### Name: C ### Title: Sets Contrasts for a Factor ### Aliases: C ### Keywords: models ### ** Examples ## reset contrasts to defaults options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) tens <- with(warpbreaks, C(tension, poly, 1)) attributes(tens) ## tension SHOULD be an ordered factor, but as it is not we can use aov(breaks ~ wool + tens + tension, data=warpbreaks) ## show the use of ... The default contrast is contr.treatment here summary(lm(breaks ~ wool + C(tension, base=2), data=warpbreaks)) # following on from help(esoph) model3 <- glm(cbind(ncases, ncontrols) ~ agegp + C(tobgp, , 1) + C(alcgp, , 1), data = esoph, family = binomial()) summary(model3)