Purpose: Executables that are not dependent on the workflow management framework. Content: Common scripts at the top, folder for each group of feature-specific scripts. Naming: Camel case. Folder names being with capital letter. Script names begin with small letter. Rule: To support distributed environments such as cloud, the executables produced here must satisfy the following conditions: 1. By no means glob the file system 2. By no means create files except for temporary files (use cstdio::tmpfile api for that). 3. Do not parse file paths or in any way assume that they contain meaningful directory or file names. 4. If possible, read all of their input via standard input. Otherwise read it from files, paths to which are explicitly supplied via command line. 5. If possible, print all of their output into standard output. Otherwise, write it into files, paths to which are explicitly supplied via command line. Assume the files already exist, are write-accessible and empty. 6. Support command-line switches to turn off all of the auxiliary data output such as statistics meta-data. 7. Use std::clog for diagnostics logging