### Name: monthplot ### Title: Plot a Seasonal or other Subseries from a Time Series ### Aliases: monthplot monthplot.default monthplot.ts monthplot.stl ### monthplot.StructTS ### Keywords: hplot ts ### ** Examples require(graphics) ## The CO2 data fit <- stl(log(co2), s.window = 20, t.window = 20) plot(fit) op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2)) monthplot(co2, ylab = "data", cex.axis = 0.8) monthplot(fit, choice = "seasonal", cex.axis = 0.8) monthplot(fit, choice = "trend", cex.axis = 0.8) monthplot(fit, choice = "remainder", type = "h", cex.axis = 0.8) par(op) ## The CO2 data, grouped quarterly quarter <- (cycle(co2) - 1) %/% 3 monthplot(co2, phase = quarter) ## see also JohnsonJohnson