### Encoding: latin1 ### Name: Sweave ### Title: Automatic Generation of Reports ### Aliases: Sweave Stangle SweaveSyntaxLatex SweaveSyntaxNoweb ### Keywords: utilities ### ** Examples testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") ## enforce par(ask=FALSE) options(device.ask.default=FALSE) ## create a LaTeX file Sweave(testfile) ## This can be compiled to PDF by ## Not run: tools::texi2dvi("Sweave-test-1.tex", pdf=TRUE) ## or outside R by ## R CMD texi2dvi Sweave-test-1.tex ## which sets the appropriate TEXINPUTS path. ## create an S source file from the code chunks Stangle(testfile) ## which can be sourced, e.g. source("Sweave-test-1.R") ## Don't show: if(!interactive()) unlink("Sweave-test-1*") ## End Don't show