survexp package:survival R Documentation _C_o_m_p_u_t_e _E_x_p_e_c_t_e_d _S_u_r_v_i_v_a_l _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Returns either the expected survival of a cohort of subjects, or the individual expected survival for each subject. _U_s_a_g_e: survexp(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, times, cohort=TRUE, conditional=FALSE,, scale=1, npoints,, model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=FALSE) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: formula: formula object. The response variable is a vector of follow-up times and is optional. The predictors consist of optional grouping variables separated by the '+' operator (as in 'survfit'), along with a 'ratetable' term. The 'ratetable' term matches each subject to his/her expected cohort. data: data frame in which to interpret the variables named in the 'formula', 'subset' and 'weights' arguments. weights: case weights. subset: expression indicating a subset of the rows of 'data' to be used in the fit. na.action: function to filter missing data. This is applied to the model frame after 'subset' has been applied. Default is 'options()$na.action'. A possible value for 'na.action' is 'na.omit', which deletes observations that contain one or more missing values. times: vector of follow-up times at which the resulting survival curve is evaluated. If absent, the result will be reported for each unique value of the vector of follow-up times supplied in 'formula'. cohort: logical value: if 'FALSE', each subject is treated as a subgroup of size 1. The default is 'TRUE'. conditional: logical value: if 'TRUE', the follow-up times supplied in 'formula' are death times and conditional expected survival is computed. If 'FALSE', the follow-up times are potential censoring times. If follow-up times are missing in 'formula', this argument is ignored. ratetable: a table of event rates, such as 'survexp.uswhite', or a fitted Cox model. scale: numeric value to scale the results. If 'ratetable' is in units/day, 'scale = 365.25' causes the output to be reported in years. npoints: number of points at which to calculate intermediate results, evenly spaced over the range of the follow-up times. The usual (exact) calculation is done at each unique follow-up time. For very large data sets specifying 'npoints' can reduce the amount of memory and computation required. For a prediction from a Cox model 'npoints' is ignored. compute the standard error of the predicted survival. The default is to compute standard errors whenever possible, which at this time is only for the Ederer method and a Cox model as the rate table. model,x,y: flags to control what is returned. If any of these is true, then the model frame, the model matrix, and/or the vector of response times will be returned as components of the final result, with the same names as the flag arguments. _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: Individual expected survival is usually used in models or testing, to `correct' for the age and sex composition of a group of subjects. For instance, assume that birth date, entry date into the study, sex and actual survival time are all known for a group of subjects. The 'survexp.uswhite' population tables contain expected death rates based on calendar year, sex and age. Then haz <- -log(survexp(death.time ~ ratetable(sex=sex, year=entry.dt, age=(birth.dt-entry.dt)), cohort=FALSE)) gives for each subject the total hazard experienced up to their observed death time or censoring time. This probability can be used as a rescaled time value in models: glm(status ~ 1 + offset(log(haz)), family=poisson) glm(status ~ x + offset(log(haz)), family=poisson) In the first model, a test for intercept=0 is the one sample log-rank test of whether the observed group of subjects has equivalent survival to the baseline population. The second model tests for an effect of variable 'x' after adjustment for age and sex. Cohort survival is used to produce an overall survival curve. This is then added to the Kaplan-Meier plot of the study group for visual comparison between these subjects and the population at large. There are three common methods of computing cohort survival. In the "exact method" of Ederer the cohort is not censored; this corresponds to having no response variable in the formula. Hakulinen recommends censoring the cohort at the anticipated censoring time of each patient, and Verheul recommends censoring the cohort at the actual observation time of each patient. The last of these is the conditional method. These are obtained by using the respective time values as the follow-up time or response in the formula. _V_a_l_u_e: if 'cohort=TRUE' an object of class 'survexp', otherwise a vector of per-subject expected survival values. The former contains the number of subjects at risk and the expected survival for the cohort at each requested time. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Berry, G. (1983). The analysis of mortality by the subject-years method. _Biometrics_, 39:173-84. Ederer, F., Axtell, L. and Cutler, S. (1961). The relative survival rate: a statistical methodology. _Natl Cancer Inst Monogr_, 6:101-21. Hakulinen, T. (1982). Cancer survival corrected for heterogeneity in patient withdrawal. _Biometrics_, 38:933-942. Verheul, H., Dekker, E., Bossuyt, P., Moulijn, A. and Dunning, A. (1993). Background mortality in clinical survival studies. _Lancet_, 341: 872-875. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'survfit', 'pyears', '', ''. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: # # Stanford heart transplant data # Estimate of conditional survival survexp(futime ~ ratetable(sex="male", year=accept.dt, age=(accept.dt-birth.dt)), conditional=TRUE, data=jasa) # Estimate of conditional survival stratified by prior surgery survexp(futime ~ surgery + ratetable(sex="male", year=accept.dt, age=(accept.dt-birth.dt)), conditional=TRUE, data=jasa) ## Compare the survival curves for the Mayo PBC data to Cox model fit ## pfit <-coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ trt + log(bili) + log(protime) + age + platelet, data=pbc) plot(survfit(Surv(time, status>0) ~ trt, data=pbc)) lines(survexp( ~ trt, ratetable=pfit, data=pbc), col='purple')