General Page

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General page gives a wide angle view for all images loaded in Spotfinder. Every image is shown in full view. The number of the image panels shown depends on the number of channels selected by the user. See Program settings for more details.

User may need to scroll panes with images horizontally to see all of them.

The first pane displays so called Union Image. The Union Image is an image internally created by Spotfinder from original images for grid algnment and spotfinding. When Union Image is generated each pixel in Union Image is set to the maximum of the pixels from all original channels (A and B for two color array) at the same location. As result of this definition Union Image keeps all strongest pixels and can be used as target for grid alignment and spotfinding.

The rest of the panes on this dialog display the loaded images in all channels labeled starting from letter A. User can see the full path to the file loaded in the selected channel by clicking on the corresponding pane of this dialog, The full filepath appears on the left segment of the Status Bar.