profile-methods {stats4}R Documentation

Methods for Function profile in Package ‘stats4’


Profile likelihood for "mle" objects.


## S4 method for signature 'mle':
profile(fitted, which = 1:p, maxsteps = 100, alpha = 0.01,
        zmax = sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha, 1L)), del = zmax/5,
        trace = FALSE, ...)


fitted Object to be profiled
which Optionally select subset of parameters to profile.
maxsteps Maximum number of steps to bracket zmax.
alpha Significance level corresponding to zmax, based on a Scheffe-style multiple testing interval. Ignored if zmax is specified.
zmax Cutoff for the profiled value of the signed root-likelihood.
del Initial stepsize on root-likelihood scale.
trace Logical. Print intermediate results.
... Currently unused.


The profiling algoritm tries to find an approximately evenly spaced set of at least five parameter values (in each direction from the optimum) to cover the root-likelihood function. Some care is taken to try and get sensible results in cases of high parameter curvature. Notice that it may not always be possible to obtain the cutoff value, since the likelihood might level off.


An object of class "profile.mle", see "profile.mle-class".


fitted = "ANY"
Generic function: see profile.
fitted = "mle"
Profile the likelihood in the vicinity of the optimum of an "mle" object.

[Package stats4 version 2.9.1 Index]