SHLIB package:utils R Documentation _B_u_i_l_d _S_h_a_r_e_d _O_b_j_e_c_t/_D_L_L _f_o_r _D_y_n_a_m_i_c _L_o_a_d_i_n_g _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Compile the given source files and then link all specified object files into a shared library aka DLL which can be loaded into R using 'dyn.load' or 'library.dynam'. _U_s_a_g_e: R CMD SHLIB [options] [-o dllname] files _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: files: a list specifying the object files to be included in the shared object/DLL. You can also include the name of source files (for which the object files are automagically made from their sources) and library linking commands. dllname: the full name of the shared object/DLL to be built, including the extension (typically '.so' on Unix systems, and '.dll' on Windows). If not given, the basename of the object is taken from the basename of the first file. options: Further options to control the processing. Use 'R CMD SHLIB --help' for a current list. _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: 'R CMD SHLIB' is the mechanism used by 'INSTALL' to compile source code in packages. It will generate suitable compilation commands for C, C++, ObjC(++) and Fortran sources: Fortran 90/95 sources can also be used but it may not be possible to mix these with other langauges (on most platforms it is possible to mix with C, but mixing with C++ rarely works). Please consult section 'Creating shared objects' in the manual 'Writing R Extensions' for how to customize it (for example to add 'cpp' flags and to add libraries to the link step) and for details of some of its quirks. Items in 'files' with extensions '.c', '.cpp', '.cc', '.C', '.f', '.f90', '.f95', '.m' (ObjC), '.M' and '.mm' (ObjC++) are regarded as source files, and those with extension '.o' as object files. All other items are passed to the linker. Option '-n' (also known as '--dry-run') will show the commands that would be run without actually executing them. _N_o_t_e: Some binary distributions of R have 'SHLIB' in a separate bundle, e.g., an 'R-devel' RPM. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'COMPILE', 'dyn.load', 'library.dynam'. The section on "Customizing compilation" in the "R Administration and Installation" manual (see the 'doc/manual' subdirectory of the R source tree). The 'R Installation and Administration' and 'Writing R Extensions' manuals. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: ## Not run: R CMD SHLIB -o a.f b.f -L/opt/acml3.5.0/gnu64/lib -lacml ## End(Not run)