// Boost.Units - A C++ library for zero-overhead dimensional analysis and // unit/quantity manipulation and conversion // // Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel // Copyright (C) 2008 Steven Watanabe // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /** \file \brief composite_output.cpp \detailed An example of textual representations of units. Output: @verbatim //[conversion_output_output 2 dyn 2 dyn 2 dyne cm g s^-1 centimeter gram second^-1 dyn dyne n nano n nano F farad 1 F 1 farad nF nanofarad 1 nF 1 nanofarad n(cm g s^-1) nano(centimeter gram second^-1) //] @endverbatim **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace units { //[composite_output_snippet_1 std::string name_string(const cgs::force&) { return "dyne"; } std::string symbol_string(const cgs::force&) { return "dyn"; } //] } } int main() { using namespace boost::units; using boost::units::cgs::centimeter; using boost::units::cgs::gram; using boost::units::cgs::second; using boost::units::cgs::dyne; //[composite_output_snippet_2] std::cout << 2.0 * dyne << std::endl << symbol_format << 2.0 * dyne << std::endl << name_format << 2.0 * dyne << std::endl << symbol_format << gram*centimeter/second << std::endl << name_format << gram*centimeter/second << std::endl << symbol_format << gram*centimeter/(second*second) << std::endl << name_format << gram*centimeter/(second*second) << std::endl << symbol_string(scale<10,static_rational<-9> >()) << std::endl << name_string(scale<10,static_rational<-9> >()) << std::endl << symbol_format << si::nano << std::endl << name_format << si::nano << std::endl << symbol_format << si::farad << std::endl << name_format << si::farad << std::endl << symbol_format << 1.0*si::farad << std::endl << name_format << 1.0*si::farad << std::endl << symbol_format << si::farad*si::nano << std::endl << name_format << si::farad*si::nano << std::endl << symbol_format << 1.0*si::farad*si::nano << std::endl << name_format << 1.0*si::farad*si::nano << std::endl << symbol_format << si::nano*gram*centimeter/second << std::endl << name_format << si::nano*gram*centimeter/second << std::endl; //] return 0; }