package Gerald::Jerboa; BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &info ¶m_file_is_legacy_style &readFileXML &key_matched &calc_total_by_field &getBustardPath &extract_run_info &calc_percent_by_field &derive_uniqueness_rescue_stats &init_lane_results &read_config_file &process_pair_info_file &sum_vals_under_node &derive_mispairing_stats &derive_insert_freq_stats &derive_pair_stats &read_tiles_file &process_score_file &adjust_measured_phasings &store_applied_phasings &store_measured_phasings &read_sample_file &legacy_read_applied_phasing_file &getIndexRead &deleteIndexingRead &get_cluster_counts &get_tile_cluster_counts &merge_lanes &merge_tiles $maxNumLanes ); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROJECT: GERALD # MODULE: # AUTHOR: M. Zerara # functions taken from the old # written by L. J. Davies and extended by by R. J. Shaw # # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Illumina Inc. # # This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software # License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", # and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this # source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files # Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and # Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party # copyright/license notices). # # This file is part of the Consensus Assessment of Sequence And VAriation # (CASAVA) software package. # # Functions common to component use Data::Dumper; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use POSIX; use XML::Simple; use File::Basename; use constant DEBUG => 0; # set to 1 to get debug info use Casava::Common::Utils; sub info($); sub param_file_is_legacy_style($); sub readFileXML($); sub key_matched($;$); sub calc_total_by_field($;$;$;$); sub getBustardPath($;$); sub extract_run_info($$$$$$); sub calc_percent_by_field($;$;$;$); sub derive_uniqueness_rescue_stats($;$;$); sub init_lane_results($;$;$;$;$;$); sub read_config_file($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$); sub process_pair_info_file($;$); sub sum_vals_under_node($); sub derive_mispairing_stats($;$); sub derive_insert_freq_stats($); sub derive_pair_stats($); sub read_tiles_file($;$); sub process_score_file($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$); sub adjust_measured_phasings($$$$$); sub store_applied_phasings($$$$$$$$); sub store_measured_phasings($$$$$$); sub read_sample_file($$$$); sub legacy_read_applied_phasing_file($$$$$); sub getIndexRead($); sub deleteIndexingRead($$$); sub get_cluster_counts($;\%); sub get_tile_cluster_counts(\%;$;$;$;\$;\$); sub merge_lanes($$$$$$$$$); sub merge_tiles($$$$$$$); my $paired_not_done_key = 'NoPairedAlignmentDone'; my $Insert_Size_str = 'InsertSize'; my @insert_stat_display_map = (['Median', 'Median'], ['LowSD', 'Below-median SD'], ['HighSD', 'Above-median SD'], ['Min', 'Low thresh.'], ['Max', 'High thresh.']); my $not_avail_str = 'N/A'; my $Total_str = 'Total'; my $Orientation_str = 'Orientation'; my @orient_display_map = (['Fm', 'F-: > R2 R1 >'], ['Fp', 'F+: > R1 R2 >'], ['Rm', 'R-: < R2 R1 >'], ['Rp', 'R+: > R1 R2 <']); my $nominal_orient_key = 'Nominal'; my $num_orient_ok_small_insert_key = 'NominalOrientationButSmallInsert'; my $num_orient_ok_large_insert_key = 'NominalOrientationButLargeInsert'; my $num_pairs_ok_key = 'PairsOK'; my @inserts_display_map = ([$num_orient_ok_small_insert_key, 'Too small'], [$num_orient_ok_large_insert_key, 'Too large'], [$num_pairs_ok_key, 'Orientation and size OK']); my $insert_pc_format = "%0.1f"; my $pc_suffix = 'Percent'; my $pc_prefix = 'pc'; my $pc_orient_ok_small_insert_key = $num_orient_ok_small_insert_key . $pc_suffix; my $pc_orient_ok_large_insert_key = $num_orient_ok_large_insert_key . $pc_suffix; my $pc_pairs_ok_key = $num_pairs_ok_key . $pc_suffix; my %insert_num_pc_key_map = ($num_orient_ok_small_insert_key => $pc_orient_ok_small_insert_key, $num_orient_ok_large_insert_key => $pc_orient_ok_large_insert_key, $num_pairs_ok_key => $pc_pairs_ok_key); my $Unique_key = 'SingleAlignmentFound'; my $Unique_str = 'Unique'; my $Rescuable_key = 'ManyAlignmentsFound'; my $Rescuable_str = 'Rescuable'; my $Repeat_key = 'Repeat'; my $Repeat_str = $Repeat_key; my $Repeat_Masked_key = 'RM'; my $Repeat_Masked_str = 'Repeat Masked'; my $Not_Matched_key = 'NM'; my $Not_Matched_str = 'Not Matched'; my $Low_Quality_key = 'QC'; my $Low_Quality_str = 'Low Quality'; my $Read_str = 'Read'; my $unique_pair_align_key = 'UniquePairedAlignment'; my $multi_pair_align_key = 'ManyPairedAlignments'; my @align_outcome_display_map = ([$Unique_key, $Unique_str,], [$Rescuable_key, $Rescuable_str], [$Repeat_key, $Repeat_str], [$Repeat_Masked_key, $Repeat_Masked_str], [$Not_Matched_key, $Not_Matched_str], [$Low_Quality_key, $Low_Quality_str]); my $Lost_str = 'Lost'; my $pair_key_separ_str = ':'; my $num_paired_reads = 2; our $maxNumLanes = 8; # BustardSummary.xml keys my $cluster_count_raw_key = 'clusterCountRaw'; my $cluster_count_PF_key = 'clusterCountPF'; sub info($) { my $message = shift @_; print STDERR "Info: ", basename($0), $message, "\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub store_measured_phasings($$$$$$) { my $lane_results_ref = shift; my $bustard_path = shift; my $num_lanes = shift; my $num_reads = shift; my $phasing_options_ref = shift; my $param_is_legacy = shift; my $phasing_path = "$bustard_path/Phasing"; my $xml_data; my $measured_phasing_file; for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $num_lanes; ++$lane_num) { for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { my $lane_read_ref = $lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]; if (!$param_is_legacy) { my $curr_options_ref = $phasing_options_ref->{$read_num}; # FIXME : error? next if (!defined($curr_options_ref)); # Take a copy so AutoFlag can be overridden. my %curr_options = %{$curr_options_ref}; $curr_options{'AutoFlag'} = 2; # `use measured per lane' $measured_phasing_file = getPhasingFilename($phasing_path, \%curr_options, $lane_num); } else { # Look for lane-specific measured phasing values # (pipeline ver >= 0.1.7). $measured_phasing_file = sprintf("%s/s_%d_phasing.xml", $phasing_path, $lane_num); } if (defined($xml_data = readFileXML($measured_phasing_file))) { if (defined($xml_data->{Phasing})) { $lane_read_ref->{phasingmeasured} = $xml_data->{Phasing}; } if (defined($xml_data->{Prephasing})) { $lane_read_ref->{prephasingmeasured} = $xml_data->{Prephasing}; } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub adjust_measured_phasings($$$$$) { my $results_ref = shift; my $bustard_path = shift; my $num_lanes = shift; my $phasing_options_src = shift; my $phasing_options_dest = shift; # last read from original into last read of demux bin my $from = (sort (keys %{$phasing_options_src}))[-1]; my $to = (sort (keys %{$phasing_options_dest}))[-1]; my $phasing_path = "$bustard_path/Phasing"; # Take a copy so AutoFlag can be overridden. my %curr_options_src = %{$phasing_options_src->{$from}}; my %curr_options_dest = %{$phasing_options_dest->{$to}}; # `use measured per lane' $curr_options_src{'AutoFlag'} = $curr_options_dest{'AutoFlag'} = 2; for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $num_lanes; ++$lane_num) { my $phasing_lane_src = getPhasingFilename($phasing_path,\%curr_options_src,$lane_num); my $phasing_lane_dest = getPhasingFilename($phasing_path,\%curr_options_dest,$lane_num); $results_ref->{$phasing_lane_src} = $phasing_lane_dest; } $curr_options_src{'AutoFlag'} = $curr_options_dest{'AutoFlag'} = 1; my $phasing_total_src = getPhasingFilename($phasing_path,\%curr_options_src); my $phasing_total_dest = getPhasingFilename($phasing_path,\%curr_options_dest); $results_ref->{$phasing_total_src} = $phasing_total_dest; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub legacy_read_applied_phasing_file($$$$$) { my $app_name = shift; my $phasings_applied_file = shift; my $phasing_ref = shift; my $prephasing_ref = shift; my $bustard_dir = shift; my $xmlData; if (defined($xmlData = readFileXML($phasings_applied_file))) { if (defined($xmlData->{Run})) { # FIXME : Use forcearray and keyattr in readFileXML to avoid # the ARRAY / HASH division. my $run_ref = undef; if (ref($xmlData->{Run}) eq 'ARRAY') { for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$xmlData->{Run}}); $i++) { if ($xmlData->{Run}[$i]{Name} eq $bustard_dir) { $run_ref = $xmlData->{Run}[$i]; last; } } } elsif (ref($xmlData->{Run}) eq 'HASH') { $run_ref = $xmlData->{Run}; } $$phasing_ref = $run_ref->{Parameters}[0] if (defined($run_ref->{Parameters}[0])); $$prephasing_ref = $run_ref->{Parameters}[1] if (defined($run_ref->{Parameters}[1])); printf STDERR "%s: found phase=%5.3f prephase=%5.3f\n", $app_name, $$phasing_ref, $$prephasing_ref; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub store_applied_phasings($$$$$$$$) { my $app_name = shift; my $lane_results_ref = shift; my $num_lanes = shift; my $num_reads = shift; my $bustard_path = shift; my $configXMLFile = shift; my $phasing_options_ref = shift; my $param_is_legacy = shift; my $phasing_applied = undef; my $prephasing_applied = undef; my $phasings_applied_file = $configXMLFile; my $bustard_dir = basename($bustard_path); if ($param_is_legacy) { legacy_read_applied_phasing_file($app_name, $phasings_applied_file, \$phasing_applied, \$prephasing_applied, $bustard_dir); } my $phasing_dir = 'Phasing'; my $xml_data; my $curr_options_ref; my %legacy_options; if ($param_is_legacy) { $legacy_options{'AutoFlag'} = 0; $legacy_options{'Path'} = ''; $curr_options_ref = \%legacy_options; } for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $num_lanes; ++$lane_num) { for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { my $lane_read_ref = $lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]; if ($param_is_legacy) { if ($phasing_applied > 0.) { $lane_read_ref->{phasingApplied} = $phasing_applied; } if ($prephasing_applied > 0.) { $lane_read_ref->{prephasingApplied} = $prephasing_applied; } } # Applied phasing files now provided by getPhasingFilename. if (!$param_is_legacy) { $curr_options_ref = $phasing_options_ref->{$read_num}; # FIXME : error? next if (!defined($curr_options_ref)); } my $applied_phasing_file = join('/', ($bustard_path, getPhasingFilename($phasing_dir, $curr_options_ref, $lane_num))); if (defined($xml_data = readFileXML($applied_phasing_file))) { if (defined($xml_data->{Phasing})) { $lane_read_ref->{phasingApplied} = $xml_data->{Phasing}; } if (defined($xml_data->{Prephasing})) { $lane_read_ref->{prephasingApplied} = $xml_data->{Prephasing}; } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub read_sample_file($$$$) { my $appName = shift; my $sampleFile = shift; my $laneResultsRef = shift; my $num_reads = shift; my $xmlData; my $unknown='unknown'; if (defined($xmlData = readFileXML($sampleFile))) { for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$xmlData->{Lane}}); $i++) { for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { $laneResultsRef-> [$read_num][$xmlData->{Lane}[$i]{laneNumber}]{sample} = $xmlData->{Lane}[$i]{SampleID}; } } } else { warn "Unable to find file $sampleFile"; for (my $lane = 1; $lane <= $maxNumLanes; $lane++) { for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { $laneResultsRef->[$read_num][$lane]{sample} = $unknown; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub param_file_is_legacy_style($) { my $bustard_dir = shift; # This was designed to test the format of the phasing files used before # 0.3, therefore it is now irrelevant return 0; my %dir_info; if (!parseAnalysisDirName($bustard_dir, \%dir_info)) { warn "Failed to parse bustard directory name : $bustard_dir\n"; exit(1); } if (!(defined($dir_info{major_ver}) && defined($dir_info{minor_ver}) && defined($dir_info{release}))) { warn "Failed to extract bustard version from : $bustard_dir\n"; exit(1); } my @bustard_ver = ($dir_info{major_ver}, $dir_info{minor_ver}, $dir_info{release}); my @new_param_bustard_ver = (1, 9, 0); my $style_is_legacy = (compareVersions(\@new_param_bustard_ver, \@bustard_ver) < 0); return $style_is_legacy; } # Read XML file into a hash. Return 1 if successfully completed # Check for zero padding at end of file sub readFileXML($) { my ($fileName)=@_; return undef unless (-f $fileName); unless(open (FILE, $fileName)) { warn "Failed to open $fileName: $!"; return undef; } my $text=""; while () { $text.=$_; } # while close (FILE); my $l=length($text); while (($l!=0)&&(substr($text,$l-1,1) eq "\0")) { $l--; } # while if ($l==0) { warn "file $fileName seems to be completely blank"; return undef; } # if $text=substr($text,0,$l) unless ($l==length($text)); my $xml = XML::Simple->new(); my $data = $xml->XMLin($text); return $data; } # sub readFileXML sub key_matched($;$) { my $match_key_fields_ref = shift; my $key_fields_ref = shift; my @match_key_fields = @{$match_key_fields_ref}; my $num_match_key_fields = scalar(@match_key_fields); my @key_fields = @{$key_fields_ref}; if (scalar(@key_fields) != $num_match_key_fields) { return 0; } my $matched = 1; for (my $field_ind = 0; $field_ind < $num_match_key_fields; ++$field_ind) { if (!($key_fields[$field_ind] =~ /$match_key_fields[$field_ind]/)) { $matched = 0; last; } } return $matched; } sub calc_total_by_field($;$;$;$) { my $hash_ref = shift; my $match_key_fields_ref = shift; my $wild_field_ind = shift; my $separ_str = shift; foreach my $key_str (keys %{$hash_ref}) { my @key_fields = split(/$separ_str/, $key_str); next if (!key_matched($match_key_fields_ref, \@key_fields)); my @total_key_fields = @key_fields; splice(@total_key_fields, $wild_field_ind, 1, $Total_str); my $total_key = join($separ_str, @total_key_fields); if (!defined($hash_ref->{$total_key})) { $hash_ref->{$total_key} = 0; } my $val = $hash_ref->{$key_str}; if (!defined($val) || ($val eq $not_avail_str)) { $val = 0; } $hash_ref->{$total_key} += $val; } } sub getBustardPath($;$) { my $bustardPathRef = shift; my $configFile = shift; my $xml = XML::Simple->new(); my $xmlData = $xml->XMLin($configFile); if (!defined($xmlData)) { warn "Failed to parse $configFile as XML\n"; exit(1); } $$bustardPathRef = $xmlData->{'Defaults'}{"EXPT_DIR"} or die "Can't find EXPT_DIR in xml file!"; } sub extract_run_info($$$$$$) { my $appName = shift; my $bustardPath = shift; my $runFolderRef = shift; my $machineNameRef = shift; my $bustardDirRef = shift; my $tileAreaRef = shift; my $paramsfile = getConfigurationFilePath($bustardPath); my @path = grep{ $_ } File::Spec->splitdir($bustardPath); my @emptyArray = (); my %emptyHashMap = (); my $runParameters = getBustardRunInfo($paramsfile, $path[-1], 'RunParameters', @emptyArray, %emptyHashMap); my $runFolder= $runParameters->{'RunFolder'} if $runParameters and exists $runParameters->{'RunFolder'}; $runFolder= 'unknown' unless $runFolder; my $machineName = $runParameters->{'Instrument'} if $runParameters and exists $runParameters->{'Instrument'}; $machineName = $1 if not $machineName and ($runFolder =~ /^\d{6}_([^_]*)_\d+/); unless (defined($machineName)) { my $runFolderPath = File::Spec->catfile($bustardPath, '..', '..', '..'); my $paramsFile = "$runFolderPath/$runFolder.params"; my $xmlData; if (defined($xmlData = readFileXML($paramsFile))) { if (defined($xmlData->{run}{instrument})) { $machineName = $xmlData->{run}{instrument}; } else { warn "Failed to find instrument name in $paramsFile\n"; } } } $machineName = 'unknown' unless $machineName; $$runFolderRef = $runFolder; $$machineNameRef = $machineName; $$tileAreaRef = $runParameters->{'TileArea'} if $runParameters and exists $runParameters->{'TileArea'}; } sub calc_percent_by_field($;$;$;$) { my $hash_ref = shift; my $match_key_fields_ref = shift; my $total_key = shift; my $separ_str = shift; my $divisor = $hash_ref->{$total_key}; if (!defined($divisor)) { warn("Divisor ($total_key) not found when calculating percentage!"); $divisor = 0; } $divisor /= 100.0; foreach my $key_str (keys %{$hash_ref}) { my @key_fields = split(/$separ_str/, $key_str); next if (!key_matched($match_key_fields_ref, \@key_fields)); my $pc_key_str = join($separ_str, ($pc_prefix, $key_str)); $hash_ref->{$pc_key_str} = (($divisor != 0) ? ($hash_ref->{$key_str} / $divisor) : 0); } } # Break down the unique paired alignments according to which of the individual # read alignments were non-unique but `rescuable' - read1 only, read2 only # or both reads. # # Calculate the percentages relative to the total in each rescuable category. sub derive_uniqueness_rescue_stats($;$;$) { my $lane_pair_ref = shift; my $num_paired_reads = shift; my $separ_str = shift; my $total = 0; my $total_divisor = 0; my $Read_str = 'Read'; my $All_Reads_key = 'AllReads'; my $Rescued_Unique_key = 'RescuedUnique'; my $Rescuable_key = 'ManyAlignmentsFound'; my $Unique_key = 'SingleAlignmentFound'; my $unique_pair_align_key = 'UniquePairedAlignment'; my $Total_str = 'Total'; my $pc_prefix = 'pc'; # The $bitmask is just a device to represent each read separately and # then both reads. for (my $bitmask = 1; $bitmask < (1 << $num_paired_reads); ++$bitmask) { my $all_rescued = 1; my @key_parts = (); my $new_key = ''; for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_paired_reads; ++$read_num) { my $rescued = ($bitmask & (1 << ($read_num - 1))); if ($rescued) { $new_key = $Read_str . $read_num; } else { $all_rescued = 0; } push(@key_parts, $Read_str . $read_num . ($rescued ? $Rescuable_key : $Unique_key)); } if ($all_rescued) { $new_key = $All_Reads_key; } $new_key = join($separ_str, ($new_key, $Rescued_Unique_key)); my $new_pc_key = join($separ_str, ($pc_prefix, $new_key)); my $base_key = join($separ_str, @key_parts); my $val = $lane_pair_ref->{join($separ_str, ($base_key, $unique_pair_align_key))}; my $divisor = $lane_pair_ref->{$base_key}; my $pc_val; if (defined($val) && defined($divisor)) { $pc_val = (($divisor > 0) ? ($val / $divisor * 100.0) : 0); } else { $pc_val = 0; $val = 0 if !defined($val); } $lane_pair_ref->{$new_key} = $val; $lane_pair_ref->{$new_pc_key} = $pc_val; $total += $val; $total_divisor += (defined($divisor) ? $divisor : 0); } my $total_key = join($separ_str, ($Total_str, $Rescued_Unique_key)); $lane_pair_ref->{$total_key} = $total; $lane_pair_ref->{join($separ_str, ($pc_prefix, $total_key))} = (($total_divisor > 0) ? ($total / $total_divisor * 100.0) : 0); } sub init_lane_results($;$;$;$;$;$) { my $lane_results_ref = shift; my $lane_parameters_ref = shift; my $lane_read_list_ref = shift; my $lane_num_tiles_ref = shift; my $maxLanes = shift; my $num_available_reads = shift; my %undef_hash; my $unknown = 'unknown'; for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $maxLanes; ++$lane_num) { # The number of reads for a lane is initialised to the number # available but may be reduced later according to analysis type. # $lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num} = [1..$num_available_reads]; $lane_num_tiles_ref->[$lane_num] = 0; for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_available_reads; ++$read_num) { # Force $lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane] to exist before use. %{$lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]} = %undef_hash; %{$lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]} = %undef_hash; my $parameters = $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]; $parameters->{tileCountRaw} = 0; #$parameters->{tileCountPF} = 0; # set to 1 if any _(re)score.txt successfully opened for # tile in that lane. $parameters->{alignedFlag} = 0; foreach my $thisStat (qw/template sample type length lengthsList purity eland/) { $parameters->{$thisStat} = $unknown; } } } } sub read_config_file($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$) { my $configFile = shift; my $lane_results_ref = shift; my $lane_parameters_ref = shift; my $maxNumLanes = shift; my $num_available_reads = shift; my $lane_read_list_ref = shift; my $max_reads_used_ref = shift; my $ref_read_num = shift; my $xmlData = readFileXML($configFile); if (!defined($xmlData)) { warn "Failed to parse $configFile as XML\n"; exit(1); } my $chip_wide = $xmlData->{Defaults}; die "ChipWideRunParameters missing in $configFile" unless $chip_wide; my $lane_specific = $xmlData->{Lane}; die "LaneSpecificRunParameters missing in $configFile" unless $lane_specific; # get the analysis for each lane my %analyses; my %prefixes; foreach my $lane_prefix (sort keys %{$lane_specific->{ANALYSIS}}) { die "Invalid lane prefix in $configFile: $lane_prefix" unless $lane_prefix =~ /^[^_]_(\d+)$/; my $lane_num = $1; $prefixes{$lane_num} = $lane_prefix; my $analysis = $lane_specific->{ANALYSIS}->{$lane_prefix}; $analyses{$lane_num} = $analysis if $analysis; } # get the read list for each lane foreach my $lane_num (sort keys %analyses) { my $analysis = $analyses{$lane_num}; # Use the first non-empty use base masks my $numberOfReads = 1; # default is single ended $numberOfReads = 0 if $analysis eq "none"; $numberOfReads = 2 if $analysis eq "eland_pair" or $analysis eq "sequence_pair"; my $readsFound = 0; my @readList = (); my $currentRead = 0; # incremented in the test of the while # Arbitrarily limits the number of reads to 10 while (scalar(@readList) <= $numberOfReads and ++$currentRead < 10) { my $useBasesKey = "USE_BASES$currentRead"; my $useBases; $useBases = $chip_wide->{$useBasesKey} if exists $chip_wide->{$useBasesKey}; $useBases = $lane_specific->{$useBasesKey}->{"s_$lane_num"} if exists $lane_specific->{$useBasesKey}->{"s_$lane_num"}; push @readList, $currentRead if $useBases and $useBases =~ /[yY]/; } die "Found only ", scalar(@readList), " used reads un the USE_BASES masks. Expected $numberOfReads for analysis $analysis" if @readList < $numberOfReads; $lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num} = \@readList; } my $unknown = 'unknown'; my %configKeywords = ( "ANALYSIS" => "type", "GENOME_FILE" => "template", "ELAND_GENOME" => "eland", "READ_LENGTH" => "originalReadLength"); foreach my $lane_num (sort keys %analyses) { #foreach my $read_num (@{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}) { foreach my $keyword (keys %configKeywords) { my $value; my $chip_value = $chip_wide->{$keyword}; my $lane_value = $lane_specific->{$keyword}->{$prefixes{$lane_num}}; $value = $chip_value if $chip_value; $value = $lane_value if $lane_value; #$lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]{$configKeywords{$keyword}} = $value; $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]{$configKeywords{$keyword}} = $value; } #} } # no output for ANALYSIS none, use ELAND_GENOME as Eland target foreach my $lane_num (sort keys %analyses) { my $analysis_type = uc($analyses{$lane_num}); #= uc($lane_results_ref->[$ref_read_num][$lane_num]{type}); my $num_reads_used = @{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}; if ($num_reads_used > $$max_reads_used_ref) { $$max_reads_used_ref = $num_reads_used; } #for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_available_reads; # ++$read_num) { #foreach my $read_num (@{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}) { # my $lane_read_ref = $lane_results_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]; # $lane_read_ref->{type} = $analysis_type; my $parameters = $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]; $parameters->{type} = $analysis_type; if ($analysis_type eq "NONE") { foreach my $value (qw/length template/) { #$lane_read_ref->{$value} = $unknown; $parameters->{$value} = $unknown; } } elsif (($analysis_type eq "SEQUENCE") || ($analysis_type eq "SEQUENCE_PAIR")) { foreach my $value (qw/template/) { #$lane_read_ref->{$value} = $unknown; $parameters->{$value} = $unknown; } } elsif (($analysis_type eq "ELAND") || ($analysis_type eq "ELAND_EXTENDED") || ($analysis_type eq "ELAND_PAIR") || ($analysis_type eq "ELAND_RNA")) { #$lane_read_ref->{template} = basename($lane_read_ref->{eland}); $parameters->{template} = basename($parameters->{eland}); } #} } # sets lengthsList and length values my $read_length_key = 'READ_LENGTH'; # Initialise from chip-wide lengths in case lane-specific lengths are # not available. foreach my $lane_num (sort keys %analyses) { # Use num_read_used to determine whether to use READ_LENGTH # or to look for READ_LENGTHn. my $num_reads_used = @{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}; my @read_lengths; #for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads_used; ++$read_num) { foreach my $read_num (@{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}) { my $param_key = (($num_reads_used > 1) ? $read_length_key . $read_num : $read_length_key); my $read_length = $chip_wide->{$param_key}; if (!defined($read_length)) { $read_length = 0; } push(@read_lengths, $read_length); } $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]{lengthsList} = join(', ', @read_lengths); } my @lengths; foreach my $param_key (sort keys %{$lane_specific}) { next unless $param_key =~ m/^READ_LENGTH(.*)/; my $read_num = $1; my $read_lengths_ref = $lane_specific->{$param_key}; next unless $read_lengths_ref; foreach my $lane_key (sort keys %{$read_lengths_ref}) { if ($lane_key =~ m/s_(.*)/) { my $lane_num = $1; my $analysis = uc($analyses{$lane_num}); if ($analysis =~ /^(.*)_PAIR$/) { push(@{$lengths[$lane_num]}, $read_lengths_ref->{$lane_key}) if $read_num; } else { push(@{$lengths[$lane_num]}, $read_lengths_ref->{$lane_key}) unless $read_num; } $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]{lengthsList} = join(', ', @{$lengths[$lane_num]}); } } # for each lane } # for each read } sub process_pair_info_file($;$) { my $pair_results_ref = shift; my $lane_num = shift; my $pair_info_fn = "s_".$lane_num."_pair.xml"; my $xml_data = readFileXML($pair_info_fn); if (defined($xml_data)) { my %undef_hash; %{$pair_results_ref->{$lane_num}} = %undef_hash; my $lane_pair_ref = $pair_results_ref->{$lane_num}; $lane_pair_ref->{$paired_not_done_key} = 0; # force to exist my $inserts_data = $xml_data->{$Insert_Size_str}; if (defined($inserts_data)) { my @insert_stat_strs = map { $_->[0] } @insert_stat_display_map; foreach my $stat_str (@insert_stat_strs) { $lane_pair_ref->{"$Insert_Size_str:$stat_str"} = (defined($inserts_data->{$stat_str}) ? $inserts_data->{$stat_str} : $not_avail_str); } } my $orient_data = $xml_data->{$Orientation_str}; if (defined($orient_data)) { # Insert size stats my @orientation_keys = map { $_->[0] } @orient_display_map; foreach my $stat_key (@orientation_keys, $nominal_orient_key) { $lane_pair_ref->{"$Orientation_str:$stat_key"} = (defined($orient_data->{$stat_key}) ? $orient_data->{$stat_key} : 0); } # Insert frequency stats my @insert_freq_keys = map { $_->[0] } @inserts_display_map; foreach my $stat_key (@insert_freq_keys) { # not provided so derived instead next if ($stat_key eq $num_pairs_ok_key); $lane_pair_ref->{"$Insert_Size_str:$stat_key"} = (defined($orient_data->{$stat_key}) ? $orient_data->{$stat_key} : 0); my $pc_key = $insert_num_pc_key_map{$stat_key}; $lane_pair_ref->{"$Insert_Size_str:$pc_key"} = (defined($orient_data->{$pc_key}) ? sprintf($insert_pc_format, $orient_data->{$pc_key}) : '0.0'); } } my $reads_data = $xml_data->{'Reads'}; if (defined($reads_data)) { my @align_outcome_keys = map { $_->[0] } @align_outcome_display_map; foreach my $read1_outcome_key (@align_outcome_keys) { my $key1_str = $Read_str . "1" . $read1_outcome_key; my $read1_data = $reads_data->{$key1_str}; if (defined($read1_data)) { foreach my $read2_outcome_key (@align_outcome_keys) { my $key2_str = $Read_str . "2" . $read2_outcome_key; my $read2_data = $read1_data->{$key2_str}; if (defined($read2_data)) { # Find all leaf values at arbitrary levels of # nesting under this node and sum them to produce # the main entry of interest. $lane_pair_ref->{"$key1_str:$key2_str"} = sum_vals_under_node($read2_data); # A few special cases at this level. my @inner_keys = keys (%{$read2_data}); foreach my $inner_key (@inner_keys) { if (($inner_key eq $unique_pair_align_key) || ($inner_key eq $multi_pair_align_key)) { $lane_pair_ref-> {"$key1_str:$key2_str:$inner_key"} = sum_vals_under_node($read2_data-> {$inner_key}); } elsif ($inner_key eq $paired_not_done_key) { $lane_pair_ref->{$paired_not_done_key} = 1; } } } else { $lane_pair_ref->{"$key1_str:$key2_str"} = 0; } } } else { foreach my $read2_outcome_key (@align_outcome_keys) { my $key2_str = $Read_str . "2" . $read2_outcome_key; $lane_pair_ref->{"$key1_str:$key2_str"} = 0; } } } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Sum all leaf values under an XML node handling arbitrary levels of # nesting using recursion. # forward declaration apparently needed for recursion in Perl. sub sum_vals_under_node($) { my $xml_ref = shift; if (!ref($xml_ref)) { # There is no nesting; this is already a leaf value. return $xml_ref; } my $sum = 0; my @sub_tags = keys (%{$xml_ref}); foreach my $sub_tag (@sub_tags) { my $val = $xml_ref->{$sub_tag}; if (!ref($val)) { # a leaf value $sum += $val; } elsif (ref($val) eq 'HASH') { # more nesting $sum += sum_vals_under_node($val); } else { die "Found unexpected reference type in XML structure\n"; } } return $sum; } # whether uniquely or otherwise) but its partner has not (whether because # it was low quality - too many unknown bases - or simply could not be matched # to the reference). # # The percentages calculated are relative to total number of aligned partner # reads (not total number of read pairs). sub derive_mispairing_stats($;$) { my $lane_pair_ref = shift; my $separ_str = shift; for (my $ref_read_num = 1; $ref_read_num <= 2; ++$ref_read_num) { my $lost_read_num = ($ref_read_num == 1) ? 2 : 1; my $count = 0; my $divisor = 0; foreach my $ref_key ($Unique_key, $Rescuable_key, $Repeat_key) { foreach my $lost_key($Not_Matched_key, $Low_Quality_key) { my $read1_key = $Read_str."1" . (($ref_read_num == 1) ? $ref_key : $lost_key); my $read2_key = $Read_str."2" . (($ref_read_num == 2) ? $ref_key : $lost_key); my $val = $lane_pair_ref->{join($separ_str, ($read1_key, $read2_key))}; if (defined($val)) { $count += $val; } } my @key_strs = ($Read_str . $ref_read_num . $ref_key, $Total_str); if ($ref_read_num != 1) { @key_strs = reverse @key_strs; } my $val = $lane_pair_ref->{join($separ_str, @key_strs)}; if (defined($val)) { $divisor += $val; } } my $key = $Read_str . $lost_read_num . $Lost_str; my $pc_key = join($separ_str, ($pc_prefix, $key)); $lane_pair_ref->{$key} = $count; $lane_pair_ref->{$pc_key} = (($divisor != 0) ? ($count / $divisor * 100.0) : 0.0); } } sub derive_insert_freq_stats($) { my $lane_pair_ref = shift; my $nominal_orient = $lane_pair_ref->{"$Orientation_str:$nominal_orient_key"}; my $ok_freq = (defined($nominal_orient) ? $lane_pair_ref->{"$Orientation_str:$nominal_orient"} : 0); foreach my $bad_freq_key ($num_orient_ok_small_insert_key, $num_orient_ok_large_insert_key) { my $key = "$Insert_Size_str:$bad_freq_key"; my $bad_freq = (defined($lane_pair_ref->{$key}) ? $lane_pair_ref->{$key} : 0); $ok_freq -= $bad_freq; } $lane_pair_ref->{"$Insert_Size_str:$num_pairs_ok_key"} = $ok_freq; # Calc total num inserts and use as denominator in percentage. my $total_inserts = 0; my @orientation_keys = map { $_->[0] } @orient_display_map; foreach my $stat_key (@orientation_keys) { my $num_inserts = $lane_pair_ref->{"$Orientation_str:$stat_key"}; $total_inserts += (defined($num_inserts) ? $num_inserts : 0); } my $pc_key = $insert_num_pc_key_map{$num_pairs_ok_key}; $lane_pair_ref->{"$Insert_Size_str:$pc_key"} = sprintf($insert_pc_format, (($total_inserts != 0) ? (100.0 * $ok_freq / $total_inserts) : 0.0)); } sub derive_pair_stats($) { my $lane_pair_ref = shift; my $paired_align_done = !$lane_pair_ref->{$paired_not_done_key}; # Individual Alignment Outcomes calc_total_by_field($lane_pair_ref, ["^".$Read_str."1", "^".$Read_str."2"], 1, $pair_key_separ_str); calc_total_by_field($lane_pair_ref, ["^".$Read_str."1", "^(".$Read_str."2|".$Total_str.")"], 0, $pair_key_separ_str); # calc_percent_by_field($lane_pair_ref, # ["^(${Read_str}1|${Total_str})", # "^(${Read_str}2|${Total_str})"], # "${Total_str}:${Total_str}", # $pair_key_separ_str); # Breakdown of UniquePairedAlignment, ManyPairedAlignments if ($paired_align_done) { foreach my $pair_align_key ($unique_pair_align_key, $multi_pair_align_key) { calc_total_by_field($lane_pair_ref, ["^".$Read_str."1", "^".$Read_str."2", "^$pair_align_key\$"], 1, $pair_key_separ_str); calc_total_by_field($lane_pair_ref, ["^".$Read_str."1", "^(".$Read_str."2|".$Total_str.")", "^$pair_align_key\$"], 0, $pair_key_separ_str); # calc_percent_by_field($lane_pair_ref, # ["^(${Read_str}1|${Total_str})", # "^(${Read_str}2|${Total_str})", # "^${pair_align_key}\$"], # "${Total_str}:${Total_str}:${pair_align_key}", # $pair_key_separ_str); } } # Uniqueness rescue if ($paired_align_done) { derive_uniqueness_rescue_stats($lane_pair_ref, $num_paired_reads, $pair_key_separ_str); } # Mispairing derive_mispairing_stats($lane_pair_ref, $pair_key_separ_str); # Orientations my @orientation_strs = map { $_->[0] } @orient_display_map; my $orient_regex = '^(' . join('|', @orientation_strs) . ')$'; calc_total_by_field($lane_pair_ref, ["^$Orientation_str\$", $orient_regex], 1, $pair_key_separ_str); # calc_percent_by_field($lane_pair_ref, # ["^${Orientation_str}\$", $orient_regex], # "${Orientation_str}:${Total_str}", # $pair_key_separ_str); # Insert size freqs if ($paired_align_done) { derive_insert_freq_stats($lane_pair_ref); } } sub read_tiles_file($;$) { my $tiles_file = shift; my $tiles_ref = shift; if (!open(TILES, $tiles_file)) { warn "Failed to open tile list file `", $tiles_file, "'.\n"; exit(0); } while (my $line = ) { next if ($line =~ m/^\#/); my @curr_tiles = split(" ", $line); push @$tiles_ref, @curr_tiles; } close(TILES); } sub process_score_file($;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$) { my $file_name = shift; my $infoContentKey = shift; my $errorKey = shift; my $pc_align_key = shift; my $av_align_score_key = shift; my $tile_num = shift; my $lane_num = shift; my $read_list_ref = shift; my $results_ref = shift; my $lane_results_ref = shift; my $lane_parameters_ref = shift; my $cluster_count = shift; my $info_content_line = undef; my $num_unique_aligns = undef; my $total_unique_align_score = undef; #for (my $read_num = 0; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { # 0 -> All my @read_list; push @read_list, 0 if 1 < @{$read_list_ref}; # 0 -> All push @read_list, @{$read_list_ref}; foreach my $read_num (@read_list) { $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num} = {} unless exists $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num}; my $tile_read_ref = $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num}; # Should these all be set to undef rather than to 0, # i.e. should attempts to divide 0 by 0 be reported as 0 or unknown? $tile_read_ref->{$errorKey} = 0; $tile_read_ref->{$infoContentKey} = 0; $tile_read_ref->{$pc_align_key} = 0; $tile_read_ref->{$av_align_score_key} = 0; } my $read_num = $read_list_ref->[0]; #my $highest_read_num = $read_num; my $tile_read_ref = $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num}; open IN, $file_name or die "Failed to open $file_name: $!"; #for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { foreach my $read_num (@{$read_list_ref}) { $lane_parameters_ref->[$lane_num]{alignedFlag} = 1; } my $in_info_content = 0; while () { # print $_; die; if ($_ =~ /^\# Lane.*Read/) { if ($_ =~ /^\# Lane.*Read (\d+)/) { $read_num = $1; grep(/^$read_num$/, @{$read_list_ref}) or die "" . "Unexpected read: $read_num not in [" . join(', ', @{$read_list_ref}) . "]"; #if ($read_num > $num_reads) { # die("Expected $num_reads reads but found " # . "Read $read_num in $file_name\n"); #} #if ($read_num > $highest_read_num) { # $highest_read_num = $read_num; #} } else { $read_num = 0; # All Reads } $tile_read_ref = $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num}; } elsif ($_ =~ m/ percent error rate/) { my @array = split(' ',$_); $tile_read_ref->{$errorKey} = $array[0]; } elsif ($_ =~ /unique alignments : (\d+) \(total score (\d+)\)/) { $num_unique_aligns = $1; $total_unique_align_score = $2; if ($cluster_count != 0) { $tile_read_ref->{$pc_align_key} = ($num_unique_aligns / $cluster_count) * 100; $tile_read_ref->{$av_align_score_key} = $total_unique_align_score / $cluster_count; } } elsif ($_ =~ /^\~/) { $info_content_line = $_; $in_info_content = 1; } elsif ($in_info_content) { # Now at the line after the last info content for a stats set. # Process that last info content line. $in_info_content = 0; chomp($info_content_line); $info_content_line =~ s/^\~//; my @array = split('\t', $info_content_line); $tile_read_ref->{$infoContentKey} = $array[4] / $array[0] if ((@array == 7) && ($array[0] != 0)); } } # while close(IN); #if ($highest_read_num < $num_reads) { # die("Expected $num_reads but highest Read found in " # . " $file_name was Read $highest_read_num\n"); #} } sub getIndexRead($) { my $configFile = shift; my $xml = XML::Simple->new(); my $xmlData = $xml->XMLin($configFile, suppressempty=>undef); if (!defined($xmlData)) { warn "Failed to parse $configFile as XML\n"; exit(1); } my $indexRead = $xmlData->{'ChipWideRunParameters'}{'INDEXING_READ_POSITION'}; return $indexRead; } #deletes indexing reads from hash sub deleteIndexingRead($$$) { my $bxmlData_ref=shift; my $index=shift; my $max_reads_used=shift; #decrement since index read in config.xml is 1-offset $index-- if (defined($index) && ($index>0)); if (defined($bxmlData_ref->{ExpandedLaneSummary}{Read}[$index])) { splice(@{$bxmlData_ref->{ExpandedLaneSummary}{Read}},$index,1); #renumbering reads foreach (@{$bxmlData_ref->{ExpandedLaneSummary}{Read}}) { $_->{readNumber}-- if ($_->{readNumber}>$index); } } if (defined($bxmlData_ref->{LaneResultsSummary}{Read}[$index])) { splice(@{$bxmlData_ref->{LaneResultsSummary}{Read}},$index,1); #renumbering reads foreach (@{$bxmlData_ref->{LaneResultsSummary}{Read}}) { $_->{readNumber}-- if ($_->{readNumber}>$index); } } for (my $lane_num=0; $lane_num<$maxNumLanes; ++$lane_num) { my $lane_read=$bxmlData_ref->{TileResultsByLane}{Lane}; my $lane_ref=@{$lane_read}[$lane_num]; if (defined(@{$lane_ref->{Read}}[$index])) { splice(@{$lane_ref->{Read}},$index,1); foreach (@{$lane_ref->{Read}}) { $_->{readNumber}-- if ($_->{readNumber}>$index); } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub make_lrt_key($;$;$) { my ($lane_num, $read_num, $tile_num) = @_; return join(':', $lane_num, $read_num, $tile_num); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_cluster_counts($;\%) { my ($bustard_xml_ref, $cluster_counts_ref) = @_; my %undef_hash; my $lane_hash_ref = $bustard_xml_ref->{TileResultsByLane}{Lane}; die "Undefined TileResultsByLane in Bustard Summary" unless $lane_hash_ref; #for (my $lane_ind = 0; $lane_ind {$lane_num}; my $read_hash_ref = $lane_ref->{Read}; next unless $read_hash_ref; foreach my $read_num (sort keys %{$read_hash_ref}) { my $read_ref = $read_hash_ref->{$read_num}; my $tile_hash_ref = $read_ref->{Tile}; next unless $tile_hash_ref; foreach my $tile_num (sort keys %{$tile_hash_ref}) { my $tile_ref = $tile_hash_ref->{$tile_num}; my $count_hash = {}; foreach my $count_key ($cluster_count_raw_key, $cluster_count_PF_key) { $count_hash->{$count_key} = $tile_ref->{$count_key}; } $cluster_counts_ref->{$lane_num}->{$read_num}->{$tile_num} = $count_hash; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_tile_cluster_counts(\%;$;$;$;\$;\$) { my ($cluster_counts_ref, $lane_num, $read_num, $tile_num, $cluster_count_raw_ref, $cluster_count_PF_ref) = @_; $$cluster_count_raw_ref = 0; $$cluster_count_PF_ref = 0; return unless exists $cluster_counts_ref->{$lane_num}; return unless exists $cluster_counts_ref->{$lane_num}->{$read_num}; return unless exists $cluster_counts_ref->{$lane_num}->{$read_num}->{$tile_num}; my $count_hash = $cluster_counts_ref->{$lane_num}->{$read_num}->{$tile_num}; $$cluster_count_raw_ref = $count_hash->{$cluster_count_raw_key}; $$cluster_count_PF_ref = $count_hash->{$cluster_count_PF_key}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub merge_lanes($$$$$$$$$) { my $laneResults_ref = shift; my $laneParameters_ref = shift; my $results_ref = shift; my $max_reads = shift; my $num_tiles = shift; my $lane_type_ref = shift; my $lane_num_reads_ref = shift; my $bxmlData_ref = shift; my $stats = shift; my $thisVal; my %formats = ('percentUniquelyAlignedPF' => '%3.2f', 'averageAlignScorePF' => '%3.2f', 'errorPF' => '%3.2f', 'errorRaw' => '%3.2f', 'errorPF' => '%3.2f', 'infoContentRaw' => '%d', 'infoContentPF' => '%d'); #for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $maxNumLanes; ++$lane_num) { #foreach my $lane_num (@all_lanes) { # if (exists $lane_type_ref->{$lane_num}) { # my $num_reads = $lane_num_reads_ref->[$lane_num]; # for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { foreach my $read_num (sort keys %{$bxmlData_ref->{Read}}) { foreach my $lane_num (sort keys %{$bxmlData_ref->{Read}->{$read_num}->{Lane}}) { if (exists $lane_type_ref->{$lane_num}) { my $laneResults_read_ref = $laneResults_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]; my $parameters = $laneParameters_ref->[$lane_num]; my $analysis_type = $parameters->{type}; next if ($analysis_type eq "SEQUENCE") or ($analysis_type eq "SEQUENCE_PAIR"); #my $lane_read = $bxmlData_ref->{Read}; #my $read_ref = $lane_read->{$read_num}; #my $lane_ref = $read_ref->{Lane}; #my $lane_read_ref = $lane_ref->[$lane_num-1]; my $lane_read_ref = $bxmlData_ref->{Read}->{$read_num}->{Lane}->{$lane_num}; foreach my $tile_num (sort keys %{$results_ref->{$read_num}{$lane_num}}) { my $tile_read_ref = $results_ref->{$read_num}{$lane_num}{$tile_num}; die "Undefined lane for s_${lane_num}_${tile_num}" unless defined $tile_read_ref->{lane}; die "Unexpected lane for s_${lane_num}_${tile_num}:" . $tile_read_ref->{lane} unless $tile_read_ref->{lane} == $lane_num; foreach (@{$stats}) { $thisVal=0; if (defined($tile_read_ref->{$_})) { $thisVal = $tile_read_ref->{$_}; } $lane_read_ref->{$_}->{mean} += $thisVal; $lane_read_ref->{$_}->{sumsq} += ($thisVal * $thisVal); } } foreach (@{$stats}) { my $numSamples = $parameters->{tileCountPF}; my $stat_ref = $lane_read_ref->{$_}; if (defined($stat_ref)) { my $format = $formats{$_}; $stat_ref->{mean} = sprintf($format, $stat_ref->{mean}); $stat_ref->{sumsq} = sprintf($format, $stat_ref->{sumsq}); if (defined($numSamples) && ($numSamples >= 2)) { $stat_ref->{stdev} = ($stat_ref->{sumsq} - (($stat_ref->{mean} * $stat_ref->{mean}) / $numSamples)); $stat_ref->{stdev} /= ($numSamples - 1); if ($stat_ref->{stdev} < 0) { $stat_ref->{stdev} = 0; } $stat_ref->{stdev} = sprintf($format, sqrt($stat_ref->{stdev})); } else { $stat_ref->{stdev} = 0; #$stat_ref->{stdev} = undef; } if (defined($numSamples) && ($numSamples > 0)) { $stat_ref->{mean} /= $numSamples; $stat_ref->{mean} = sprintf($format, $stat_ref->{mean}); } else { $stat_ref->{mean} = undef; } } } }#for read }#if }#for lane } # FIXME : would seem cleaner to process results of using tileNumber as KeyAttr sub merge_tiles($$$$$$$) { my $laneResults_ref = shift; my $results_ref = shift; my $max_reads = shift; my $num_aligned_tiles = shift; my $lane_type_ref = shift; my $lane_read_list_ref = shift; my $bxmlData_ref = shift; for (my $lane_num = 1; $lane_num <= $maxNumLanes; ++$lane_num) { if (exists $lane_type_ref->{$lane_num}) { #my $num_reads = @{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}; #for (my $read_num = 1; $read_num <= $num_reads; ++$read_num) { foreach my $read_num (@{$lane_read_list_ref->{$lane_num}}) { #my $lane_read = $bxmlData_ref->{Lane}; #my $lane_ref = $lane_read->{$lane_num}; #my $read_ref = $lane_ref->{Read}; #my $lane_read_ref = $read_ref->[$read_num-1]; my $lane_read_ref = $bxmlData_ref->{Lane}->{$lane_num}->{Read}->{$read_num}; my $lane_num_basecalled_tiles = scalar(keys %{$lane_read_ref->{Tile}}); my $laneResults_read_ref = $laneResults_ref->[$read_num][$lane_num]; my $basecalled_tile_index = 0; #my $num_aligned_tiles_for_read # = scalar(@{$results_ref->[$read_num]}); #for (my $aligned_tile_ind = 0; # $aligned_tile_ind < $num_aligned_tiles_for_read; # ++$aligned_tile_ind) { foreach my $tile_num (sort keys %{$results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}}) { my $aligned_tile_read_ref = $results_ref->{$read_num}->{$lane_num}->{$tile_num}; my $aligned_lane_num = $aligned_tile_read_ref->{lane}; if (!defined($aligned_lane_num)) { warn("'lane' not specified for aligned tile"); next; } #next if ($aligned_tile_read_ref->{lane} != $lane_num); #if ($aligned_lane_num != $lane_num) { # $basecalled_tile_index = 0; # next; #} #my $aligned_tile_num = $aligned_tile_read_ref->{tileNumber}; #if (!defined($aligned_tile_num)) { # warn("'tileNumber' not specified for aligned tile"); # next; #} my $lane_read_tile_ref = $lane_read_ref->{Tile}->{$tile_num}; #my $basecalled_tile_num = $lane_read_tile_ref->{tileNumber}; #if (!defined($basecalled_tile_num)) { # warn("'tileNumber' not specified for basecalled tile"); # $basecalled_tile_num = 0; #} # If tiles have been selected at the alignment stage, # may need to skip past tiles filtered out. #my $tile_num_matched = 1; #while ($basecalled_tile_num != $aligned_tile_num) { # ++$basecalled_tile_index; # if ($basecalled_tile_index # >= $lane_num_basecalled_tiles) { # warn("Ran out of basecalled tiles looking for tile " # . "num match for aligned tile " # . $aligned_tile_num # . " in lane $aligned_lane_num"); # $tile_num_matched = 0; # last; # } # $lane_read_tile_ref # = $lane_read_ref->{Tile}[$basecalled_tile_index]; # $basecalled_tile_num = $lane_read_tile_ref->{tileNumber}; # if ($basecalled_tile_num > $aligned_tile_num) { # warn("Failed to find tile num match for aligned tile " # . $aligned_tile_num # . " in lane $aligned_lane_num"); # $tile_num_matched = 0; # last; # } #} #next if (!$tile_num_matched); $lane_read_tile_ref->{averageAlignScorePF} = sprintf("%3.2f", $aligned_tile_read_ref->{averageAlignScorePF}) if $aligned_tile_read_ref->{averageAlignScorePF}; $lane_read_tile_ref->{percentUniquelyAlignedPF} = sprintf("%3.2f", $aligned_tile_read_ref->{percentUniquelyAlignedPF}) if $aligned_tile_read_ref->{percentUniquelyAlignedPF}; $lane_read_tile_ref->{errorPF} = sprintf("%3.2f", $aligned_tile_read_ref->{errorPF}) if $aligned_tile_read_ref->{errorPF}; ++$basecalled_tile_index; } } } } } 1; # says use was ok