The R Utils Package

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Documentation for package ‘utils’ version 2.9.1

Help Pages

A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W X Z misc

-- --

utils-package The R Utils Package

-- --

? Documentation
?? Search the Help System

-- A --

alarm Alert the user
apropos Find Objects by (Partial) Name
argsAnywhere Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Name Space
as.character.person Person Names and Contact Information
as.person Person Names and Contact Information
as.personList Person Names and Contact Information
as.relistable Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object
as.roman Roman Numerals
assignInNamespace Utility functions for Developing Namespaces
available.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories

-- B --

BATCH Batch Execution of R
browseEnv Browse Objects in Environment
browseURL Load URL into a WWW Browser
browseVignettes List Vignettes in an HTML Browser Send a Bug Report
build Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages

-- C --

capture.output Send output to a character string or file
check Utilities for Building and Checking Add-on Packages
checkCRAN Managing Repository Mirrors
chooseCRANmirror Select a CRAN Mirror
CITATION Writing Package CITATION Files
citation Citing R and R Packages in Publications
citEntry Writing Package CITATION Files
citFooter Writing Package CITATION Files
citHeader Writing Package CITATION Files
close.socket Close a Socket
close.txtProgressBar Text Progress Bar
combn Generate All Combinations of n Elements, Taken m at a Time
compareVersion Compare Two Package Version Numbers
COMPILE Compile Files for Use with R
contrib.url Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories
count.fields Count the Number of Fields per Line
CRAN.packages Deprecated Functions in Package utils

-- D --

data Data Sets
data.entry Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
dataentry Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
de Spreadsheet Interface for Entering Data
debugger Post-Mortem Debugging
demo Demonstrations of R Functionality
download.file Download File from the Internet
download.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories
dump.frames Post-Mortem Debugging

-- E --

edit Invoke a Text Editor Edit Data Frames and Matrices
edit.vignette View or List Vignettes
emacs Invoke a Text Editor
example Run an Examples Section from the Online Help

-- F --

file.edit Edit One or More Files
file_test Shell-style Tests on Files
find Find Objects by (Partial) Name
fix Fix an Object
fixInNamespace Utility functions for Developing Namespaces
flush.console Flush Output to A Console
formatOL Format Unordered and Ordered Lists
formatUL Format Unordered and Ordered Lists

-- G --

getAnywhere Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Name Space
getCRANmirrors Select a CRAN Mirror
getFromNamespace Utility functions for Developing Namespaces
getS3method Get An S3 Method
getTxtProgressBar Text Progress Bar
glob2rx Change Wildcard or Globbing Pattern into Regular Expression

-- H --

head Return the First or Last Part of an Object
help Documentation
help.request Send a Post to R-help Search the Help System
help.start Hypertext Documentation
history Load or Save or Display the Commands History

-- I -- Search Indices for Help Files
INSTALL Install Add-on Packages
install.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories
installed.packages Find Installed Packages
is.relistable Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object

-- L --

limitedLabels Browsing after an Error
LINK Create Executable Programs
loadhistory Load or Save or Display the Commands History
localeToCharset Select a Suitable Encoding Name from a Locale Name
ls.str List Objects and their Structure
lsf.str List Objects and their Structure

-- M --

make.packages.html Update HTML Documentation Files
make.socket Create a Socket Connection
memory.size Report on Memory Allocation
menu Menu Interaction Function
methods List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes
mirror2html Managing Repository Mirrors
mirrorAdmin Managing Repository Mirrors
modifyList Recursively Modify Elements of a List

-- N --

new.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories
normalizePath Express File Paths in Canonical Form
nsl Look up the IP Address by Hostname

-- O --

object.size Report the Space Allocated for an Object
old.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories

-- P --

package.skeleton Create a Skeleton for a New Source Package
packageDescription Package Description
packageStatus Package Management Tools
page Invoke a Pager on an R Object
person Person Names and Contact Information
personList Person Names and Contact Information
pico Invoke a Text Editor
print.Bibtex Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX
print.browseVignettes List Vignettes in an HTML Browser
print.getAnywhere Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Name Space
print.hsearch Search the Help System
print.Latex Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX
print.ls_str List Objects and their Structure
print.MethodsFunction List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes
print.object_size Report the Space Allocated for an Object
print.packageDescription Package Description
print.packageIQR Data Sets
print.packageStatus Package Management Tools
print.sessionInfo Collect Information About the Current R Session
print.socket Create a Socket Connection
print.vignette View or List Vignettes
prompt Produce Prototype of an R Documentation File
promptData Generate a Shell for Documentation of Data Sets
promptPackage Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Package

-- R --

rc.settings A Completion Generator for R
rcompgen A Completion Generator for R
read.DIF Data Input from Spreadsheet
read.fortran Read fixed-format data
read.fwf Read Fixed Width Format Files
read.socket Read from or Write to a Socket
read.table Data Input
readCitationFile Writing Package CITATION Files
recover Browsing after an Error
relist Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object
REMOVE Remove Add-on Packages
remove.packages Remove Installed Packages
RHOME R Home Directory
Rprof Enable Profiling of R's Execution
Rprofmem Enable Profiling of R's Memory Use
Rscript Scripting Front-End for R
RShowDoc Show R Manuals and Other Documentation
RSiteSearch Search for Key Words or Phrases in the R-help Mailing List Archives or Documentation
rtags An etags-like a tagging utility for R
Rtangle R Driver for Stangle
RtangleSetup R Driver for Stangle
RweaveLatex R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave
RweaveLatexSetup R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave

-- S --

savehistory Load or Save or Display the Commands History
select.list Select Items from a List
sessionInfo Collect Information About the Current R Session
setRepositories Select Package Repositories
setTxtProgressBar Text Progress Bar
SHLIB Build Shared Object/DLL for Dynamic Loading
stack Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List
Stangle Automatic Generation of Reports
str Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
strOptions Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object
summary.packageStatus Package Management Tools
summaryRprof Summarise Output of R Sampling Profiler
Sweave Automatic Generation of Reports
SweaveSyntaxLatex Automatic Generation of Reports
SweaveSyntaxNoweb Automatic Generation of Reports
SweaveSyntConv Convert Sweave Syntax

-- T --

tail Return the First or Last Part of an Object
timestamp Load or Save or Display the Commands History
toBibtex Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX
toBibtex.citation Citing R and R Packages in Publications
toBibtex.person Person Names and Contact Information
toLatex Converting R Objects to BibTeX or LaTeX
toLatex.sessionInfo Collect Information About the Current R Session
txtProgressBar Text Progress Bar
type.convert Type Conversion on Character Variables

-- U --

unlist.relistable Allow Re-Listing an unlist()ed Object
unstack Stack or Unstack Vectors from a Data Frame or List
unzip Extract or List Zip archines
update.packages Download Packages from CRAN-like repositories
update.packageStatus Package Management Tools
upgrade.packageStatus Package Management Tools Display a text URL
URLdecode Encode or Decode a (partial) URL
URLencode Encode or Decode a (partial) URL
utils The R Utils Package
utils-deprecated Deprecated Functions in Package utils

-- V --

vi Invoke a Text Editor
View Invoke a Data Viewer
vignette View or List Vignettes
vignettes View or List Vignettes

-- W --

write.socket Read from or Write to a Socket
write.table Data Output
wsbrowser Browse Objects in Environment

-- X --

xedit Invoke a Text Editor
xemacs Invoke a Text Editor

-- Z --

zip.file.extract Extract File from a Zip Archive

-- misc --

[.getAnywhere Retrieve an R Object, Including from a Name Space