/* * * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 * John Maddock * * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * */ /* * LOCATION: see http://www.boost.org for most recent version. * FILE regex_grep_example_1.cpp * VERSION see * DESCRIPTION: regex_grep example 1: searches a cpp file for class definitions. */ #include #include #include // purpose: // takes the contents of a file in the form of a string // and searches for all the C++ class definitions, storing // their locations in a map of strings/int's typedef std::map > map_type; const char* re = // possibly leading whitespace: "^[[:space:]]*" // possible template declaration: "(template[[:space:]]*<[^;:{]+>[[:space:]]*)?" // class or struct: "(class|struct)[[:space:]]*" // leading declspec macros etc: "(" "\\<\\w+\\>" "(" "[[:blank:]]*\\([^)]*\\)" ")?" "[[:space:]]*" ")*" // the class name "(\\<\\w*\\>)[[:space:]]*" // template specialisation parameters "(<[^;:{]+>)?[[:space:]]*" // terminate in { or : "(\\{|:[^;\\{()]*\\{)"; boost::regex expression(re); class IndexClassesPred { map_type& m; std::string::const_iterator base; public: IndexClassesPred(map_type& a, std::string::const_iterator b) : m(a), base(b) {} bool operator()(const boost::match_results& what) { // what[0] contains the whole string // what[5] contains the class name. // what[6] contains the template specialisation if any. // add class name and position to map: m[std::string(what[5].first, what[5].second) + std::string(what[6].first, what[6].second)] = what[5].first - base; return true; } private: IndexClassesPred& operator=(const IndexClassesPred&); }; void IndexClasses(map_type& m, const std::string& file) { std::string::const_iterator start, end; start = file.begin(); end = file.end(); boost::regex_grep(IndexClassesPred(m, start), start, end, expression); } #include #include using namespace std; void load_file(std::string& s, std::istream& is) { s.erase(); if(is.bad()) return; s.reserve(static_cast(is.rdbuf()->in_avail())); char c; while(is.get(c)) { if(s.capacity() == s.size()) s.reserve(s.capacity() * 3); s.append(1, c); } } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { std::string text; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { cout << "Processing file " << argv[i] << endl; map_type m; std::ifstream fs(argv[i]); load_file(text, fs); fs.close(); IndexClasses(m, text); cout << m.size() << " matches found" << endl; map_type::iterator c, d; c = m.begin(); d = m.end(); while(c != d) { cout << "class \"" << (*c).first << "\" found at index: " << (*c).second << endl; ++c; } } return 0; }