variogram package:spatial R Documentation _C_o_m_p_u_t_e _S_p_a_t_i_a_l _V_a_r_i_o_g_r_a_m _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Compute spatial (semi-)variogram of spatial data or residuals. _U_s_a_g_e: variogram(krig, nint, plotit = TRUE, ...) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: krig: trend-surface or kriging object with columns 'x', 'y', and 'z' nint: number of bins used plotit: logical for plotting ...: parameters for the plot _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: Divides range of data into 'nint' bins, and computes the average squared difference for pairs with separation in each bin. Returns results for bins with 6 or more pairs. _V_a_l_u_e: 'x' and 'y' coordinates of the variogram and 'cnt', the number of pairs averaged per bin. _S_i_d_e _E_f_f_e_c_t_s: Plots the variogram if 'plotit = TRUE' _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Ripley, B. D. (1981) _Spatial Statistics._ Wiley. Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) _Modern Applied Statistics with S._ Fourth edition. Springer. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'correlogram' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: data(topo, package="MASS") <-, topo) variogram(, 25)