### Name: help.search ### Title: Search the Help System ### Aliases: help.search ?? print.hsearch ### Keywords: documentation ### ** Examples help.search("linear models") # In case you forgot how to fit linear # models help.search("non-existent topic") ??utils::help # All the topics matching "help" in the utils package ## Not run: ##D help.search("print") # All help pages with topics or title ##D # matching 'print' ##D help.search(apropos = "print") # The same ##D ##D help.search(keyword = "hplot") # All help pages documenting high-level ##D # plots. ##D file.show(file.path(R.home("doc"), "KEYWORDS")) # show all keywords ##D ##D ## Help pages with documented topics starting with 'try'. ##D help.search("\\btry", fields = "alias") ## End(Not run)