### Name: predict.bSpline ### Title: Evaluate a Spline at New Values of x ### Aliases: predict.bSpline predict.nbSpline predict.pbSpline ### predict.npolySpline predict.ppolySpline ### Keywords: models ### ** Examples require(graphics); require(stats) ispl <- interpSpline( weight ~ height, women ) opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), las = 1) plot(predict(ispl, nseg = 201), # plots over the range of the knots main = "Original data with interpolating spline", type = "l", xlab = "height", ylab = "weight") points(women$height, women$weight, col = 4) plot(predict(ispl, nseg = 201, deriv = 1), main = "First derivative of interpolating spline", type = "l", xlab = "height", ylab = "weight") plot(predict(ispl, nseg = 201, deriv = 2), main = "Second derivative of interpolating spline", type = "l", xlab = "height", ylab = "weight") plot(predict(ispl, nseg = 401, deriv = 3), main = "Third derivative of interpolating spline", type = "l", xlab = "height", ylab = "weight") par(opar)