rpart-internal {rpart}R Documentation

Internal Functions


Internal functions, only used by packages rpart and ipred.


pred.rpart(fit, x)
rpart.anova(y, offset, parms, wt)
rpart.class(y, offset, parms, wt)
rpart.exp(y, offset, parms, wt)
rpart.poisson(y, offset, parms, wt)


fit a tree fitted by rpart.
x a matrix of predictors.
y the responses.
offset an offset, or NULL.
parms a list of parameters, usually empty.
wt case weights.
frame model frame (from call to rpart)


rpart.anova, rpart.class, rpart.exp and rpart.poisson return a list with components

y (adjusting for offset if necessary),
parms as input,
numresp the number of responses,
summary a function to be invoked by summary.rpart,
text a function to be invoked by text.rpart.

[Package rpart version 3.1-44 Index]