#ifndef BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXAMPLE_DEMO_POLYMORPHIC_A_HPP #define BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXAMPLE_DEMO_POLYMORPHIC_A_HPP /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // demo_polymorphic_A.hpp // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) namespace boost { namespace archive { class polymorphic_iarchive; class polymorphic_oarchive; } // namespace archive } // namespace boost struct A { // class a contains a pointer to a "hidden" declaration template void serialize( Archive & ar, const unsigned int file_version ){ ar & data; } int data; bool operator==(const A & rhs) const { return data == rhs.data; } A() : data(0) {} }; #endif // BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXAMPLE_DEMO_POLYMORPHIC_A_HPP