Program Settings

The program settings are stored on local computer when the program is terminated correctly, i.e. without crash. The saved settings are read and set during the next program launch. Currently the settings parameters are:

Scale Factor changes only visualization of tiff images on the screen. For faster screen drawing the typical microarray 16 bit image is converted to 8 bit grey scale image. In addition the image can be compressed in each dimension by factor 2 or 4. This trick significantly descreases the size of the image and speed up drawing. This transformation does not change the original input 16 bit image used for analyisis.. Default value for Scale Factor is 2.

Channel number equals to the number of dyes used in the microarray experiment. Default is 2.

MEV file preferred fields can be switched between integrated intensities and medians for columns 2 and 3. The alternative fields are still reported in MEV files in the columns located far to the right.

User may choose to use or not the interactive RI plot that allows to view and select individual spots on RI plot. This option normally takes a significant amount of RAM which is proportional to the number of spots on array.

Another way to speed up operation and optimize memory usage is to set reduced table view in Data page. Data page is a spreedsheet representation of MEV file. Full size MEV data table has 30 columns for two dye samples and takes a lot of RAM resources. The reduced size table shows user only first eleven columns. It takes less memory and also speeds up the data exchange between internal data structure and the table. This settings has no effect on output MEV file.

Go to Settings dialog to change them.