Entry: AIC Aliases: AIC Keywords: models Description: Akaike's An Information Criterion URL: ../../../library/stats/html/AIC.html Entry: ARMAacf Aliases: ARMAacf Keywords: ts Description: Compute Theoretical ACF for an ARMA Process URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ARMAacf.html Entry: ARMAtoMA Aliases: ARMAtoMA Keywords: ts Description: Convert ARMA Process to Infinite MA Process URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ARMAtoMA.html Entry: Beta Aliases: Beta dbeta pbeta qbeta rbeta Keywords: distribution Description: The Beta Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Beta.html Entry: Binomial Aliases: Binomial dbinom pbinom qbinom rbinom Keywords: distribution Description: The Binomial Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Binomial.html Entry: Cauchy Aliases: Cauchy dcauchy pcauchy qcauchy rcauchy Keywords: distribution Description: The Cauchy Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Cauchy.html Entry: Chisquare Aliases: Chisquare dchisq pchisq qchisq rchisq Keywords: distribution Description: The (non-central) Chi-Squared Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Chisquare.html Entry: Exponential Aliases: Exponential dexp pexp qexp rexp Keywords: distribution Description: The Exponential Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Exponential.html Entry: FDist Aliases: FDist df pf qf rf Keywords: distribution Description: The F Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Fdist.html Entry: GammaDist Aliases: GammaDist dgamma pgamma qgamma rgamma Keywords: distribution Description: The Gamma Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/GammaDist.html Entry: Geometric Aliases: Geometric dgeom pgeom qgeom rgeom Keywords: distribution Description: The Geometric Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Geometric.html Entry: HoltWinters Aliases: HoltWinters print.HoltWinters residuals.HoltWinters Keywords: ts Description: Holt-Winters Filtering URL: ../../../library/stats/html/HoltWinters.html Entry: Hypergeometric Aliases: Hypergeometric dhyper phyper qhyper rhyper Keywords: distribution Description: The Hypergeometric Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Hypergeometric.html Entry: IQR Aliases: IQR Keywords: univar robust distribution Description: The Interquartile Range URL: ../../../library/stats/html/IQR.html Entry: KalmanLike Aliases: KalmanLike KalmanRun KalmanSmooth KalmanForecast makeARIMA Keywords: ts Description: Kalman Filtering URL: ../../../library/stats/html/KalmanLike.html Entry: Logistic Aliases: Logistic dlogis plogis qlogis rlogis Keywords: distribution Description: The Logistic Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Logistic.html Entry: Lognormal Aliases: Lognormal dlnorm plnorm qlnorm rlnorm Keywords: distribution Description: The Log Normal Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Lognormal.html Entry: Multinomial Aliases: Multinomial rmultinom dmultinom Keywords: distribution Description: The Multinomial Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Multinom.html Entry: NLSstAsymptotic Aliases: NLSstAsymptotic NLSstAsymptotic.sortedXyData Keywords: manip Description: Fit the Asymptotic Regression Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/NLSstAsymptotic.html Entry: NLSstClosestX Aliases: NLSstClosestX NLSstClosestX.sortedXyData Keywords: manip Description: Inverse Interpolation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/NLSstClosestX.html Entry: NLSstLfAsymptote Aliases: NLSstLfAsymptote NLSstLfAsymptote.sortedXyData Keywords: manip Description: Horizontal Asymptote on the Left Side URL: ../../../library/stats/html/NLSstLfAsymptote.html Entry: NLSstRtAsymptote Aliases: NLSstRtAsymptote NLSstRtAsymptote.sortedXyData Keywords: manip Description: Horizontal Asymptote on the Right Side URL: ../../../library/stats/html/NLSstRtAsymptote.html Entry: NegBinomial Aliases: NegBinomial dnbinom pnbinom qnbinom rnbinom Keywords: distribution Description: The Negative Binomial Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/NegBinomial.html Entry: Normal Aliases: Normal dnorm pnorm qnorm rnorm Keywords: distribution Description: The Normal Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Normal.html Entry: Poisson Aliases: Poisson dpois ppois qpois rpois Keywords: distribution Description: The Poisson Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Poisson.html Entry: SSD Aliases: SSD estVar Keywords: models multivariate Description: SSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in Multivariate Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSD.html Entry: SSasymp Aliases: SSasymp Keywords: models Description: Asymptotic Regression Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSasymp.html Entry: SSasympOff Aliases: SSasympOff Keywords: models Description: Asymptotic Regression Model with an Offset URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSasympOff.html Entry: SSasympOrig Aliases: SSasympOrig Keywords: models Description: Asymptotic Regression Model through the Origin URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSasympOrig.html Entry: SSbiexp Aliases: SSbiexp Keywords: models Description: Biexponential model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSbiexp.html Entry: SSfol Aliases: SSfol Keywords: models Description: First-order Compartment Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSfol.html Entry: SSfpl Aliases: SSfpl Keywords: models Description: Four-parameter Logistic Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSfpl.html Entry: SSgompertz Aliases: SSgompertz Keywords: models Description: Gompertz Growth Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSgompertz.html Entry: SSlogis Aliases: SSlogis Keywords: models Description: Logistic Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSlogis.html Entry: SSmicmen Aliases: SSmicmen Keywords: models Description: Michaelis-Menten Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSmicmen.html Entry: SSweibull Aliases: SSweibull Keywords: models Description: Weibull growth curve model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SSweibull.html Entry: SignRank Aliases: SignRank dsignrank psignrank qsignrank rsignrank Keywords: distribution Description: Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic URL: ../../../library/stats/html/SignRank.html Entry: StructTS Aliases: StructTS print.StructTS predict.StructTS Keywords: ts Description: Fit Structural Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/StructTS.html Entry: TDist Aliases: TDist dt pt qt rt Keywords: distribution Description: The Student t Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/TDist.html Entry: Tukey Aliases: Tukey ptukey qtukey Keywords: distribution Description: The Studentized Range Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Tukey.html Entry: TukeyHSD Aliases: TukeyHSD TukeyHSD.aov print.TukeyHSD plot.TukeyHSD Keywords: models design Description: Compute Tukey Honest Significant Differences URL: ../../../library/stats/html/TukeyHSD.html Entry: Uniform Aliases: Uniform dunif punif qunif runif Keywords: distribution Description: The Uniform Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Uniform.html Entry: Weibull Aliases: Weibull dweibull pweibull qweibull rweibull Keywords: distribution Description: The Weibull Distribution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Weibull.html Entry: Wilcoxon Aliases: Wilcoxon dwilcox pwilcox qwilcox rwilcox Keywords: distribution Description: Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic URL: ../../../library/stats/html/Wilcoxon.html Entry: acf Aliases: acf ccf pacf pacf.default [.acf Keywords: ts Description: Auto- and Cross- Covariance and -Correlation Function Estimation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/acf.html Entry: acf2AR Aliases: acf2AR Keywords: ts Description: Compute an AR Process Exactly Fitting an ACF URL: ../../../library/stats/html/acf2AR.html Entry: add1 Aliases: add1 add1.default add1.lm add1.glm drop1 drop1.default drop1.lm drop1.glm Keywords: models Description: Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/add1.html Entry: addmargins Aliases: addmargins Keywords: manip array Description: Puts Arbitrary Margins on Multidimensional Tables or Arrays URL: ../../../library/stats/html/addmargins.html Entry: aggregate Aliases: aggregate aggregate.default aggregate.data.frame aggregate.ts Keywords: category array Description: Compute Summary Statistics of Data Subsets URL: ../../../library/stats/html/aggregate.html Entry: alias Aliases: alias alias.formula alias.lm Keywords: models Description: Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/alias.html Entry: anova Aliases: anova print.anova Keywords: regression models Description: Anova Tables URL: ../../../library/stats/html/anova.html Entry: anova.glm Aliases: anova.glm anova.glmlist Keywords: models regression Description: Analysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/anova.glm.html Entry: anova.lm Aliases: anova.lm anova.lmlist Keywords: regression models Description: ANOVA for Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/anova.lm.html Entry: anova.mlm Aliases: anova.mlm anova.mlmlist Keywords: regression models multivariate Description: Comparisons between Multivariate Linear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/anova.mlm.html Entry: ansari.test Aliases: ansari.test ansari.test.default ansari.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Ansari-Bradley Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ansari.test.html Entry: aov Aliases: aov print.aov print.aovlist Error Keywords: models regression Description: Fit an Analysis of Variance Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/aov.html Entry: approxfun Aliases: approx approxfun Keywords: arith dplot Description: Interpolation Functions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/approxfun.html Entry: ar Aliases: ar ar.burg ar.burg.default ar.burg.mts ar.yw ar.yw.default ar.yw.mts ar.mle print.ar predict.ar Keywords: ts Description: Fit Autoregressive Models to Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ar.html Entry: ar.ols Aliases: ar.ols Keywords: ts Description: Fit Autoregressive Models to Time Series by OLS URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ar.ols.html Entry: arima Aliases: arima Keywords: ts Description: ARIMA Modelling of Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/arima.html Entry: arima.sim Aliases: arima.sim Keywords: ts Description: Simulate from an ARIMA Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/arima.sim.html Entry: arima0 Aliases: arima0 print.arima0 predict.arima0 Keywords: ts Description: ARIMA Modelling of Time Series -- Preliminary Version URL: ../../../library/stats/html/arima0.html Entry: as.hclust Aliases: as.hclust as.hclust.default as.hclust.twins Keywords: multivariate cluster Description: Convert Objects to Class hclust URL: ../../../library/stats/html/as.hclust.html Entry: asOneSidedFormula Aliases: asOneSidedFormula Keywords: models Description: Convert to One-Sided Formula URL: ../../../library/stats/html/asOneSidedFormula.html Entry: ave Aliases: ave Keywords: univar Description: Group Averages Over Level Combinations of Factors URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ave.html Entry: bandwidth Aliases: bw.nrd0 bw.nrd bw.ucv bw.bcv bw.SJ Keywords: distribution smooth Description: Bandwidth Selectors for Kernel Density Estimation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/bandwidth.html Entry: bartlett.test Aliases: bartlett.test bartlett.test.default bartlett.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Bartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances URL: ../../../library/stats/html/bartlett.test.html Entry: binom.test Aliases: binom.test Keywords: htest Description: Exact Binomial Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/binom.test.html Entry: biplot Aliases: biplot biplot.default Keywords: hplot multivariate Description: Biplot of Multivariate Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/biplot.html Entry: biplot.princomp Aliases: biplot.princomp biplot.prcomp Keywords: multivariate hplot Description: Biplot for Principal Components URL: ../../../library/stats/html/biplot.princomp.html Entry: birthday Aliases: qbirthday pbirthday Keywords: distribution Description: Probability of coincidences URL: ../../../library/stats/html/birthday.html Entry: Box.test Aliases: Box.test Keywords: ts Description: Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/box.test.html Entry: cancor Aliases: cancor Keywords: multivariate Description: Canonical Correlations URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cancor.html Entry: case/variable.names Aliases: case.names case.names.lm variable.names variable.names.lm Keywords: regression models Description: Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/case.names.html Entry: .checkMFClasses Aliases: .checkMFClasses .MFclass .getXlevels Keywords: utilities Description: Functions to Check the Type of Variables passed to Model Frames URL: ../../../library/stats/html/checkMFClasses.html Entry: chisq.test Aliases: chisq.test Keywords: htest distribution Description: Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/chisq.test.html Entry: clearNames Aliases: clearNames Keywords: list Description: Remove the Names from an Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/clearNames.html Entry: cmdscale Aliases: cmdscale Keywords: multivariate Description: Classical (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cmdscale.html Entry: coef Aliases: coef coefficients Keywords: regression models Description: Extract Model Coefficients URL: ../../../library/stats/html/coef.html Entry: complete.cases Aliases: complete.cases Keywords: NA logic Description: Find Complete Cases URL: ../../../library/stats/html/complete.cases.html Entry: confint Aliases: confint confint.default Keywords: models Description: Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters URL: ../../../library/stats/html/confint.html Entry: constrOptim Aliases: constrOptim Keywords: optimize Description: Linearly constrained optimisation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/constrOptim.html Entry: contrast Aliases: contr.helmert contr.poly contr.sum contr.treatment contr.SAS Keywords: design regression array Description: Contrast Matrices URL: ../../../library/stats/html/contrast.html Entry: contrasts Aliases: contrasts contrasts<- Keywords: design regression Description: Get and Set Contrast Matrices URL: ../../../library/stats/html/contrasts.html Entry: convolve Aliases: convolve Keywords: math dplot Description: Fast Convolution URL: ../../../library/stats/html/convolve.html Entry: cophenetic Aliases: cophenetic cophenetic.default cophenetic.dendrogram Keywords: cluster multivariate Description: Cophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical Clustering URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cophenetic.html Entry: cor Aliases: var cov cor cov2cor Keywords: univar multivariate array Description: Correlation, Variance and Covariance (Matrices) URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cor.html Entry: cor.test Aliases: cor.test cor.test.default cor.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Test for Association/Correlation Between Paired Samples URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cor.test.html Entry: cov.wt Aliases: cov.wt Keywords: multivariate Description: Weighted Covariance Matrices URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cov.wt.html Entry: cpgram Aliases: cpgram Keywords: ts hplot Description: Plot Cumulative Periodogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cpgram.html Entry: cutree Aliases: cutree Keywords: multivariate cluster Description: Cut a tree into groups of data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/cutree.html Entry: decompose Aliases: decompose plot.decomposed.ts Keywords: ts Description: Classical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving Averages URL: ../../../library/stats/html/decompose.html Entry: delete.response Aliases: reformulate drop.terms delete.response [.terms Keywords: programming Description: Modify Terms Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/delete.response.html Entry: dendrapply Aliases: dendrapply Keywords: iteration Description: Apply a Function to All Nodes of a Dendrogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/dendrapply.html Entry: dendrogram Aliases: dendrogram as.dendrogram as.dendrogram.dendrogram as.dendrogram.hclust cut.dendrogram [[.dendrogram print.dendrogram rev.dendrogram str.dendrogram plot.dendrogram is.leaf Keywords: multivariate tree hplot Description: General Tree Structures URL: ../../../library/stats/html/dendrogram.html Entry: density Aliases: density density.default print.density Keywords: distribution smooth Description: Kernel Density Estimation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/density.html Entry: deriv Aliases: D deriv deriv.default deriv.formula deriv3 deriv3.default deriv3.formula Keywords: math nonlinear Description: Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple Expressions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/deriv.html Entry: deviance Aliases: deviance Keywords: models Description: Model Deviance URL: ../../../library/stats/html/deviance.html Entry: df.residual Aliases: df.residual Keywords: models regression Description: Residual Degrees-of-Freedom URL: ../../../library/stats/html/df.residual.html Entry: diffinv Aliases: diffinv diffinv.default diffinv.ts Keywords: ts Description: Discrete Integration: Inverse of Differencing URL: ../../../library/stats/html/diffinv.html Entry: dist Aliases: dist print.dist format.dist labels.dist as.matrix.dist as.dist as.dist.default Keywords: multivariate cluster Description: Distance Matrix Computation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/dist.html Entry: dummy.coef Aliases: dummy.coef dummy.coef.lm dummy.coef.aovlist Keywords: models Description: Extract Coefficients in Original Coding URL: ../../../library/stats/html/dummy.coef.html Entry: ecdf Aliases: ecdf plot.ecdf print.ecdf summary.ecdf Keywords: dplot hplot Description: Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ecdf.html Entry: eff.aovlist Aliases: eff.aovlist Keywords: models Description: Compute Efficiencies of Multistratum Analysis of Variance URL: ../../../library/stats/html/eff.aovlist.html Entry: effects Aliases: effects effects.lm effects.glm Keywords: models regression Description: Effects from Fitted Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/effects.html Entry: embed Aliases: embed Keywords: ts Description: Embedding a Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/embed.html Entry: expand.model.frame Aliases: expand.model.frame Keywords: manip regression Description: Add new variables to a model frame URL: ../../../library/stats/html/expand.model.frame.html Entry: extractAIC Aliases: extractAIC Keywords: models Description: Extract AIC from a Fitted Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/extractAIC.html Entry: factanal Aliases: factanal Keywords: multivariate Description: Factor Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/factanal.html Entry: factor.scope Aliases: add.scope drop.scope factor.scope Keywords: models Description: Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or Dropping from a Formula URL: ../../../library/stats/html/factor.scope.html Entry: family Aliases: family binomial gaussian Gamma inverse.gaussian poisson quasi quasibinomial quasipoisson print.family Keywords: models Description: Family Objects for Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/family.html Entry: fft Aliases: fft mvfft Keywords: math dplot Description: Fast Discrete Fourier Transform URL: ../../../library/stats/html/fft.html Entry: filter Aliases: filter Keywords: ts Description: Linear Filtering on a Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/filter.html Entry: fisher.test Aliases: fisher.test Keywords: htest Description: Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/fisher.test.html Entry: fitted Aliases: fitted.values fitted fitted.default Keywords: models regression Description: Extract Model Fitted Values URL: ../../../library/stats/html/fitted.values.html Entry: fivenum Aliases: fivenum Keywords: univar robust distribution Description: Tukey Five-Number Summaries URL: ../../../library/stats/html/fivenum.html Entry: fligner.test Aliases: fligner.test fligner.test.default fligner.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Fligner-Killeen Test of Homogeneity of Variances URL: ../../../library/stats/html/fligner.test.html Entry: formula Aliases: formula formula.default formula.formula formula.terms formula.data.frame as.formula print.formula [.formula Keywords: models Description: Model Formulae URL: ../../../library/stats/html/formula.html Entry: formula.nls Aliases: formula.nls Keywords: models Description: Extract Model Formula from nls Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/formula.nls.html Entry: friedman.test Aliases: friedman.test friedman.test.default friedman.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Friedman Rank Sum Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/friedman.test.html Entry: ftable Aliases: ftable ftable.default print.ftable Keywords: category Description: Flat Contingency Tables URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ftable.html Entry: ftable.formula Aliases: ftable.formula Keywords: category Description: Formula Notation for Flat Contingency Tables URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ftable.formula.html Entry: getInitial Aliases: getInitial getInitial.default getInitial.formula getInitial.selfStart Keywords: models nonlinear manip Description: Get Initial Parameter Estimates URL: ../../../library/stats/html/getInitial.html Entry: glm Aliases: glm glm.fit weights.glm print.glm Keywords: models regression Description: Fitting Generalized Linear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/glm.html Entry: glm.control Aliases: glm.control Keywords: optimize models Description: Auxiliary for Controlling GLM Fitting URL: ../../../library/stats/html/glm.control.html Entry: glm.summaries Aliases: family.glm residuals.glm Keywords: models regression Description: Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/glm.summaries.html Entry: hclust Aliases: hclust plot.hclust plclust print.hclust Keywords: multivariate cluster Description: Hierarchical Clustering URL: ../../../library/stats/html/hclust.html Entry: heatmap Aliases: heatmap Keywords: hplot Description: Draw a Heat Map URL: ../../../library/stats/html/heatmap.html Entry: identify.hclust Aliases: identify.hclust Keywords: cluster iplot Description: Identify Clusters in a Dendrogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/identify.hclust.html Entry: influence.measures Aliases: influence.measures print.infl summary.infl hat hatvalues hatvalues.lm rstandard rstandard.lm rstandard.glm rstudent rstudent.lm rstudent.glm dfbeta dfbeta.lm dfbetas dfbetas.lm dffits covratio cooks.distance cooks.distance.lm cooks.distance.glm Keywords: regression Description: Regression Deletion Diagnostics URL: ../../../library/stats/html/influence.measures.html Entry: integrate Aliases: integrate print.integrate Keywords: math utilities Description: Integration of One-Dimensional Functions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/integrate.html Entry: interaction.plot Aliases: interaction.plot Keywords: hplot Description: Two-way Interaction Plot URL: ../../../library/stats/html/interaction.plot.html Entry: is.empty.model Aliases: is.empty.model Keywords: models Description: Check if a Model is Empty URL: ../../../library/stats/html/is.empty.html Entry: isoreg Aliases: isoreg Keywords: regression smooth Description: Isotonic / Monotone Regression URL: ../../../library/stats/html/isoreg.html Entry: kernapply Aliases: kernapply kernapply.default kernapply.ts kernapply.tskernel kernapply.vector Keywords: ts Description: Apply Smoothing Kernel URL: ../../../library/stats/html/kernapply.html Entry: kernel Aliases: kernel bandwidth.kernel df.kernel is.tskernel plot.tskernel Keywords: ts Description: Smoothing Kernel Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/kernel.html Entry: kmeans Aliases: kmeans print.kmeans Keywords: multivariate cluster Description: K-Means Clustering URL: ../../../library/stats/html/kmeans.html Entry: kruskal.test Aliases: kruskal.test kruskal.test.default kruskal.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/kruskal.test.html Entry: ks.test Aliases: ks.test Keywords: htest Description: Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ks.test.html Entry: ksmooth Aliases: ksmooth Keywords: smooth Description: Kernel Regression Smoother URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ksmooth.html Entry: lag Aliases: lag lag.default Keywords: ts Description: Lag a Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lag.html Entry: lag.plot Aliases: lag.plot Keywords: hplot ts Description: Time Series Lag Plots URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lag.plot.html Entry: line Aliases: line residuals.tukeyline Keywords: robust regression Description: Robust Line Fitting URL: ../../../library/stats/html/line.html Entry: lm Aliases: lm print.lm Keywords: regression Description: Fitting Linear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lm.html Entry: lm.influence Aliases: lm.influence influence influence.lm influence.glm Keywords: regression Description: Regression Diagnostics URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lm.influence.html Entry: lm.summaries Aliases: family.lm formula.lm residuals.lm labels.lm weights weights.default Keywords: regression models Description: Accessing Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lm.summaries.html Entry: lm.fit Aliases: lm.fit lm.wfit Keywords: regression array Description: Fitter Functions for Linear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lmfit.html Entry: loadings Aliases: loadings print.loadings print.factanal Keywords: multivariate print Description: Print Loadings in Factor Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/loadings.html Entry: loess Aliases: loess Keywords: smooth loess Description: Local Polynomial Regression Fitting URL: ../../../library/stats/html/loess.html Entry: loess.control Aliases: loess.control Keywords: smooth loess Description: Set Parameters for Loess URL: ../../../library/stats/html/loess.control.html Entry: logLik Aliases: logLik print.logLik str.logLik logLik.lm Keywords: models Description: Extract Log-Likelihood URL: ../../../library/stats/html/logLik.html Entry: loglin Aliases: loglin Keywords: category models Description: Fitting Log-Linear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/loglin.html Entry: lowess Aliases: lowess Keywords: smooth Description: Scatter Plot Smoothing URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lowess.html Entry: ls.diag Aliases: ls.diag Keywords: regression Description: Compute Diagnostics for 'lsfit' Regression Results URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ls.diag.html Entry: ls.print Aliases: ls.print Keywords: regression Description: Print 'lsfit' Regression Results URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ls.print.html Entry: lsfit Aliases: lsfit Keywords: regression Description: Find the Least Squares Fit URL: ../../../library/stats/html/lsfit.html Entry: mad Aliases: mad Keywords: univar robust Description: Median Absolute Deviation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mad.html Entry: mahalanobis Aliases: mahalanobis Keywords: multivariate Description: Mahalanobis Distance URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mahalanobis.html Entry: make.link Aliases: make.link Keywords: models Description: Create a Link for GLM Families URL: ../../../library/stats/html/make.link.html Entry: makepredictcall Aliases: makepredictcall makepredictcall.default SafePrediction Keywords: models Description: Utility Function for Safe Prediction URL: ../../../library/stats/html/makepredictcall.html Entry: manova Aliases: manova Keywords: models Description: Multivariate Analysis of Variance URL: ../../../library/stats/html/manova.html Entry: mantelhaen.test Aliases: mantelhaen.test Keywords: htest Description: Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for Count Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mantelhaen.test.html Entry: mauchly.test Aliases: mauchly.test mauchly.test.SSD mauchly.test.mlm Keywords: htest models multivariate Description: Mauchly's Test of Sphericity URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mauchly.test.html Entry: mcnemar.test Aliases: mcnemar.test Keywords: htest Description: McNemar's Chi-squared Test for Count Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mcnemar.test.html Entry: median Aliases: median median.default Keywords: univar robust Description: Median Value URL: ../../../library/stats/html/median.html Entry: medpolish Aliases: medpolish Keywords: robust Description: Median Polish of a Matrix URL: ../../../library/stats/html/medpolish.html Entry: model.extract Aliases: model.extract model.offset model.response model.weights Keywords: manip programming models Description: Extract Components from a Model Frame URL: ../../../library/stats/html/model.extract.html Entry: model.frame Aliases: model.frame model.frame.default model.frame.lm model.frame.glm model.frame.aovlist get_all_vars Keywords: models Description: Extracting the "Environment" of a Model Formula URL: ../../../library/stats/html/model.frame.html Entry: model.matrix Aliases: model.matrix model.matrix.default model.matrix.lm Keywords: models Description: Construct Design Matrices URL: ../../../library/stats/html/model.matrix.html Entry: model.tables Aliases: model.tables model.tables.aov model.tables.aovlist Keywords: models Description: Compute Tables of Results from an Aov Model Fit URL: ../../../library/stats/html/model.tables.html Entry: monthplot Aliases: monthplot monthplot.default monthplot.ts monthplot.stl monthplot.StructTS Keywords: hplot ts Description: Plot a Seasonal or other Subseries from a Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/monthplot.html Entry: mood.test Aliases: mood.test mood.test.default mood.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Mood Two-Sample Test of Scale URL: ../../../library/stats/html/mood.test.html Entry: na.action Aliases: na.action na.action.default Keywords: NA methods Description: NA Action URL: ../../../library/stats/html/na.action.html Entry: na.contiguous Aliases: na.contiguous na.contiguous.default Keywords: ts Description: Find Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs URL: ../../../library/stats/html/na.contiguous.html Entry: na.fail Aliases: na.fail na.fail.default na.omit na.omit.data.frame na.omit.default na.exclude na.exclude.data.frame na.exclude.default na.pass Keywords: NA Description: Handle Missing Values in Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/na.fail.html Entry: naresid Aliases: naresid naresid.default naresid.exclude napredict napredict.default napredict.exclude Keywords: NA models Description: Adjust for Missing Values URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nafns.html Entry: naprint Aliases: naprint naprint.default naprint.exclude naprint.omit Keywords: NA models Description: Adjust for Missing Values URL: ../../../library/stats/html/naprint.html Entry: nextn Aliases: nextn Keywords: math Description: Highly Composite Numbers URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nextn.html Entry: nlm Aliases: nlm Keywords: nonlinear optimize Description: Non-Linear Minimization URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nlm.html Entry: nlminb Aliases: nlminb Keywords: optimize Description: Optimization using PORT routines URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nlminb.html Entry: nls Aliases: nls Keywords: nonlinear regression models Description: Nonlinear Least Squares URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nls.html Entry: nls.control Aliases: nls.control Keywords: nonlinear regression models Description: Control the Iterations in nls URL: ../../../library/stats/html/nls.control.html Entry: numericDeriv Aliases: numericDeriv Keywords: models Description: Evaluate derivatives numerically URL: ../../../library/stats/html/numericDeriv.html Entry: offset Aliases: offset Keywords: models Description: Include an Offset in a Model Formula URL: ../../../library/stats/html/offset.html Entry: oneway.test Aliases: oneway.test Keywords: htest Description: Test for Equal Means in a One-Way Layout URL: ../../../library/stats/html/oneway.test.html Entry: optim Aliases: optim Keywords: nonlinear optimize Description: General-purpose Optimization URL: ../../../library/stats/html/optim.html Entry: optimize Aliases: optimize optimise Keywords: optimize Description: One Dimensional Optimization URL: ../../../library/stats/html/optimize.html Entry: order.dendrogram Aliases: order.dendrogram labels.dendrogram Keywords: manip Description: Ordering or Labels of the Leaves in a Dendrogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/order.dendrogram.html Entry: p.adjust Aliases: p.adjust p.adjust.methods Keywords: htest Description: Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons URL: ../../../library/stats/html/p.adjust.html Entry: pairwise.prop.test Aliases: pairwise.prop.test Keywords: htest Description: Pairwise comparisons for proportions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/pairwise.prop.test.html Entry: pairwise.t.test Aliases: pairwise.t.test Keywords: htest Description: Pairwise t tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/pairwise.t.test.html Entry: pairwise.table Aliases: pairwise.table Keywords: htest Description: Tabulate p values for pairwise comparisons URL: ../../../library/stats/html/pairwise.table.html Entry: pairwise.wilcox.test Aliases: pairwise.wilcox.test Keywords: htest Description: Pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/pairwise.wilcox.test.html Entry: plot.HoltWinters Aliases: plot.HoltWinters Keywords: ts Description: Plot function for HoltWinters objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.HoltWinters.html Entry: plot.acf Aliases: plot.acf Keywords: hplot ts Description: Plot Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.acf.html Entry: plot.density Aliases: plot.density Keywords: dplot Description: Plot Method for Kernel Density Estimation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.density.html Entry: plot.isoreg Aliases: plot.isoreg lines.isoreg Keywords: hplot print Description: Plot Method for isoreg Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.isoreg.html Entry: plot.lm Aliases: plot.lm plot.mlm Keywords: hplot regression Description: Plot Diagnostics for an lm Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.lm.html Entry: plot.ppr Aliases: plot.ppr Keywords: hplot Description: Plot Ridge Functions for Projection Pursuit Regression Fit URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.ppr.html Entry: plot.profile.nls Aliases: plot.profile.nls Keywords: nonlinear regression models Description: Plot a profile.nls Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.profile.nls.html Entry: plot.spec Aliases: plot.spec plot.spec.coherency plot.spec.phase Keywords: hplot ts Description: Plotting Spectral Densities URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.spec.html Entry: plot.stepfun Aliases: plot.stepfun lines.stepfun Keywords: hplot Description: Plot Step Functions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.stepfun.html Entry: plot.ts Aliases: plot.ts lines.ts Keywords: hplot ts Description: Plotting Time-Series Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/plot.ts.html Entry: poisson.test Aliases: poisson.test Keywords: htest Description: Exact Poisson tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/poisson.test.html Entry: poly Aliases: poly polym predict.poly makepredictcall.poly Keywords: math Description: Compute Orthogonal Polynomials URL: ../../../library/stats/html/poly.html Entry: power Aliases: power Keywords: models Description: Create a Power Link Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/power.html Entry: power.anova.test Aliases: power.anova.test Keywords: htest Description: Power calculations for balanced one-way analysis of variance tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/power.anova.test.html Entry: power.prop.test Aliases: power.prop.test Keywords: htest Description: Power calculations two sample test for proportions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/power.prop.test.html Entry: power.t.test Aliases: power.t.test Keywords: htest Description: Power calculations for one and two sample t tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/power.t.test.html Entry: PP.test Aliases: PP.test Keywords: ts Description: Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots URL: ../../../library/stats/html/pp.test.html Entry: ppoints Aliases: ppoints Keywords: dplot arith distribution Description: Ordinates for Probability Plotting URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ppoints.html Entry: ppr Aliases: ppr ppr.default ppr.formula Keywords: regression Description: Projection Pursuit Regression URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ppr.html Entry: prcomp Aliases: prcomp prcomp.formula prcomp.default plot.prcomp predict.prcomp print.prcomp summary.prcomp print.summary.prcomp Keywords: multivariate Description: Principal Components Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/prcomp.html Entry: predict.HoltWinters Aliases: predict.HoltWinters Keywords: ts Description: prediction function for fitted Holt-Winters models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.HoltWinters.html Entry: predict Aliases: predict Keywords: methods Description: Model Predictions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.html Entry: predict.Arima Aliases: predict.Arima Keywords: ts Description: Forecast from ARIMA fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.arima.html Entry: predict.glm Aliases: predict.glm Keywords: models regression Description: Predict Method for GLM Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.glm.html Entry: predict.lm Aliases: predict.lm predict.mlm Keywords: regression Description: Predict method for Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.lm.html Entry: predict.loess Aliases: predict.loess Keywords: smooth Description: Predict Loess Curve or Surface URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.loess.html Entry: predict.nls Aliases: predict.nls Keywords: nonlinear regression models Description: Predicting from Nonlinear Least Squares Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.nls.html Entry: predict.smooth.spline Aliases: predict.smooth.spline Keywords: smooth Description: Predict from Smoothing Spline Fit URL: ../../../library/stats/html/predict.smooth.spline.html Entry: preplot Aliases: preplot Keywords: models Description: Pre-computations for a Plotting Objeect URL: ../../../library/stats/html/preplot.html Entry: princomp Aliases: princomp princomp.formula princomp.default plot.princomp print.princomp predict.princomp Keywords: multivariate Description: Principal Components Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/princomp.html Entry: print.power.htest Aliases: print.power.htest Keywords: htest Description: Print method for power calculation object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/print.power.htest.html Entry: print.ts Aliases: print.ts Keywords: ts Description: Printing Time-Series Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/print.ts.html Entry: printCoefmat Aliases: printCoefmat Keywords: print Description: Print Coefficient Matrices URL: ../../../library/stats/html/printCoefmat.html Entry: profile Aliases: profile Keywords: models Description: Generic Function for Profiling Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/profile.html Entry: profile.nls Aliases: profile.nls Keywords: nonlinear regression models Description: Method for Profiling nls Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/profile.nls.html Entry: proj Aliases: proj proj.default proj.lm proj.aov proj.aovlist Keywords: models Description: Projections of Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/proj.html Entry: prop.test Aliases: prop.test Keywords: htest Description: Test of Equal or Given Proportions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/prop.test.html Entry: prop.trend.test Aliases: prop.trend.test Keywords: htest Description: Test for trend in proportions URL: ../../../library/stats/html/prop.trend.test.html Entry: qqnorm Aliases: qqnorm qqnorm.default qqplot qqline Keywords: hplot distribution Description: Quantile-Quantile Plots URL: ../../../library/stats/html/qqnorm.html Entry: quade.test Aliases: quade.test quade.test.default quade.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Quade Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/quade.test.html Entry: quantile Aliases: quantile quantile.default Keywords: univar Description: Sample Quantiles URL: ../../../library/stats/html/quantile.html Entry: r2dtable Aliases: r2dtable Keywords: distribution Description: Random 2-way Tables with Given Marginals URL: ../../../library/stats/html/r2dtable.html Entry: read.ftable Aliases: read.ftable write.ftable format.ftable Keywords: category Description: Manipulate Flat Contingency Tables URL: ../../../library/stats/html/read.ftable.html Entry: rect.hclust Aliases: rect.hclust Keywords: aplot cluster Description: Draw Rectangles Around Hierarchical Clusters URL: ../../../library/stats/html/rect.hclust.html Entry: relevel Aliases: relevel relevel.default relevel.factor relevel.ordered Keywords: utilities models Description: Reorder Levels of Factor URL: ../../../library/stats/html/relevel.html Entry: reorder.dendrogram Aliases: reorder.dendrogram Keywords: manip Description: Reorder a Dendrogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/reorder.dendrogram.html Entry: reorder.factor Aliases: reorder reorder.factor reorder.character Keywords: utilities Description: Reorder Levels of a Factor URL: ../../../library/stats/html/reorder.factor.html Entry: replications Aliases: replications Keywords: models Description: Number of Replications of Terms URL: ../../../library/stats/html/replications.html Entry: reshape Aliases: reshape Keywords: manip Description: Reshape Grouped Data URL: ../../../library/stats/html/reshape.html Entry: residuals Aliases: residuals resid residuals.default Keywords: models regression Description: Extract Model Residuals URL: ../../../library/stats/html/residuals.html Entry: runmed Aliases: runmed Keywords: smooth robust Description: Running Medians -- Robust Scatter Plot Smoothing URL: ../../../library/stats/html/runmed.html Entry: scatter.smooth Aliases: scatter.smooth loess.smooth Keywords: smooth Description: Scatter Plot with Smooth Curve Fitted by Loess URL: ../../../library/stats/html/scatter.smooth.html Entry: screeplot Aliases: screeplot screeplot.default Keywords: multivariate Description: Screeplots URL: ../../../library/stats/html/screeplot.html Entry: sd Aliases: sd Keywords: univar Description: Standard Deviation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/sd.html Entry: se.contrast Aliases: se.contrast se.contrast.aov se.contrast.aovlist Keywords: models Description: Standard Errors for Contrasts in Model Terms URL: ../../../library/stats/html/se.contrast.html Entry: selfStart Aliases: selfStart selfStart.default selfStart.formula Keywords: models Description: Construct Self-starting Nonlinear Models URL: ../../../library/stats/html/selfStart.html Entry: setNames Aliases: setNames Keywords: list Description: Set the Names in an Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/setNames.html Entry: shapiro.test Aliases: shapiro.test Keywords: htest Description: Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/shapiro.test.html Entry: simulate Aliases: simulate Keywords: models datagen Description: Simulate Responses URL: ../../../library/stats/html/simulate.html Entry: smooth Aliases: smooth Keywords: robust smooth Description: Tukey's (Running Median) Smoothing URL: ../../../library/stats/html/smooth.html Entry: smooth.spline Aliases: smooth.spline Keywords: smooth Description: Fit a Smoothing Spline URL: ../../../library/stats/html/smooth.spline.html Entry: smoothEnds Aliases: smoothEnds Keywords: smooth robust Description: End Points Smoothing (for Running Medians) URL: ../../../library/stats/html/smoothEnds.html Entry: sortedXyData Aliases: sortedXyData sortedXyData.default Keywords: manip Description: Create a sortedXyData object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/sortedXyData.html Entry: spec.ar Aliases: spec.ar Keywords: ts Description: Estimate Spectral Density of a Time Series from AR Fit URL: ../../../library/stats/html/spec.ar.html Entry: spec.pgram Aliases: spec.pgram Keywords: ts Description: Estimate Spectral Density of a Time Series by a Smoothed Periodogram URL: ../../../library/stats/html/spec.pgram.html Entry: spec.taper Aliases: spec.taper Keywords: ts Description: Taper a Time Series by a Cosine Bell URL: ../../../library/stats/html/spec.taper.html Entry: spectrum Aliases: spectrum spec Keywords: ts Description: Spectral Density Estimation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/spectrum.html Entry: splinefun Aliases: spline splinefun splinefunH Keywords: math dplot Description: Interpolating Splines URL: ../../../library/stats/html/splinefun.html Entry: start Aliases: start end Keywords: ts Description: Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/start.html Entry: stat.anova Aliases: stat.anova Keywords: regression models Description: GLM Anova Statistics URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stat.anova.html Entry: stats-defunct Aliases: stats-defunct dnchisq pnchisq qnchisq rnchisq reshapeLong reshapeWide plot.mts print.coefmat anovalist.lm lm.fit.null lm.wfit.null glm.fit.null mauchley.test Keywords: internal Description: Defunct Functions in Package stats URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stats-defunct.html Entry: stats-deprecated Aliases: stats-deprecated Keywords: misc Description: Deprecated Functions in Stats package URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stats-deprecated.html Entry: stats-package Aliases: stats-package stats Keywords: package Description: The R Stats Package URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stats-package.html Entry: step Aliases: step Keywords: models Description: Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm URL: ../../../library/stats/html/step.html Entry: stepfun Aliases: stepfun is.stepfun as.stepfun print.stepfun summary.stepfun knots Keywords: dplot Description: Step Function Class URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stepfun.html Entry: stl Aliases: stl Keywords: ts Description: Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stl.html Entry: stlmethods Aliases: plot.stl Keywords: ts Description: Methods for STL Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/stlmethods.html Entry: summary.aov Aliases: summary.aov summary.aovlist print.summary.aov print.summary.aovlist Keywords: models regression Description: Summarize an Analysis of Variance Model URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.aov.html Entry: summary.glm Aliases: summary.glm print.summary.glm Keywords: models regression Description: Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.glm.html Entry: summary.lm Aliases: summary.lm summary.mlm print.summary.lm Keywords: regression models Description: Summarizing Linear Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.lm.html Entry: summary.manova Aliases: summary.manova print.summary.manova Keywords: models Description: Summary Method for Multivariate Analysis of Variance URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.manova.html Entry: summary.nls Aliases: summary.nls print.summary.nls Keywords: regression models Description: Summarizing Non-Linear Least-Squares Model Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.nls.html Entry: summary.princomp Aliases: summary.princomp print.summary.princomp Keywords: multivariate Description: Summary method for Principal Components Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/summary.princomp.html Entry: supsmu Aliases: supsmu Keywords: smooth Description: Friedman's SuperSmoother URL: ../../../library/stats/html/supsmu.html Entry: symnum Aliases: symnum Keywords: utilities character Description: Symbolic Number Coding URL: ../../../library/stats/html/symnum.html Entry: t.test Aliases: t.test t.test.default t.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Student's t-Test URL: ../../../library/stats/html/t.test.html Entry: termplot Aliases: termplot Keywords: hplot regression Description: Plot regression terms URL: ../../../library/stats/html/termplot.html Entry: terms Aliases: terms terms.terms terms.aovlist terms.default print.terms labels.terms Keywords: models Description: Model Terms URL: ../../../library/stats/html/terms.html Entry: terms.formula Aliases: terms.formula Keywords: models Description: Construct a terms Object from a Formula URL: ../../../library/stats/html/terms.formula.html Entry: terms.object Aliases: terms.object Keywords: models Description: Description of Terms Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/terms.object.html Entry: time Aliases: time cycle frequency deltat time.default Keywords: ts Description: Sampling Times of Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/time.html Entry: toeplitz Aliases: toeplitz Keywords: ts Description: Form Symmetric Toeplitz Matrix URL: ../../../library/stats/html/toeplitz.html Entry: ts-defunct Aliases: arima0.diag Keywords: ts internal Description: Defunct functions in Package ts URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ts-defunct.html Entry: ts-methods Aliases: diff.ts na.omit.ts Keywords: ts Description: Methods for Time Series Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ts-methods.html Entry: ts Aliases: ts as.ts as.ts.default is.ts Ops.ts cbind.ts is.mts [.ts t.ts Keywords: ts Description: Time-Series Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ts.html Entry: ts.plot Aliases: ts.plot Keywords: ts Description: Plot Multiple Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ts.plot.html Entry: ts.union Aliases: ts.union ts.intersect Keywords: ts Description: Bind Two or More Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/ts.union.html Entry: tsSmooth Aliases: tsSmooth tsSmooth.StructTS Keywords: ts Description: Use Fixed-Interval Smoothing on Time Series URL: ../../../library/stats/html/tsSmooth.html Entry: tsdiag Aliases: tsdiag tsdiag.arima0 tsdiag.Arima tsdiag.StructTS Keywords: ts Description: Diagnostic Plots for Time-Series Fits URL: ../../../library/stats/html/tsdiag.html Entry: tsp Aliases: tsp tsp<- hasTsp Keywords: ts Description: Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects URL: ../../../library/stats/html/tsp.html Entry: uniroot Aliases: uniroot Keywords: optimize Description: One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding URL: ../../../library/stats/html/uniroot.html Entry: update Aliases: update update.default Keywords: models Description: Update and Re-fit a Model Call URL: ../../../library/stats/html/update.html Entry: update.formula Aliases: update.formula Keywords: models Description: Model Updating URL: ../../../library/stats/html/update.formula.html Entry: var.test Aliases: var.test var.test.default var.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: F Test to Compare Two Variances URL: ../../../library/stats/html/var.test.html Entry: varimax Aliases: promax varimax Keywords: multivariate Description: Rotation Methods for Factor Analysis URL: ../../../library/stats/html/varimax.html Entry: vcov Aliases: vcov vcov.lm vcov.glm vcov.lme vcov.gls Keywords: models nonlinear Description: Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object URL: ../../../library/stats/html/vcov.html Entry: weighted.mean Aliases: weighted.mean Keywords: univar Description: Weighted Arithmetic Mean URL: ../../../library/stats/html/weighted.mean.html Entry: weighted.residuals Aliases: weighted.residuals Keywords: regression Description: Compute Weighted Residuals URL: ../../../library/stats/html/weighted.residuals.html Entry: wilcox.test Aliases: wilcox.test wilcox.test.default wilcox.test.formula Keywords: htest Description: Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests URL: ../../../library/stats/html/wilcox.test.html Entry: window Aliases: window window.default window.ts window<- window<-.ts Keywords: ts Description: Time Windows URL: ../../../library/stats/html/window.html Entry: xtabs Aliases: xtabs print.xtabs Keywords: category Description: Cross Tabulation URL: ../../../library/stats/html/xtabs.html Entry: C Aliases: C Keywords: models Description: Sets Contrasts for a Factor URL: ../../../library/stats/html/zC.html