/** test move semantics - run with and without BOOST_UBLAS_MOVE_SEMANTICS defined */ // Copyright Nasos Iliopoulos, Gunter Winkler 2009. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #define BOOST_UBLAS_MOVE_SEMANTICS #include #include #include namespace ublas= boost::numeric::ublas; std::vector a; ublas::vector doubleit(ublas::vector m) { ublas::vector r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer: " << &r[0] << std::endl; return r; } template ublas::bounded_vector doubleit(ublas::bounded_vector m) { ublas::bounded_vector r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer: " << &r[0] << std::endl; return r; } template ublas::c_vector doubleit(ublas::c_vector m) { ublas::c_vector r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer: " << &r[0] << std::endl; return r; } ublas::matrix doubleit(ublas::matrix m) { ublas::matrix r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer r: " << &r(0,0) << std::endl; return r; } template ublas::bounded_matrix doubleit(ublas::bounded_matrix m) { ublas::bounded_matrix r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer: " << &(r(0,0)) << std::endl; return r; } template ublas::c_matrix doubleit(ublas::c_matrix m) { ublas::c_matrix r; r=2.0*m; std::cout << "Temporary pointer: " << &(r(0,0)) << std::endl; return r; } void test1() { std::cout << "vector --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::vector a(ublas::scalar_vector(2,2.0)); a = doubleit(a); std::cout << "Pointer (must be equal to temp. pointer if move semantics are enabled) : " << &a[0] << std::endl; std::cout << a << std::endl; std::cout << "bounded_vector --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::bounded_vector b(ublas::scalar_vector(2,2.0)); ublas::bounded_vector c; noalias(c)=doubleit(b); std::cout << "Pointer (bounded_vector swaps by copy this should be different than temp. pointer) : " << &c[0] << std::endl; c(1)=0.0; std::cout << b << std::endl; std::cout << c << std::endl; std::cout << "c_vector --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::c_vector e=ublas::scalar_vector(2,2.0); ublas::c_vector f; f=doubleit(e); std::cout << "Pointer (c_vector swaps by copy this should be different than temp. pointer) : " << &f[0] << std::endl; f(1)=0; std::cout << e << std::endl; std::cout << f << std::endl; } void test2() { std::cout << "matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::matrix a(ublas::scalar_matrix(2, 3, 2.0)); a = doubleit(a); std::cout << "Pointer (must be equal to temp. pointer if move semantics are enabled) : " << &(a(0,0)) << std::endl; std::cout << a << std::endl; std::cout << "bounded_matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::bounded_matrix b(ublas::scalar_matrix(2,3, 2.0)); ublas::bounded_matrix c; noalias(c)=doubleit(b); std::cout << "Pointer (bounded_matrix swaps by copy this should be different than temp. pointer) : " << &(c(0,0)) << std::endl; c(1,1)=0.0; std::cout << b << std::endl; std::cout << c << std::endl; std::cout << "c_matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; ublas::c_matrix e=ublas::scalar_matrix(2,3, 2.0); ublas::c_matrix f; f=doubleit(e); std::cout << "Pointer (c_matrix swaps by copy this should be different than temp. pointer) : " << &(f(0,0)) << std::endl; f(1,1)=0; std::cout << e << std::endl; std::cout << f << std::endl; } int main(){ test1(); test2(); return 0; }