apropos package:utils R Documentation _F_i_n_d _O_b_j_e_c_t_s _b_y (_P_a_r_t_i_a_l) _N_a_m_e _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: 'apropos()' returns a character vector giving the names of all objects in the search list matching 'what'. 'find()' is a different user interface to the same task. _U_s_a_g_e: apropos(what, where = FALSE, ignore.case = TRUE, mode = "any") find(what, mode = "any", numeric = FALSE, simple.words = TRUE) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: what: character string with name of an object, or more generally a regular expression to match against. where, numeric: a logical indicating whether positions in the search list should also be returned ignore.case: logical indicating if the search should be case-insensitive, 'TRUE' by default. Note that in R versions prior to 2.5.0, the default was implicitly 'ignore.case = FALSE'. mode: character; if not '"any"', only objects whose 'mode' equals 'mode' are searched. simple.words: logical; if 'TRUE', the 'what' argument is only searched as whole word. _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: If 'mode != "any"' only those objects which are of mode 'mode' are considered. If 'where' is 'TRUE', the positions in the search list are returned as the names attribute. 'find' is a different user interface for the same task as 'apropos'. However, by default ('simple.words == TRUE'), only full words are searched with 'grep(fixed = TRUE)'. Note that in R versions prior to 2.5.0, 'what' was allowed to be non-character, such that 'find(cor)' worked as it does in S. This possibility has been dropped in line with the aim of minimizing all use of non-standard evaluation in R. _V_a_l_u_e: For 'apropos' character vector, sorted by name, possibly with names giving the (numerical) positions on the search path. For 'find', either a character vector of environment names, or for 'numeric = TRUE', a numerical vector of positions on the search path, with names giving the names of the corresponding environments. _A_u_t_h_o_r(_s): Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler (May 1997). _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'glob2rx' to convert wildcard patterns to regular expressions. 'objects' for listing objects from one place, 'help.search' for searching the help system, 'search' for the search path. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: require(stats) ## Not run: apropos("lm") apropos("GLM") # more than a dozen ## that may include internal objects starting '.__C__' if ## methods is attached apropos("GLM", ignore.case = FALSE) # not one apropos("lq") cor <- 1:pi find("cor") #> ".GlobalEnv" "package:stats" find("cor", numeric=TRUE) # numbers with these names find("cor", numeric=TRUE, mode="function")# only the second one rm(cor) ## Not run: apropos(".", mode="list") # a long list # need a DOUBLE backslash '\\' (in case you don't see it anymore) apropos("\\[") ## Not run: # everything length(apropos(".")) # those starting with 'pr' apropos("^pr") # the 1-letter things apropos("^.$") # the 1-2-letter things apropos("^..?$") # the 2-to-4 letter things apropos("^.{2,4}$") # the 8-and-more letter things apropos("^.{8,}$") table(nchar(apropos("^.{8,}$"))) ## End(Not run)