### Name: smooth ### Title: Tukey's (Running Median) Smoothing ### Aliases: smooth ### Keywords: robust smooth ### ** Examples require(graphics) ## see also demo(smooth) ! x1 <- c(4, 1, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 6, 2, 4, 2) # very artificial (x3R <- smooth(x1, "3R")) # 2 iterations of "3" smooth(x3R, kind = "S") sm.3RS <- function(x, ...) smooth(smooth(x, "3R", ...), "S", ...) y <- c(1,1, 19:1) plot(y, main = "misbehaviour of \"3RSR\"", col.main = 3) lines(sm.3RS(y)) lines(smooth(y)) lines(smooth(y, "3RSR"), col = 3, lwd = 2)# the horror x <- c(8:10,10, 0,0, 9,9) plot(x, main = "breakdown of 3R and S and hence 3RSS") matlines(cbind(smooth(x,"3R"),smooth(x,"S"), smooth(x,"3RSS"),smooth(x))) presidents[is.na(presidents)] <- 0 # silly summary(sm3 <- smooth(presidents, "3R")) summary(sm2 <- smooth(presidents,"3RSS")) summary(sm <- smooth(presidents)) all.equal(c(sm2),c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "S"))) # 3RSS === 3R S S all.equal(c(sm), c(smooth(smooth(sm3, "S"), "3R")))# 3RS3R === 3R S 3R plot(presidents, main = "smooth(presidents0, *) : 3R and default 3RS3R") lines(sm3,col = 3, lwd = 1.5) lines(sm, col = 2, lwd = 1.25)