### Name: ls.str ### Title: List Objects and their Structure ### Aliases: ls.str lsf.str print.ls_str ### Keywords: print utilities ### ** Examples require(stats) lsf.str()#- how do the functions look like which I am using? ls.str(mode = "list") #- what are the structured objects I have defined? ## create a few objects example(glm, echo = FALSE) ll <- as.list(LETTERS) print(ls.str(), max.level = 0)# don't show details ## which base functions have "file" in their name ? lsf.str(pos = length(search()), pattern = "file") ## demonstrating that ls.str() works inside functions ## ["browser/debug mode"]: tt <- function(x, y=1) { aa <- 7; r <- x + y; ls.str() } (nms <- sapply(strsplit(capture.output(tt(2))," *: *"), `[`, 1)) stopifnot(nms == c("aa", "r","x","y"))