package perlchartdir; require 5.004; my $CDPLVersion = 0x500; sub autoImport { my $ver = shift; if (!(eval " package $ver; require DynaLoader; \@ISA = qw(DynaLoader); bootstrap $ver; sub perlchartdir::major_ver { return &major_ver; }; sub perlchartdir::minor_ver { return &minor_ver; } sub perlchartdir::copyright { return ©right; } sub perlchartdir::id { return &id; } sub perlchartdir::callMethod { return &callMethod; } ") && ($@)) { die; } } if ($] >= 5.008) { use Config; my $cdlibext = ($] >= 5.01) ? "510" : "58"; if ($Config{"use64bitint"} && (4 < $Config{"ivsize"})) { $cdlibext .= "i64"; } if (($Config{"useithreads"}) || ($Config{"use5005threads"})) { $cdlibext .= "mt"; } autoImport("perlchartdir".$cdlibext); } elsif ($] >= 5.006) { use Config; if (($Config{"useithreads"}) || ($Config{"use5005threads"})) { if ($Config{"use64bitint"}) { autoImport("perlchartdir56i64mt"); } else { autoImport("perlchartdir56mt"); } } else { if ($Config{"use64bitint"}) { autoImport("perlchartdir56i64"); } else { autoImport("perlchartdir56"); } } } elsif ($] >= 5.005) { autoImport("perlchartdir5005"); } else { autoImport("perlchartdir5004"); } my $dllVersion = (callMethod("getVersion") >> 16) & 0x7fff; if ($dllVersion != $CDPLVersion) { my $majorCDV = ($CDPLVersion >> 8) & 0xff; my $minorCDV = $CDPLVersion & 0xff; my $majorv = ($dllVersion >> 8) & 0xff; my $minorv = $dllVersion & 0xff; die "Version mismatch - \"\" is of version $majorCDV.$minorCDV, but \"chartdir.dll/\" is of version $majorv.$minorv\n"; } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// Internal functions #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sub checkarg { my $params = shift; my $requiredNoOfParams = shift; if (!$requiredNoOfParams) { $requiredNoOfParams = 0; } my $actualNoOfParams = scalar(@$params); if ($actualNoOfParams > $requiredNoOfParams) { die "Too many arguments; expecting $requiredNoOfParams but received $actualNoOfParams\n"; } my $noOfDefaultParams = scalar(@_); my $noOfMandatoryParams = $requiredNoOfParams - $noOfDefaultParams; if ($actualNoOfParams < $noOfMandatoryParams) { die "Too few arguments; need at least $noOfMandatoryParams but received $actualNoOfParams\n"; } while ($actualNoOfParams < $requiredNoOfParams) { push(@$params, $_[$noOfDefaultParams + $actualNoOfParams - $requiredNoOfParams]); ++$actualNoOfParams; } return $params; } sub printerr { my ($msg, $methodName) = @_; chop $msg; my $i = 0; my $errmsg = "$msg\n*** Stack back trace ***\n"; while (caller(++$i)) { my @context = caller($i); my $id = $context[3]; if (substr($id, 0, 15) ne "perlchartdir::_") { if ((defined $methodName) && ($id eq "CDAutoMethod::AUTOLOAD")) { $id = $methodName; } $errmsg .= "calling $id at $context[1]:$context[2]\n"; } } die $errmsg; } sub _f { my $methodName = shift; my $ret = eval { my $params = checkarg(@_); callMethod($methodName, @$params); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { printerr($@, $methodName); } return $ret; } sub _m { my $methodName = shift; my $params = shift; my $self = shift(@$params); my $ret = eval { my $params = checkarg($params, @_); callMethod($methodName, $self->{"this"}, @$params); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { printerr($@, $methodName); } return $ret; } %classNames = ( "AngularAxis"=>undef, "AngularMeter"=>undef, "AreaLayer"=>undef, "ArrayMath"=>undef, "Axis"=>undef, "BarLayer"=>undef, "BaseBoxLayer"=>undef, "BaseChart"=>undef, "BaseMeter"=>undef, "Box"=>undef, "BoxWhiskerLayer"=>undef, "CandleStickLayer"=>undef, "CDMLTable"=>undef, "ColorAxis"=>undef, "ContourLayer"=>undef, "DataSet"=>undef, "DrawArea"=>undef, "FinanceSimulator"=>undef, "HLOCLayer"=>undef, "InterLineLayer"=>undef, "Layer"=>undef, "LegendBox"=>undef, "Line"=>undef, "LineLayer"=>undef, "LinearMeter"=>undef, "Mark"=>undef, "MeterPointer"=>undef, "MultiChart"=>undef, "PieChart"=>undef, "PlotArea"=>undef, "PolarAreaLayer"=>undef, "PolarChart"=>undef, "PolarLayer"=>undef, "PolarLineLayer"=>undef, "PolarSplineAreaLayer"=>undef, "PolarSplineLineLayer"=>undef, "PolarVectorLayer"=>undef, "PyramidChart"=>undef, "PyramidLayer"=>undef, "RanTable"=>undef, "ScatterLayer"=>undef, "Sector"=>undef, "SplineLayer"=>undef, "StepLineLayer"=>undef, "SurfaceChart"=>undef, "TTFText"=>undef, "TextBox"=>undef, "TrendLayer"=>undef, "VectorLayer"=>undef, "XYChart"=>undef, "WebChartViewer"=>undef ); sub cdFindSubClass { my $c = shift; if (exists $classNames{$c}) { return $c; } foreach my $s (@{"${c}::ISA"}) { my $ret = cdFindSubClass($s); if (defined $ret) { return $ret; } } return undef; } sub cdFindDefaultArgs { my ($c, $varName) = @_; my $ret = ${"${c}::defaultArgs"}; if (defined $ret) { my $ret = $$ret{$varName}; if (defined $ret) { return $ret; } } foreach my $s (@{"${c}::ISA"}) { my $ret = cdFindDefaultArgs($s, $varName); if (defined $ret) { return $ret; } } return undef; } sub _r { my ($fullName, $args) = @_; my $pos = rindex($fullName, "::"); my $className = substr($fullName, 0, $pos); my $methodName = substr($fullName, $pos + 2); $className = cdFindSubClass($className); my $params = cdFindDefaultArgs($className, $methodName); if ($params) { my @dargs = @$params; shift @dargs; my $ret = _m("$className.$methodName", $args, @dargs); my $maker = $$params[0]; if (defined $maker) { return eval(("new $maker('$ret')" =~ /(.*)/)[0]); } else { return $ret; } } else { return _m("$className.$methodName", $args, scalar(@$args) - 1); } } sub encodeIfArray { my ($b, $a) = @_; if (ref($a)) { return $b."2"; } return $b; } sub decodePtr { my ($p) = @_; if (!defined $p) { return '$$pointer$$null'; } if (ref($p)) { return $p->{"this"}; } return $p; } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// constants #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $BottomLeft = 1; $BottomCenter = 2; $BottomRight = 3; $Left = 4; $Center = 5; $Right = 6; $TopLeft = 7; $TopCenter = 8; $TopRight = 9; $Top = $TopCenter; $Bottom = $BottomCenter; $TopLeft2 = 10; $TopRight2 = 11; $BottomLeft2 = 12; $BottomRight2 = 13; $Transparent = 0xff000000; $Palette = 0xffff0000; $BackgroundColor = 0xffff0000; $LineColor = 0xffff0001; $TextColor = 0xffff0002; $DataColor = 0xffff0008; $SameAsMainColor = 0xffff0007; $HLOCDefault = 0; $HLOCOpenClose = 1; $HLOCUpDown = 2; $DiamondPointer = 0; $TriangularPointer = 1; $ArrowPointer = 2; $ArrowPointer2 = 3; $LinePointer = 4; $PencilPointer = 5; $ChartBackZ = 0x100; $ChartFrontZ = 0xffff; $PlotAreaZ = 0x1000; $GridLinesZ = 0x2000; $XAxisSymmetric = 1; $XAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 2; $YAxisSymmetric = 4; $YAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 8; $XYAxisSymmetric = 16; $XYAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 32; $XAxisAtOrigin = 1; $YAxisAtOrigin = 2; $XYAxisAtOrigin = 3; $NoValue = 1.7e308; $LogTick = 1.6e308; $LinearTick = 1.5e308; $TickInc = 1.0e200; $MinorTickOnly = -1.7e308; $MicroTickOnly = -1.6e308; $TouchBar = -1.7E-100; $AutoGrid = -2; $NoAntiAlias = 0; $AntiAlias = 1; $AutoAntiAlias = 2; $TryPalette = 0; $ForcePalette = 1; $NoPalette = 2; $Quantize = 0; $OrderedDither = 1; $ErrorDiffusion = 2; $BoxFilter = 0; $LinearFilter = 1; $QuadraticFilter = 2; $BSplineFilter = 3; $HermiteFilter = 4; $CatromFilter = 5; $MitchellFilter = 6; $SincFilter = 7; $LanczosFilter = 8; $GaussianFilter = 9; $HanningFilter = 10; $HammingFilter = 11; $BlackmanFilter = 12; $BesselFilter = 13; $PNG = 0; $GIF = 1; $JPG = 2; $WMP = 3; $BMP = 4; $SVG = 5; $SVGZ = 6; $Overlay = 0; $Stack = 1; $Depth = 2; $Side = 3; $Percentage = 4; $defaultPalette = [ 0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0xff3333, 0x33ff33, 0x6666ff, 0xffff00, 0xff66ff, 0x99ffff, 0xffcc33, 0xcccccc, 0xcc9999, 0x339966, 0x999900, 0xcc3300, 0x669999, 0x993333, 0x006600, 0x990099, 0xff9966, 0x99ff99, 0x9999ff, 0xcc6600, 0x33cc33, 0xcc99ff, 0xff6666, 0x99cc66, 0x009999, 0xcc3333, 0x9933ff, 0xff0000, 0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffcc99, 0x999999, -1 ]; $whiteOnBlackPalette = [ 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00, 0xff00ff, 0x66ffff, 0xffcc33, 0xcccccc, 0x9966ff, 0x339966, 0x999900, 0xcc3300, 0x99cccc, 0x006600, 0x660066, 0xcc9999, 0xff9966, 0x99ff99, 0x9999ff, 0xcc6600, 0x33cc33, 0xcc99ff, 0xff6666, 0x99cc66, 0x009999, 0xcc3333, 0x9933ff, 0xff0000, 0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffcc99, 0x999999, -1 ]; $transparentPalette = [ 0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x80ff0000, 0x8000ff00, 0x800000ff, 0x80ffff00, 0x80ff00ff, 0x8066ffff, 0x80ffcc33, 0x80cccccc, 0x809966ff, 0x80339966, 0x80999900, 0x80cc3300, 0x8099cccc, 0x80006600, 0x80660066, 0x80cc9999, 0x80ff9966, 0x8099ff99, 0x809999ff, 0x80cc6600, 0x8033cc33, 0x80cc99ff, 0x80ff6666, 0x8099cc66, 0x80009999, 0x80cc3333, 0x809933ff, 0x80ff0000, 0x800000ff, 0x8000ff00, 0x80ffcc99, 0x80999999, -1 ]; $NoSymbol = 0; $SquareSymbol = 1; $DiamondSymbol = 2; $TriangleSymbol = 3; $RightTriangleSymbol = 4; $LeftTriangleSymbol = 5; $InvertedTriangleSymbol = 6; $CircleSymbol = 7; $CrossSymbol = 8; $Cross2Symbol = 9; $PolygonSymbol = 11; $Polygon2Symbol = 12; $StarSymbol = 13; $CustomSymbol = 14 ; $NoShape = 0; $SquareShape = 1; $DiamondShape = 2; $TriangleShape = 3; $RightTriangleShape = 4; $LeftTriangleShape = 5; $InvertedTriangleShape = 6; $CircleShape = 7; $CircleShapeNoShading = 10; $GlassSphereShape = 15; $GlassSphere2Shape = 16; $SolidSphereShape = 17; sub cdBound { my ($a, $b, $c) = @_; if ($b < $a) { return $a; } if ($b > $c) { return $c; } return $b; } sub CrossShape { return $CrossSymbol | (int(cdBound(0, (defined $_[0]) ? $_[0] : 0.5, 1) * 4095 + 0.5) << 12); } sub Cross2Shape { return $Cross2Symbol | (int(cdBound(0, (defined $_[0]) ? $_[0] : 0.5, 1) * 4095 + 0.5) << 12); } sub PolygonShape { return $PolygonSymbol | (cdBound(0, $_[0], 100) << 12); } sub Polygon2Shape { return $Polygon2Symbol | (cdBound(0, $_[0], 100) << 12); } sub StarShape { return $StarSymbol | (cdBound(0, $_[0], 100) << 12); } $DashLine = 0x0505; $DotLine = 0x0202; $DotDashLine = 0x05050205; $AltDashLine = 0x0A050505; $goldGradient = [0, 0xFFE743, 0x60, 0xFFFFE0, 0xB0, 0xFFF0B0, 0x100, 0xFFE743]; $silverGradient = [0, 0xC8C8C8, 0x60, 0xF8F8F8, 0xB0, 0xE0E0E0, 0x100, 0xC8C8C8]; $redMetalGradient = [0, 0xE09898, 0x60, 0xFFF0F0, 0xB0, 0xF0D8D8, 0x100, 0xE09898]; $blueMetalGradient = [0, 0x9898E0, 0x60, 0xF0F0FF, 0xB0, 0xD8D8F0, 0x100, 0x9898E0]; $greenMetalGradient = [0, 0x98E098, 0x60, 0xF0FFF0, 0xB0, 0xD8F0D8, 0x100, 0x98E098]; sub metalColor { return _f("metalColor", \@_, 2, 90); } sub goldColor { return metalColor(0xffee44, @_); } sub silverColor { return metalColor(0xdddddd, @_); } sub brushedMetalColor { my $ret = eval { my ($c, $texture, $angle) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3, 2, 90)}; return int((metalColor($c, $angle) | (($texture & 0x3) << 18))); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } sub brushedSilverColor { return brushedMetalColor(0xdddddd, @_); } sub brushedGoldColor { return brushedMetalColor(0xffee44, @_); } $NormalLegend = 0; $ReverseLegend = 1; $NoLegend = 2; $SideLayout = 0; $CircleLayout = 1; $PixelScale = 0; $XAxisScale = 1; $YAxisScale = 2; $EndPoints = 3; $AngularAxisScale = $XAxisScale; $RadialAxisScale = $YAxisScale; $MonotonicNone = 0; $MonotonicX = 1; $MonotonicY = 2; $MonotonicXY = 3; $MonotonicAuto = 4; $ConstrainedLinearRegression = 0; $LinearRegression = 1; $ExponentialRegression = -1; $LogarithmicRegression = -2; sub PolynomialRegression { return shift; } $SmoothShading = 0; $TriangularShading = 1; $RectangularShading = 2; $TriangularFrame = 3; $RectangularFrame = 4; $StartOfHourFilterTag = 1; $StartOfDayFilterTag = 2; $StartOfWeekFilterTag = 3; $StartOfMonthFilterTag = 4; $StartOfYearFilterTag = 5; $RegularSpacingFilterTag = 6; $AllPassFilterTag = 7; $NonePassFilterTag = 8; $SelectItemFilterTag = 9; sub encodeFilter { return _f("encodeFilter", \@_, 3, 1, 0.05); } sub StartOfHourFilter { encodeFilter($StartOfHourFilterTag, @_); } sub StartOfDayFilter { encodeFilter($StartOfDayFilterTag, @_); } sub StartOfWeekFilter { encodeFilter($StartOfWeekFilterTag, @_); } sub StartOfMonthFilter { encodeFilter($StartOfMonthFilterTag, @_); } sub StartOfYearFilter { encodeFilter($StartOfYearFilterTag, @_); } sub RegularSpacingFilter { my @arg = @_; if (!defined $arg[0]) { $arg[0] = 1; } $arg[1] = (defined $arg[1]) ? $arg[1] / 4095.0 : 0; encodeFilter($RegularSpacingFilterTag, @arg); } sub AllPassFilter { encodeFilter($AllPassFilterTag, 0, 0); } sub NonePassFilter { encodeFilter($NonePassFilterTag, 0, 0); } sub SelectItemFilter { encodeFilter($SelectItemFilterTag, $_[0], 0); } $NormalGlare = 3; $ReducedGlare = 2; $NoGlare = 1; sub glassEffect { return _f("glassEffect", \@_, 3, $NormalGlare, $Top, 5); } sub softLighting { return _f("softLighting", \@_, 2, $Top, 4); } sub barLighting { return _f("barLighting", \@_, 2, 0.75, 1.5); } sub cylinderEffect { return _f("cylinderEffect", \@_, 5, $Center, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 8); } $DefaultShading = 0; $FlatShading = 1; $LocalGradientShading = 2; $GlobalGradientShading = 3; $ConcaveShading = 4; $RoundedEdgeNoGlareShading = 5; $RoundedEdgeShading = 6; $RadialShading = 7; $RingShading = 8; $AggregateSum = 0; $AggregateAvg = 1; $AggregateStdDev = 2; $AggregateMin = 3; $AggregateMed = 4; $AggregateMax = 5; $AggregatePercentile = 6; $AggregateFirst = 7; $AggregateLast = 8; $AggregateCount = 9; $MouseUsageDefault = 0; $MouseUsageScroll = 2; $MouseUsageZoomIn = 3; $MouseUsageZoomOut = 4; $DirectionHorizontal = 0; $DirectionVertical = 1; $DirectionHorizontalVertical = 2; #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to libgraphics.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package CDAutoMethod; sub new { my ($class, $this) = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = $this; return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { } sub AUTOLOAD { return perlchartdir::_r($AUTOLOAD, \@_); } package TTFText; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); #obsoleted constants - for compatibility only $NoAntiAlias = $perlchartdir::NoAntiAlias; $AntiAlias = $perlchartdir::AntiAlias; $AutoAntiAlias = $perlchartdir::AutoAntiAlias; $defaultArgs = { "draw"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::TopLeft], }; sub new { my ($class, $this, $parent) = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = $this; $self->{"parent"} = $parent; return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("TTFText.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } package DrawArea; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); #obsoleted constants - for compatibility only $TryPalette = $perlchartdir::TryPalette; $ForcePalette = $perlchartdir::ForcePalette; $NoPalette = $perlchartdir::NoPalette; $Quantize = $perlchartdir::Quantize; $OrderedDither = $perlchartdir::OrderedDither; $ErrorDiffusion = $perlchartdir::ErrorDiffusion; $defaultArgs = { "setSize"=>[undef, 3, 0xffffff], "resize"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "move"=>[undef, 5, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "rotate"=>[undef, 6, 0xffffff, -1, -1, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "line"=>[undef, 6, 1], "rect"=>[undef, 7, 0], "text2"=>[undef, 11, $perlchartdir::TopLeft], "rAffineTransform"=>[undef, 9, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "affineTransform"=>[undef, 9, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "sphereTransform"=>[undef, 5, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "hCylinderTransform"=>[undef, 4, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "vCylinderTransform"=>[undef, 4, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "vTriangleTransform"=>[undef, 4, -1, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "hTriangleTransform"=>[undef, 4, -1, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "shearTransform"=>[undef, 5, 0, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "waveTransform"=>[undef, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0xffffff, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1], "outJPG"=>[undef, 2, 80], "outSVG"=>[undef, 2, ""], "outJPG2"=>[undef, 1, 80], "outSVG2"=>[undef, 1, ""], "setAntiAlias"=>[undef, 2, 1, $perlchartdir::AutoAntiAlias], "dashLineColor"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::DashLine], "patternColor2"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "gradientColor2"=>[undef, 5, 90, 1, 0, 0], "setDefaultFonts"=>[undef, 4, "", "", ""], "reduceColors"=>[undef, 2, 0], "linearGradientColor"=>[undef, 7, 0], "linearGradientColor2"=>[undef, 6, 0], "radialGradientColor"=>[undef, 7, 0], "radialGradientColor2"=>[undef, 6, 0] }; sub new { my ($class, $this) = @_; my $self = {}; if (not $this) { $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.create"); $self->{"own_this"} = 1; } else { $self->{"this"} = $this; $self->{"own_this"} = 0; } return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; if ($self->{"own_this"}) { perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.destroy", $self->{"this"}); } } sub clone { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $d, $x, $y, $align, $newWidth, $newHeight, $ft, $blur) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 9, -1, -1, $perlchartdir::LinearFilter, 1)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.clone", $self->{"this"}, $d->{"this"}, $x, $y, $align, $newWidth, $newHeight, $ft, $blur); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub polygon { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $points, $edgeColor, $fillColor) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 4)}; my @x = (); my @y = (); foreach my $p (@$points) { push(@x, $$p[0]); push(@y, $$p[1]); } perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.polygon", $self->{"this"}, \@x, \@y, $edgeColor, $fillColor); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub fill { if (scalar(@_) > 4) { shift()->fill2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("DrawArea.fill", \@_, 3); } } sub text3 { my $self = $_[0]; return new TTFText(perlchartdir::_m("DrawArea.text3", \@_, 3), $self); } sub text4 { my $self = $_[0]; return new TTFText(perlchartdir::_m("DrawArea.text4", \@_, 7), $self); } sub merge { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $d, $x, $y, $align, $transparency) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 6)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.merge", $self->{"this"}, $d->{"this"}, $x, $y, $align, $transparency); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub tile { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $d, $transparency) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("DrawArea.tile", $self->{"this"}, $d->{"this"}, $transparency); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub patternColor { if (scalar(@_) < 3 or not ref($_[1])) { return shift()->patternColor2(@_); } return perlchartdir::_m("DrawArea.patternColor", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } sub gradientColor { if (scalar(@_) < 7) { return shift()->gradientColor2(@_); } return perlchartdir::_m("DrawArea.gradientColor", \@_, 6); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to drawobj.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Box; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setBackground"=>[undef, 3, -1, 0], "getImageCoor"=>[undef, 2, 0, 0], "setRoundedCorners"=>[undef, 4, 10, -1, -1, -1] }; package TextBox; @ISA = ("Box"); $defaultArgs = { "setFontStyle"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setFontSize"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setFontAngle"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setTruncate"=>[undef, 2, 1] }; package Line; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); package CDMLTable; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setPos"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::TopLeft], "insertCol"=>["TextBox", 1], "appendCol"=>["TextBox", 0], "insertRow"=>["TextBox", 1], "appendRow"=>["TextBox", 0], "setText"=>["TextBox", 3], "setCell"=>["TextBox", 5], "getCell"=>["TextBox", 2], "getColStyle"=>["TextBox", 1], "getRowStyle"=>["TextBox", 1], "getStyle"=>["TextBox", 0] }; #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to basechart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package LegendBox; @ISA = ("TextBox"); $defaultArgs = { "setKeySize"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "setKeySpacing"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setKeyBorder"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setReverse"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setLineStyleKey"=>[undef, 1, 1], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0] }; sub addKey { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $text, $color, $lineWidth, $drawarea) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 5, 0, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("LegendBox.addKey", $self->{"this"}, $text, $color, $lineWidth, perlchartdir::decodePtr($drawarea)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub addKey2 { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $zpos, $text, $color, $lineWidth, $drawarea) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 6, 0, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("LegendBox.addKey2", $self->{"this"}, $zpos, $text, $color, $lineWidth, perlchartdir::decodePtr($drawarea)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub getImageCoor2 { return perlchartdir::_m("LegendBox.getImageCoor", \@_, 3, 0, 0); } package BaseChart; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); #obsoleted - for compatibility only. $PNG = $perlchartdir::PNG; $GIF = $perlchartdir::GIF; $JPG = $perlchartdir::JPG; $WMP = $perlchartdir::WMP; $defaultArgs = { "setBackground"=>[undef, 3, -1, 0], "setBgImage"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::Center], "setDropShadow"=>[undef, 4, 0xaaaaaa, 5, 0x7fffffff, 5], "setAntiAlias"=>[undef, 2, 1, $perlchartdir::AutoAntiAlias], "addTitle2"=>["TextBox", 7, "", 12, $perlchartdir::TextColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, $perlchartdir::Transparent], "addTitle"=>["TextBox", 6, "", 12, $perlchartdir::TextColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, $perlchartdir::Transparent], "addLegend"=>["LegendBox", 5, 1, "", 10], "addLegend2"=>["LegendBox", 5, 1, "", 10], "getLegend"=>["LegendBox", 0], "layoutLegend"=>["LegendBox", 0], "getDrawArea"=>["DrawArea", 0], "addText"=>["TextBox", 9, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, $perlchartdir::TopLeft, 0, 0], "addLine"=>["Line", 6, $perlchartdir::LineColor, 1], "addTable"=>["CDMLTable", 5], "dashLineColor"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::DashLine], "patternColor2"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "gradientColor2"=>[undef, 5, 90, 1, 0, 0], "setDefaultFonts"=>[undef, 4, "", "", ""], "setNumberFormat"=>[undef, 3, "~", ".", "-"], "makeChart3"=>["DrawArea", 0], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0], "setRoundedFrame"=>[undef, 5, 0xffffff, 10, -1, -1, -1], "linearGradientColor"=>[undef, 7, 0], "linearGradientColor2"=>[undef, 6, 0], "radialGradientColor"=>[undef, 7, 0], "radialGradientColor2"=>[undef, 6, 0] }; sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("BaseChart.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } sub addDrawObj { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $obj) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("BaseChart.addDrawObj", $self->{"this"}, $obj->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $obj; } sub patternColor { if (scalar(@_) < 3 or not ref($_[1])) { return shift()->patternColor2(@_); } return perlchartdir::_m("BaseChart.patternColor", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } sub gradientColor { if (scalar(@_) < 7) { return shift()->gradientColor2(@_); } return perlchartdir::_m("BaseChart.gradientColor", \@_, 6); } sub makeTmpFile { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; my $imageFormat = (shift or $perlchartdir::PNG); my $lifeTime = (shift or 600); #remove trailing slashes $path =~ s/[\\\/]*$//; if ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::JPG) { $imageFormat = "jpg"; } elsif ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::GIF) { $imageFormat = "gif"; } elsif ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::BMP) { $imageFormat = "bmp"; } elsif ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::WMP) { $imageFormat = "wbmp"; } elsif ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::SVG) { $imageFormat = "svg"; } elsif ($imageFormat == $perlchartdir::SVGZ) { $imageFormat = "svgz"; } else { $imageFormat = "png"; } my $filename = perlchartdir::tmpFile2($path, $lifeTime, ".$imageFormat"); if ($self->makeChart("$path/$filename")) { return $filename; } else { return ""; } } package MultiChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("MultiChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); $self->{"dependencies"} = []; return bless($self, $class); } sub addChart { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $x, $y, $c) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 4)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("MultiChart.addChart", $self->{"this"}, $x, $y, $c->{"this"}); push @{$self->{"dependencies"}}, $c; }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub setMainChart { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $c) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("MultiChart.setMainChart", $self->{"this"}, $c->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to piechart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Sector; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setExplode"=>[undef, 1, -1], "setLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 3, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor], "setLabelPos"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setLabelLayout"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setJoinLine"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setColor"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "setStyle"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "getImageCoor"=>[undef, 2, 0, 0], "getLabelCoor"=>[undef, 2, 0, 0] }; package PieChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "setStartAngle"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setExplode"=>[undef, 2, -1, -1], "setExplodeGroup"=>[undef, 3, -1], "setLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 3, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor], "setLabelPos"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setLabelLayout"=>[undef, 4, -1, -1, -1], "setJoinLine"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setLineColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setSectorStyle"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "setData"=>[undef, 2, undef], "sector"=>["Sector", 1], "set3D2"=>[undef, 3, -1, 0] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("PieChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } sub setPieSize { perlchartdir::_m("PieChart.setPieSize", \@_, 3); } sub set3D { perlchartdir::_m(perlchartdir::encodeIfArray("PieChart.set3D", $_[1]), \@_, 3, -1, -1, 0); } sub getSector { return sector(@_); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to axis.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package Mark; @ISA = ("TextBox"); sub setMarkColor { perlchartdir::_m("Mark.setMarkColor", \@_, 3, -1, -1); } package Axis; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setTitle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor], "setTitlePos"=>[undef, 2, 3], "setColors"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::TextColor, -1, -1], "setTickWidth"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setTickColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setPos"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::Center], "setMargin"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setAutoScale"=>[undef, 3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.8], "setTickDensity"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setReverse"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setLabels2"=>["TextBox", 2, ""], "makeLabelTable"=>["CDMLTable", 0], "getLabelTable"=>["CDMLTable", 0], "setLinearScale3"=>[undef, 1, ""], "setDateScale3"=>[undef, 1, ""], "addMark"=>["Mark", 5, "", "", 8], "addLabel2"=>[undef, 3, 0], "getAxisImageMap"=>[undef, 7, "", "", 0, 0], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0], "setMultiFormat2"=>[undef, 4, 1, 1], "setLabelStep"=>[undef, 4, 0, 0, -0x7fffffff], "setFormatCondition"=>[undef, 2, 0] }; sub setTickLength { if (scalar(@_) == 3) { shift()->setTickLength2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setTickLength", \@_, 1); } } sub setTopMargin { shift()->setMargin(@_); } sub setLabels { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { return new TextBox(perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setLabels", \@_, 1)); } else { return shift()->setLabels2(@_); } } sub setLinearScale { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { shift()->setLinearScale3(@_); } elsif (ref($_[3])) { shift()->setLinearScale2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setLinearScale", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } } sub setLogScale { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { shift()->setLogScale3(@_); } elsif (ref($_[3])) { shift()->setLogScale2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setLogScale", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } } sub setLogScale2 { if (ref($_[3])) { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setLogScale2", \@_, 3); } else { #compatibility with ChartDirector Ver 2.5 shift()->setLogScale(@_); } } sub setLogScale3 { if (($_[1]) && ($_[1] =~ m/^-?\d+$/)) { #compatibility with ChartDirector Ver 2.5 if ($_[1]) { $_[0]->setLogScale3(); } else { $_[0]->setLinearScale3(); } } else { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setLogScale3", \@_, 1, ""); } } sub setDateScale { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { shift()->setDateScale3(@_); } elsif (ref($_[3])) { shift()->setDateScale2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("Axis.setDateScale", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } } sub syncAxis { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $axis, $slope, $intercept) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 4, 1, 0)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Axis.syncAxis", $self->{"this"}, $axis->{"this"}, $slope, $intercept); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub copyAxis { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $axis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Axis.copyAxis", $self->{"this"}, $axis->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub setMultiFormat { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $filter1, $format1, $filter2, $format2, $labelSpan, $promptFirst) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 7, 1, undef, 1, 1)}; if (!defined $format2) { $self->setMultiFormat2($filter1, $format1, $filter2, 1); } else { perlchartdir::callMethod("Axis.setMultiFormat", $self->{"this"}, $filter1, $format1, $filter2, $format2, $labelSpan, $promptFirst); } }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } package ColorAxis; @ISA = ("Axis"); $defaultArgs = { "setColorGradient"=>[undef, 4, 1, undef, -1, -1], "setCompactAxis"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setAxisBorder"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setBoundingBox"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0], "setRoundedCorners"=>[undef, 4, 10, -1, -1, -1] }; package AngularAxis; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setReverse"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setLabels2"=>["TextBox", 2, ""], "addZone2"=>[undef, 4, -1], "getAxisImageMap"=>[undef, 7, "", "", 0, 0], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0] }; sub setLabels { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { return new TextBox(perlchartdir::_m("AngularAxis.setLabels", \@_, 1)); } else { return shift()->setLabels2(@_); } } sub setLinearScale { if (ref($_[3])) { shift()->setLinearScale2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("AngularAxis.setLinearScale", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } } sub addZone { if (scalar(@_) < 6) { shift()->addZone2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("AngularAxis.addZone", \@_, 6, -1); } } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to layer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package DataSet; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setDataColor"=>[undef, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1], "setUseYAxis2"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setDataLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setDataSymbol4"=>[undef, 4, 11, -1, -1] }; sub setDataSymbol { if ((scalar(@_) < 3) && ($_[1]) && ($_[1] !~ m/^\d+$/)) { shift()->setDataSymbol2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("DataSet.setDataSymbol", \@_, 5, 5, -1, -1, 1); } } sub setDataSymbol2 { if (ref($_[1])) { shift()->setDataSymbol3(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("DataSet.setDataSymbol2", \@_, 1); } } sub setDataSymbol3 { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $d) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("DataSet.setDataSymbol3", $self->{"this"}, $d->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub setUseYAxis { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $axis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("DataSet.setUseYAxis", $self->{"this"}, $axis->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } package Layer; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); #obsoleted - for compatibility only $Overlay = $perlchartdir::Overlay; $Stack = $perlchartdir::Stack; $Depth = $perlchartdir::Depth; $Side = $perlchartdir::Side; $defaultArgs = { "setBorderColor"=>[undef, 2, 0], "set3D"=>[undef, 2, -1, 0], "addDataSet"=>["DataSet", 3, -1, ""], "addDataGroup"=>[undef, 1, ""], "getDataSet"=>["DataSet", 1], "setUseYAxis2"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setLegendOrder"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setDataLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setAggregateLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "addCustomDataLabel"=>["TextBox", 7, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "addCustomAggregateLabel"=>["TextBox", 6, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "addCustomGroupLabel"=>["TextBox", 7, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "getImageCoor2"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0], "setHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 3, "", ""] }; sub getImageCoor { if (scalar(@_) == 2) { return shift()->getImageCoor2(@_); } return perlchartdir::_m("Layer.getImageCoor", \@_, 4, 0, 0); } sub setXData { if (scalar(@_) > 2) { shift()->setXData2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("Layer.setXData", \@_, 1); } } sub getYCoor { if (ref($_[2])) { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $value, $yAxis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3)}; return perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.getYCoor2", $self->{"this"}, $value, $yAxis->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } else { return perlchartdir::_m("Layer.getYCoor", \@_, 2, 1); } } sub setUseYAxis { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $axis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.setUseYAxis", $self->{"this"}, $axis->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub yZoneColor { if (ref($_[4])) { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $threshold, $belowColor, $aboveColor, $yAxis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 5)}; return perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.yZoneColor2", $self->{"this"}, $threshold, $belowColor, $aboveColor, $yAxis->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } else { return perlchartdir::_m("Layer.yZoneColor", \@_, 4, 1); } } sub alignLayer { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $layer, $dataSet) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.alignLayer", $self->{"this"}, $layer->{"this"}, $dataSet); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub moveFront { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $layer) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.moveFront", $self->{"this"}, perlchartdir::decodePtr($layer)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub moveBack { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $layer) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("Layer.moveBack", $self->{"this"}, perlchartdir::decodePtr($layer)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to barlayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package BarLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); $defaultArgs = { "setBarGap"=>[undef, 2, 0.2], "setBarWidth"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setIconSize"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setOverlapRatio"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setBarShape2"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1] }; sub setBarShape { perlchartdir::_m(perlchartdir::encodeIfArray("BarLayer.setBarShape", $_[1]), \@_, 3, -1, -1); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to linelayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package LineLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); $defaultArgs = { "setGapColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setSymbolScale"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::PixelScale, undef, $perlchartdir::PixelScale], "getLine"=>[undef, 1, 0] }; package ScatterLayer; @ISA = ("LineLayer"); package InterLineLayer; @ISA = ("LineLayer"); sub setGapColor { perlchartdir::_m("InterLineLayer.setGapColor", \@_, 2, -1); } package SplineLayer; @ISA = ("LineLayer"); package StepLineLayer; @ISA = ("LineLayer"); #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to trendlayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package TrendLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); $defaultArgs = { "addConfidenceBand"=>[undef, 7, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 1, -1, -1, -1], "addPredictionBand"=>[undef, 7, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 1, -1, -1, -1] }; #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to arealayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package AreaLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to hloclayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package BaseBoxLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); package HLOCLayer; @ISA = ("BaseBoxLayer"); sub setColorMethod { perlchartdir::_m("HLOCLayer.setColorMethod", \@_, 4, -1, -1.7E308); } package CandleStickLayer; @ISA = ("BaseBoxLayer"); package BoxWhiskerLayer; @ISA = ("BaseBoxLayer"); $defaultArgs = { "setBoxColors"=>[undef, 2, undef], "addPredictionBand"=>[undef, 7, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 1, -1, -1, -1] }; #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to vectorlayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package VectorLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); $defaultArgs = { "setVector"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::PixelScale], "setIconSize"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setVectorMargin"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::NoValue] }; sub setArrowHead { if (ref($_[1])) { shift()->setArrowHead2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("VectorLayer.setArrowHead", \@_, 2, 0); } } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to contourlayer.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package ContourLayer; @ISA = ("Layer"); $defaultArgs = { "setContourColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setContourWidth"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setColorAxis"=>["ColorAxis", 5], "colorAxis"=>["ColorAxis", 0] }; #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to xychart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package PlotArea; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setBackground"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "setBackground2"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::Center], "set4QBgColor"=>[undef, 5, -1], "setAltBgColor"=>[undef, 4, -1], "setGridColor"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::Transparent, -1, -1], "setGridWidth"=>[undef, 4, -1, -1, -1] }; sub setGridAxis { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $xAxis, $yAxis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("PlotArea.setGridAxis", $self->{"this"}, perlchartdir::decodePtr($xAxis), perlchartdir::decodePtr($yAxis)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } sub moveGridBefore { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $layer) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("PlotArea.moveGridBefore", $self->{"this"}, perlchartdir::decodePtr($layer)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } package XYChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "yAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "yAxis2"=>["Axis", 0], "syncYAxis"=>["Axis", 2, 1, 0], "setYAxisOnRight"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setXAxisOnTop"=>[undef, 1, 1], "xAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "xAxis2"=>["Axis", 0], "addAxis"=>["Axis", 2], "swapXY"=>[undef, 1, 1], "setPlotArea"=>["PlotArea", 9, $perlchartdir::Transparent, -1, -1, 0xc0c0c0, $perlchartdir::Transparent], "getPlotArea"=>["PlotArea", 0], "setClipping"=>[undef, 1, 0], "addBarLayer2"=>["BarLayer", 2, $perlchartdir::Side, 0], "addBarLayer3"=>["BarLayer", 4, undef, undef, 0], "addLineLayer2"=>["LineLayer", 2, $perlchartdir::Overlay, 0], "addAreaLayer2"=>["AreaLayer", 2, $perlchartdir::Stack, 0], "addHLOCLayer2"=>["HLOCLayer", 0], "addScatterLayer"=>["ScatterLayer", 7, "", $perlchartdir::SquareSymbol, 5, -1, -1], "addCandleStickLayer"=>["CandleStickLayer", 7, 0xffffff, 0x0, $perlchartdir::LineColor], "addBoxWhiskerLayer"=>["BoxWhiskerLayer", 8, undef, undef, undef, -1, $perlchartdir::LineColor, $perlchartdir::LineColor], "addBoxWhiskerLayer2"=>["BoxWhiskerLayer", 8, undef, undef, undef, undef, 0.5, undef], "addBoxLayer"=>["BoxWhiskerLayer", 4, -1, ""], "addTrendLayer"=>["TrendLayer", 4, -1, "", 0], "addTrendLayer2"=>["TrendLayer", 5, -1, "", 0], "addSplineLayer"=>["SplineLayer", 3, undef, -1, ""], "addStepLineLayer"=>["StepLineLayer", 3, undef, -1, ""], "addInterLineLayer"=>["InterLineLayer", 4, -1], "addVectorLayer"=>["VectorLayer", 7, $perlchartdir::PixelScale, -1, ""], "addContourLayer"=>["ContourLayer", 3], "setAxisAtOrigin"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::XYAxisAtOrigin, 0], "setTrimData"=>[undef, 2, 0x7fffffff], "packPlotArea"=>[undef, 6, 0, 0] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("XYChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } sub addBarLayer { if (scalar(@_) == 1) { return shift()->addBarLayer2(@_); } return new BarLayer(perlchartdir::_m("XYChart.addBarLayer", \@_, 4, -1, "", 0)); } sub addLineLayer { if (scalar(@_) == 1) { return shift()->addLineLayer2(@_); } return new LineLayer(perlchartdir::_m("XYChart.addLineLayer", \@_, 4, -1, "", 0)); } sub addAreaLayer { if (scalar(@_) == 1) { return shift()->addAreaLayer2(@_); } return new AreaLayer(perlchartdir::_m("XYChart.addAreaLayer", \@_, 4, -1, "", 0)); } sub addHLOCLayer { if (scalar(@_) == 1) { return shift()->addHLOCLayer2(@_); } return new HLOCLayer(perlchartdir::_m("XYChart.addHLOCLayer3", \@_, 8, undef, undef, -1, -1, -1, -1.7E308)); } sub addHLOCLayer3 { return addHLOCLayer(@_); } sub getYCoor { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $value, $yAxis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 3, undef)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("XYChart.getYCoor", $self->{"this"}, $value, perlchartdir::decodePtr($yAxis)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } sub yZoneColor { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $threshold, $belowColor, $aboveColor, $yAxis) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 5, undef)}; return perlchartdir::callMethod("XYChart.yZoneColor", $self->{"this"}, $threshold, $belowColor, $aboveColor, perlchartdir::decodePtr($yAxis)); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to surfacechart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package SurfaceChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "setViewAngle"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "setInterpolation"=>[undef, 3, -1, 1], "setShadingMode"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setSurfaceAxisGrid"=>[undef, 4, -1, -1, -1], "setSurfaceDataGrid"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setContourColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "xAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "yAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "zAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "setColorAxis"=>["ColorAxis", 5], "colorAxis"=>["ColorAxis", 0], "setWallColor"=>[undef, 4, -1, -1, -1], "setWallThickness"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1], "setWallGrid"=>[undef, 6, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("SurfaceChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to polarchart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package PolarLayer; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setData"=>[undef, 3, -1, ""], "setSymbolScale"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::PixelScale], "getImageCoor"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "getHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 5, "", "", 0, 0], "setDataLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "addCustomDataLabel"=>["TextBox", 6, "", 8, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setDataSymbol4"=>[undef, 4, 11, -1, -1], "setHTMLImageMap"=>[undef, 3, "", ""] }; sub setDataSymbol { if ((scalar(@_) < 3) && ($_[1]) && ($_[1] !~ m/^\d+$/)) { shift()->setDataSymbol2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("PolarLayer.setDataSymbol", \@_, 5, 7, -1, -1, 1); } } sub setDataSymbol2 { if (ref($_[1])) { shift()->setDataSymbol3(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("PolarLayer.setDataSymbol2", \@_, 1); } } sub setDataSymbol3 { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $d) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2)}; perlchartdir::callMethod("PolarLayer.setDataSymbol3", $self->{"this"}, $d->{"this"}); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } } package PolarAreaLayer; @ISA = ("PolarLayer"); package PolarLineLayer; @ISA = ("PolarLayer"); $defaultArgs = { "setGapColor"=>[undef, 2, -1] }; package PolarSplineLineLayer; @ISA = ("PolarLineLayer"); package PolarSplineAreaLayer; @ISA = ("PolarAreaLayer"); package PolarVectorLayer; @ISA = ("PolarLayer"); $defaultArgs = { "setVector"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::PixelScale], "setIconSize"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setVectorMargin"=>[undef, 2, $perlchartdir::NoValue] }; sub setArrowHead { if (ref($_[1])) { shift()->setArrowHead2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("PolarVectorLayer.setArrowHead", \@_, 2, 0); } } package PolarChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "setPlotArea"=>[undef, 6, $perlchartdir::Transparent, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 1], "setPlotAreaBg"=>[undef, 3, -1, 1], "setGridColor"=>[undef, 4, $perlchartdir::LineColor, 1, $perlchartdir::LineColor, 1], "setGridStyle"=>[undef, 2, 1], "setStartAngle"=>[undef, 2, 1], "angularAxis"=>["AngularAxis", 0], "radialAxis"=>["Axis", 0], "addAreaLayer"=>["PolarAreaLayer", 3, -1, ""], "addLineLayer"=>["PolarLineLayer", 3, -1, ""], "addSplineLineLayer"=>["PolarSplineLineLayer", 3, -1, ""], "addSplineAreaLayer"=>["PolarSplineAreaLayer", 3, -1, ""], "addVectorLayer"=>["PolarVectorLayer", 7, $perlchartdir::PixelScale, -1, ""] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("PolarChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to pyramidchart.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package PyramidLayer; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setCenterLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setRightLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setLeftLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setJoinLine"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setJoinLineGap"=>[undef, 3, -0x7fffffff, -0x7fffffff], "setLayerBorder"=>[undef, 2, -1] }; package PyramidChart; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "setFunnelSize"=>[undef, 6, 0.2, 0.3], "setData"=>[undef, 2, undef], "setCenterLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setRightLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setLeftLabel"=>["TextBox", 4, "{skip}", "{skip}", -1, -1], "setViewAngle"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "setLighting"=>[undef, 4, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 8], "setJoinLine"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setJoinLineGap"=>[undef, 3, -0x7fffffff, -0x7fffffff], "setLayerBorder"=>[undef, 2, -1], "getLayer"=>["PyramidLayer", 1] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("PyramidChart.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to meters.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package MeterPointer; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setColor"=>[undef, 2, -1], "setShape2"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::NoValue, $perlchartdir::NoValue] }; sub setShape { perlchartdir::_m(perlchartdir::encodeIfArray("MeterPointer.setShape", $_[1]), \@_, 3, $perlchartdir::NoValue, $perlchartdir::NoValue); } package BaseMeter; @ISA = ("BaseChart"); $defaultArgs = { "addPointer"=>["MeterPointer", 3, $perlchartdir::LineColor, -1], "setScale3"=>[undef, 4, ""], "setLabelStyle"=>["TextBox", 4, "bold", -1, $perlchartdir::TextColor, 0], "setLabelPos"=>[undef, 2, 0], "setTickLength"=>[undef, 3, -0x7fffffff, -0x7fffffff], "setLineWidth"=>[undef, 4, 1, 1, 1], "setMeterColors"=>[undef, 3, -1, -1] }; sub setScale { if (ref($_[3])) { if (scalar(@_) >= 5) { shift()->setScale3(@_); } else { shift()->setScale2(@_); } } else { perlchartdir::_m("BaseMeter.setScale", \@_, 5, 0, 0, 0); } } package AngularMeter; @ISA = ("BaseMeter"); $defaultArgs = { "addRing"=>[undef, 4, -1], "addRingSector"=>[undef, 6, -1], "setCap"=>[undef, 3, $perlchartdir::LineColor], "addZone2"=>[undef, 4, -1] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("AngularMeter.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } sub addZone { if (scalar(@_) < 6) { shift()->addZone2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("AngularMeter.addZone", \@_, 6, -1); } } package LinearMeter; @ISA = ("BaseMeter"); $defaultArgs = { "setMeter"=>[undef, 6, $perlchartdir::Left, 0], "setRail"=>[undef, 3, 2, 6], "addZone"=>["TextBox", 4, ""] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("LinearMeter.create", \@_, 5, $perlchartdir::BackgroundColor, $perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); return bless($self, $class); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to chartdir.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package perlchartdir; sub getCopyright { return _f("getCopyright", \@_); } sub getVersion { return _f("getVersion", \@_); } sub getDescription { return _f("getDescription", \@_) } sub getBootLog { return _f("getBootLog", \@_); } sub libgTTFTest { return _f("testFont", \@_, 5, "", 0, 8, 8, 0); } sub testFont { return _f("testFont", \@_, 5, "", 0, 8, 8, 0); } sub setLicenseCode { return _f("setLicenseCode", \@_, 1); } sub chartTime { if (scalar(@_) < 3) { return chartTime2(@_); } return _f("chartTime", \@_, 6, 0, 0, 0); } sub chartTime2 { return _f("chartTime2", \@_, 1); } sub getChartYMD { return _f("getChartYMD", \@_, 1); } sub getChartWeekDay { return int($_[0] / 86400 + 1) % 7; } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to rantable.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package RanTable; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); $defaultArgs = { "setCol2"=>[undef, 6, -1E+308, 1E+308], "setDateCol"=>[undef, 4, 0], "setHLOCCols"=>[undef, 6, 0, 1E+308] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("RanTable.create", \@_, 3); return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("RanTable.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } sub setCol { if (defined($_[4])) { shift()->setCol2(@_); } else { perlchartdir::_m("RanTable.setCol", \@_, 3); } } package FinanceSimulator; @ISA = ("CDAutoMethod"); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; if ($_[0] !~ m/^[+-]?\d+$/) { $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("FinanceSimulator.create2", \@_, 4); } else { $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("FinanceSimulator.create", \@_, 4); } return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("FinanceSimulator.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// bindings to datafilter.h #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package ArrayMath; $defaultArgs = { "shift"=>[undef, 2, 1, $perlchartdir::NoValue], "delta"=>[undef, 1, 1], "rate"=>[undef, 1, 1], "trim"=>[undef, 2, 0, -1], "insert"=>[undef, 2, -1], "insert2"=>[undef, 3, -1], "selectGTZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectGEZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectLTZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectLEZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectEQZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectNEZ"=>[undef, 2, undef, 0], "selectStartOfHour"=>[undef, 2, 1, 300], "selectStartOfDay"=>[undef, 2, 1, 3 * 3600], "selectStartOfWeek"=>[undef, 2, 1, 2 * 86400], "selectStartOfMonth"=>[undef, 2, 1, 5 * 86400], "selectStartOfYear"=>[undef, 2, 1, 60 * 86400], "movCorr"=>[undef, 2, undef], "lowess"=>[undef, 2, 0.25, 0], "lowess2"=>[undef, 3, 0.25, 0], "selectRegularSpacing"=>[undef, 3, 0, 0], "aggregate"=>[undef, 3, 50] }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::_f("ArrayMath.create", \@_, 1); return bless($self, $class); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("ArrayMath.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = $_[0]; my $ret = perlchartdir::_r($AUTOLOAD, \@_); if ($ret eq $self->{"this"}) { return $self; } else { return $ret; } } sub binOp { my ($self, $arg, $op) = @_; if (!ref($arg)) { $op .= "2"; } perlchartdir::_m("ArrayMath.$op", [$self, $arg], 1); return $self; } sub add { return binOp(@_, "add"); } sub sub { return binOp(@_, "sub"); } sub mul { return binOp(@_, "mul"); } sub div { return binOp(@_, "div"); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// Utility functions #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package perlchartdir; sub tmpFile2 { my ($path, $lifeTime, $ext) = @_; #avoid checking for old files too frequently if ($lifeTime >= 0) { my $currentTime = time; my $timeStampFile = "$path/__cd__lastcheck.tmp"; if (-e $timeStampFile) { my $lastCheck = abs($currentTime - (stat($timeStampFile))[9]); if (($lastCheck < $lifeTime) && ($lastCheck < 10)) { $lifeTime = -1; } else { utime($currentTime, $currentTime, $timeStampFile); } } else { open(INFO, ">$timeStampFile"); print INFO $currentTime; close(INFO); } } #remove old temporary files if ($lifeTime >= 0) { if (!opendir(DIR, $path)) { #make the directory from the root up in case it does not exist my @acc; for (split(/[\\\/]/, $path)) { push @acc, $_; mkdir(join("/", @acc), 0777); } opendir(DIR, $path) or return "$path/cannot_open_directory"; } unlink(map { ((substr($_, 0, 4) eq "cd__") && (abs(time - (stat("$path/$_"))[9]) > $lifeTime)) ? ("$path/$_" =~ /(.*)/) : () } readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); } #create unique file name my $seqNo = 0; my $filename = ""; while ($seqNo < 100) { if (exists $ENV{'UNIQUE_ID'}) { $filename = "cd__".$ENV{'UNIQUE_ID'}.time.'_'.$seqNo.$ext; } else { $filename = "cd__".$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}.$ENV{'REMOTE_PORT'}.$$.time.'_'.$seqNo.$ext; } if (! -e "$path/$filename") { last; } $seqNo++; } return ($filename =~ /(.*)/)[0]; } sub tmpFile { #for compatibility with ChartDirector Ver 2.5 my $path = (shift or "/tmp/tmp_charts"); my $lifeTime = (shift or 600); #remove trailing slashes $path =~ s/[\\\/]*$//; return $path . "/" . perlchartdir::tmpFile2($path, $lifeTime, ""); } #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #// WebChartViewer implementation #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package WebChartViewer; $j_s = "_JsChartViewerState"; $j_p = "cdPartialUpdate"; $j_d = "cdDirectStream"; sub new { my ($class, $request, $id) = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{"this"} = perlchartdir::callMethod("WebChartViewer.create"); $self->{"request"} = $request; bless($self, $class); $self->putAttrS(":id", $id); if ((defined $request) && (defined $id) && (defined $request->param($id.$j_s))) { $self->putAttrS(":state", $request->param($id.$j_s)); } return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; perlchartdir::callMethod("WebChartViewer.destroy", $self->{"this"}) } sub getRequest { return $_[0]->{"request"}; } sub getId { return $_[0]->getAttrS(":id"); } sub setImageUrl { $_[0]->putAttrS(":url", $_[1]); } sub getImageUrl { return $_[0]->getAttrS(":url"); } sub setImageMap { $_[0]->putAttrS(":map", $_[1]); } sub getImageMap { return $_[0]->getAttrS(":map"); } sub setChartMetrics { $_[0]->putAttrS(":metrics", $_[1]); } sub getChartMetrics { return $_[0]->getAttrS(":metrics"); } sub makeDelayedMapAsTmpFile { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $path, $imageMap, $compress, $timeout) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 5, 0, 600)}; if ($compress) { if (!defined $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'} || ($ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'} !~ /\bgzip\b/i)) { $compress = 0; } } my $b = ""; my $ext = ".map"; if ($compress) { $b = perlchartdir::callMethod("WebChartViewer.compressMap", $self->{"this"}, $b, 4); if ($b && (length($b) > 2) && (substr($b, 0, 2) == "\x1f\x8b")) { $ext = ".map.gz"; } } $path =~ s/[\\\/]*$//; my $filename = perlchartdir::tmpFile2($path, $timeout, $ext); if ($filename ne "") { open(OUTFILE, ">$path/$filename"); binmode(OUTFILE); print OUTFILE $b; close(OUTFILE); } return $filename; }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } sub renderHTML { my $ret = eval { my ($self, $extraAttrs) = @{perlchartdir::checkarg(\@_, 2, "")}; my $url = defined $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} ? $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} : ""; my $query = defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ? $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} : ""; return perlchartdir::callMethod("WebChartViewer.renderHTML", $self->{"this"}, $url, $query, $extraAttrs); }; if ((!$ret) && ($@)) { perlchartdir::printerr($@); } return $ret; } sub partialUpdateChart { return "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n".perlchartdir::_m("WebChartViewer.partialUpdateChart", \@_, 2, "", 0); } sub isPartialUpdateRequest { return (defined $_[0]->{"request"}) && (defined $_[0]->{"request"}->param($j_p)); } sub isFullUpdateRequest { my $self = shift; if ($self->isPartialUpdateRequest()) { return 0; } if ($_[0]->{"request"}) { foreach $k ($_[0]->{"request"}->param) { if (substr($k, - length($j_s)) eq $j_s) { return 1; } } } return 0; } sub isStreamRequest { return (defined $_[0]->{"request"}) && (defined $_[0]->{"request"}->param($j_d)); } sub isViewPortChangedEvent { return $_[0]->getAttrF(25, 0) != 0; } sub getSenderClientId { my $self = shift; if ($self->isPartialUpdateRequest()) { return $self->{"request"}->param($j_p); } elsif ($self->isStreamRequest()) { return $self->{"request"}->param($j_d); } else { return undef; } } sub getAttrS { return perlchartdir::_m("WebChartViewer.getAttrS", \@_, 2, ""); } sub getAttrF { return perlchartdir::_m("WebChartViewer.getAttrF", \@_, 2, 0); } sub putAttrF { perlchartdir::_m("WebChartViewer.putAttrF", \@_, 2); } sub putAttrS { perlchartdir::_m("WebChartViewer.putAttrS", \@_, 2); } sub getViewPortLeft { return $_[0]->getAttrF(4, 0); } sub setViewPortLeft { $_[0]->putAttrF(4, $_[1]); } sub getViewPortTop { return $_[0]->getAttrF(5, 0); } sub setViewPortTop { $_[0]->putAttrF(5, $_[1]); } sub getViewPortWidth { return $_[0]->getAttrF(6, 1); } sub setViewPortWidth { $_[0]->putAttrF(6, $_[1]); } sub getViewPortHeight { return $_[0]->getAttrF(7, 1); } sub setViewPortHeight { $_[0]->putAttrF(7, $_[1]); } sub getSelectionBorderWidth { return int($_[0]->getAttrF(8, 2)); } sub setSelectionBorderWidth { $_[0]->putAttrF(8, $_[1]); } sub getSelectionBorderColor { return $_[0]->getAttrS(9, "Black"); } sub setSelectionBorderColor { $_[0]->putAttrS(9, $_[1]); } sub getMouseUsage { return int($_[0]->getAttrF(10, $perlchartdir::MouseUsageDefault)); } sub setMouseUsage { $_[0]->putAttrF(10, $_[1]); } sub getScrollDirection { return int($_[0]->getAttrF(11, $perlchartdir::DirectionHorizontal)); } sub setScrollDirection { $_[0]->putAttrF(11, $_[1]); } sub getZoomDirection { return int($_[0]->getAttrF(12, $perlchartdir::DirectionHorizontal)); } sub setZoomDirection { $_[0]->putAttrF(12, $_[1]); } sub getZoomInRatio { return $_[0]->getAttrF(13, 2); } sub setZoomInRatio { if ($_[1] > 0) { $_[0]->putAttrF(13, $_[1]); } } sub getZoomOutRatio { return $_[0]->getAttrF(14, 0.5); } sub setZoomOutRatio { if ($_[1] > 0) { $_[0]->putAttrF(14, $_[1]); } } sub getZoomInWidthLimit { return $_[0]->getAttrF(15, 0.01); } sub setZoomInWidthLimit { $_[0]->putAttrF(15, $_[1]); } sub getZoomOutWidthLimit { return $_[0]->getAttrF(16, 1); } sub setZoomOutWidthLimit { $_[0]->putAttrF(16, $_[1]); } sub getZoomInHeightLimit { return $_[0]->getAttrF(17, 0.01); } sub setZoomInHeightLimit { $_[0]->putAttrF(17, $_[1]); } sub getZoomOutHeightLimit { return $_[0]->getAttrF(18, 1); } sub setZoomOutHeightLimit { $_[0]->putAttrF(18, $_[1]); } sub getMinimumDrag { return int($_[0]->getAttrF(19, 5)); } sub setMinimumDrag { $_[0]->putAttrF(19, $_[1]); } sub getZoomInCursor { return $_[0]->getAttrS(20, ""); } sub setZoomInCursor { $_[0]->putAttrS(20, $_[1]); } sub getZoomOutCursor { return $_[0]->getAttrS(21, ""); } sub setZoomOutCursor { $_[0]->putAttrS(21, $_[1]); } sub getScrollCursor { return $_[0]->getAttrS(22, ""); } sub setScrollCursor { $_[0]->putAttrS(22, $_[1]); } sub getNoZoomCursor { return $_[0]->getAttrS(26, ""); } sub setNoZoomCursor { $_[0]->putAttrS(26, $_[1]); } sub getCustomAttr { return $_[0]->getAttrS($_[1], ""); } sub setCustomAttr { $_[0]->putAttrS($_[1], $_[2]); } 1;