/* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include /***************************** Plan Creation ****************************/ fftwnd_mpi_plan fftwnd_mpi_create_plan(MPI_Comm comm, int rank, const int *n, fftw_direction dir, int flags) { fftwnd_mpi_plan p; if (rank < 2) return 0; p = (fftwnd_mpi_plan) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftwnd_mpi_plan_data)); p->p_fft_x = 0; p->p_fft = 0; p->p_transpose = 0; p->p_transpose_inv = 0; p->work = 0; p->p_fft_x = fftw_create_plan(n[0], dir, flags | FFTW_IN_PLACE); p->p_fft = fftwnd_create_plan(rank - 1, n + 1, dir, flags | FFTW_IN_PLACE); if (!p->p_fft) fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(p); p->p_transpose = transpose_mpi_create_plan(n[0], n[1], comm); if (!p->p_transpose) fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(p); p->p_transpose_inv = transpose_mpi_create_plan(n[1], n[0], comm); if (!p->p_transpose_inv) fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(p); if (n[0] > p->p_fft->nwork) p->work = (fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(n[0] * sizeof(fftw_complex)); return p; } fftwnd_mpi_plan fftw2d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_Comm comm, int nx, int ny, fftw_direction dir, int flags) { int n[2]; n[0] = nx; n[1] = ny; return fftwnd_mpi_create_plan(comm, 2, n, dir, flags); } fftwnd_mpi_plan fftw3d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_Comm comm, int nx, int ny, int nz, fftw_direction dir, int flags) { int n[3]; n[0] = nx; n[1] = ny; n[2] = nz; return fftwnd_mpi_create_plan(comm, 3, n, dir, flags); } /********************** Plan Destruction ************************/ void fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(fftwnd_mpi_plan p) { if (p) { if (p->p_fft_x) fftw_destroy_plan(p->p_fft_x); if (p->p_fft) fftwnd_destroy_plan(p->p_fft); if (p->p_transpose) transpose_mpi_destroy_plan(p->p_transpose); if (p->p_transpose_inv) transpose_mpi_destroy_plan(p->p_transpose_inv); if (p->work) fftw_free(p->work); fftw_free(p); } } void fftw_mpi_die(const char *error_string) { int my_pe; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_pe); fprintf(stderr, "fftw process %d: %s", my_pe, error_string); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, EXIT_FAILURE); } /********************* Getting Local Size ***********************/ void fftwnd_mpi_local_sizes(fftwnd_mpi_plan p, int *local_nx, int *local_x_start, int *local_ny_after_transpose, int *local_y_start_after_transpose, int *total_local_size) { if (p) { transpose_mpi_get_local_size(p->p_transpose->nx, p->p_transpose->my_pe, p->p_transpose->n_pes, local_nx, local_x_start); transpose_mpi_get_local_size(p->p_transpose->ny, p->p_transpose->my_pe, p->p_transpose->n_pes, local_ny_after_transpose, local_y_start_after_transpose); *total_local_size = transpose_mpi_get_local_storage_size(p->p_transpose->nx, p->p_transpose->ny, p->p_transpose->my_pe, p->p_transpose->n_pes); *total_local_size *= p->p_fft->n_after[0]; } } /******************** Computing the Transform *******************/ void fftwnd_mpi(fftwnd_mpi_plan p, int n_fields, fftw_complex *local_data, fftw_complex *work, fftwnd_mpi_output_order output_order) { int el_size = (sizeof(fftw_complex) / sizeof(TRANSPOSE_EL_TYPE)) * n_fields * p->p_fft->n_after[0]; if (n_fields <= 0) return; /* First, transform dimensions after the first, which are local to this process: */ { int local_nx = p->p_transpose->local_nx; int n_after_x = p->p_fft->n[0] * p->p_fft->n_after[0]; if (n_fields > 1) { fftwnd_plan p_fft = p->p_fft; int fft_iter; for (fft_iter = 0; fft_iter < local_nx; ++fft_iter) fftwnd(p_fft, n_fields, local_data + (n_after_x * n_fields) * fft_iter, n_fields, 1, NULL, 0, 0); } else fftwnd(p->p_fft, local_nx, local_data, 1, n_after_x, NULL, 0, 0); } /* Second, transpose the first dimension with the second dimension to bring the x dimension local to this process: */ transpose_mpi(p->p_transpose, el_size, (TRANSPOSE_EL_TYPE *) local_data, (TRANSPOSE_EL_TYPE *) work); /* Third, transform the x dimension, which is now local and contiguous: */ n_fields *= p->p_fft->n_after[0]; /* dimensions after y no longer need be considered separately from n_fields */ { int local_ny = p->p_transpose->local_ny; int nx = p->p_fft_x->n; fftw_complex *work_1d = p->work ? p->work : p->p_fft->work; if (n_fields > 1) { fftw_plan p_fft_x = p->p_fft_x; int fft_iter; for (fft_iter = 0; fft_iter < local_ny; ++fft_iter) fftw(p_fft_x, n_fields, local_data + (nx * n_fields) * fft_iter, n_fields, 1, work_1d, 1, 0); } else fftw(p->p_fft_x, local_ny, local_data, 1, nx, work_1d, 1, 0); } /* transpose back, if desired: */ if (output_order == FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER) transpose_mpi(p->p_transpose_inv, el_size, (TRANSPOSE_EL_TYPE *) local_data, (TRANSPOSE_EL_TYPE *) work); }