write_PACKAGES {tools}R Documentation

Generate PACKAGES files


Generate ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files for a repository of source or Mac/Windows binary packages.


write_PACKAGES(dir = ".", fields = NULL,
               type = c("source", "mac.binary", "win.binary"),
               verbose = FALSE, unpacked = FALSE, subdirs = FALSE)


dir Character vector describing the location of the repository (directory including source or binary packages) to generate the ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files from and write them to.
fields a character vector giving the fields to be used in the ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files in addition to the default ones, or NULL (default). The default corresponds to the fields needed by available.packages: "Package", "Bundle", "Priority", "Version", "Depends", "Suggests", "Imports" and "Contains".
type Type of packages: currently source ‘.tar.gz’ archives, and Mac or Windows binary (‘.tgz’ or ‘.zip’, respectively) packages are supported. Defaults to "win.binary" on Windows and to "source" otherwise.
verbose logical. Should packages be listed as they are processed?
unpacked a logical indicating whether the package contents are available in unpacked form or not (default).
subdirs either logical (to indicate if subdirectories should be included) or a character vector of subdirectories to include.


type = "win.binary" uses unz connections to read all ‘DESCRIPTION’ files contained in the (zipped) binary packages for Windows in the given directory dir, and builds ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files from this information.


Invisibly returns the number of packages described in the resulting ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files. If 0, no packages were found and no files were written.


Processing ‘.tar.gz’ archives to extract the ‘DESCRIPTION’ files is quite slow.

This function can be useful on other OSes to prepare a repository to be accessed by Windows machines, so type = "win.binary" should work on all OSes.


Uwe Ligges and R-core.

See Also

See read.dcf and write.dcf for reading ‘DESCRIPTION’ files and writing the ‘PACKAGES’ and ‘PACKAGES.gz’ files.


## Not run: 
write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository")  # on Windows
               type="win.binary")  # on Linux
## End(Not run)

[Package tools version 2.9.1 Index]