRUE, all=TRUE)