### Name: debugger ### Title: Post-Mortem Debugging ### Aliases: debugger dump.frames ### Keywords: utilities error ### ** Examples ## Not run: ##D options(error=quote(dump.frames("testdump", TRUE))) ##D ##D f <- function() { ##D g <- function() stop("test dump.frames") ##D g() ##D } ##D f() # will generate a dump on file "testdump.rda" ##D options(error=NULL) ##D ##D ## possibly in another R session ##D load("testdump.rda") ##D debugger(testdump) ##D Available environments had calls: ##D 1: f() ##D 2: g() ##D 3: stop("test dump.frames") ##D ##D Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit ##D Selection: 1 ##D Browsing in the environment with call: ##D f() ##D Called from: debugger.look(ind) ##D Browse[1]> ls() ##D [1] "g" ##D Browse[1]> g ##D function() stop("test dump.frames") ##D ##D Browse[1]> ##D Available environments had calls: ##D 1: f() ##D 2: g() ##D 3: stop("test dump.frames") ##D ##D Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit ##D Selection: 0 ##D ##D ## A possible setting for non-interactive sessions ##D options(error=quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()})) ## End(Not run)