According to NCBI's "formatdb.txt" documentation, formatdb now writes databases with ASN.1 defline structures. These can be configured using a compile-time flag -DSET_ASN1_DEFLINE_BITS which is not too helpful for those who install the binary distribution. Installing from source means building the entire NCBI toolkit (ncbi.tar.gz) which includes blast. The configuration file is called .formatdbrc and is recommended for internal NCBI use only. Some clues are to be found in ncbi/include/readdb.h which defines NCBI's API for reading blast databases. The new format is supposed to contain, somewhere: taxid : an integer - hardly obtainable from a FASTA sequence file though! link bits : for "the link-out feature" to LocusLink, Unigene, Structure and Geo membership bits: for non-redundant blast databases to link to the source databases However, the example file provided in formatdb.txt does give some clues (see the annotated text below) EMBOSS code ajseqdb.c has isblast2 to spot version 2 (3 - for blast 2.x.x) databases. We may need to make this isblast=3 and add isblast=4. Running formatdb (2.2.10) on the test/data/swnew file, which has 9 entries, gives: (indices) - maybe the same as version 3 See seqBlastOpen function ------------------------- N/P Ver Type Comment --- --- ----- ------ Uint DbType (check value) Uint DbFormat (check value) Uint TitleLen (rounded?) Char* Title (no trailing NULL) 3 Uint DateLen (v3) 3 Char* Date (v3 - no trailing NULL) N 2 Unit LineLen (v3 dna only - fasta sequence line length) P 3 Uint TotLen (v3 - for protein) P 3 Unit MaxSeqLen (v3 - reversed for dna) N 3 Unit MaxSeqLen (v3 - reversed for dna) N 3 Uint TotLen (v3 - for protein) N 2 Uint CompLen - compressed db length (def=0) N 2 Uint Cleancount - count of nt's cleaned (def=0) swnew.psq (sequence) - same as version 3 for swnew swnew.phr (deflines file) - definitely strange Apparently some codes are the type of what follows: x30 xa0 xa1 xaa x1a length plus string plus 0 0. For a long string, (x81 x97) = length of chars Byte Text 30 0 (ASCII zero) 80 30 0 (ASCII zero) 80 a0 80 1a 81 97 4f O (start of the ID) 44 D 4f O 32 2 5f _ 46 F 55 U ... (rest of ID line, as text, up to..) 28 ( 46 F 52 R 41 A 47 G 4d M 45 E 4e N 54 T 29 ) 2e . (full stop) 00 00 a1 80 30 80 aa 80 30 80 a0 80 1a 09 (tab) 42 B 4c L 5f _ 4f O 52 R 44 D 5f _ 49 I 44 D 00 00 a1 80 a0 80 1a 44 D (not part of the ID) 54 T (start of next ID) 4d M 32 2 31 1 5f _ 46 F 55 U 47 G 52 R 55 U ; .formatdbrc: formatdb configuration file ; ; This information is needed for the new database format, to set ; the links and membership information of the structured deflines. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Memberships section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This section determines what the bits mean in the membership bit array. ; These must be unique positive integers starting with 1. ; When adding a new entry, remember to update the value of TotalNum ; This information is used to distinguish database subsets (e.g.: pdb, ; swissprot) in non-redundant databases (e.g.: nr). [MembershipBitNumbers] TotalNum = 3 1 = swissprot 2 = pdb 3 = refseq_protein ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Links section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This section determines what the bits mean in the links bit array. ; These must be unique positive integers starting with 1. ; When adding a new entry, remember to update the value of TotalNum and ; adding the appropriate file paths for each database in the LinkFiles ; section. ; This is used for the link out feature of the blast result formatter. [LinkBitNumbers] TotalNum = 4 ; total number of bits used so far 1 = LocusLink 2 = UniGene 3 = Structure 4 = Geo ; These are the paths to the files containing the ; gi's whose links will be modified. The format is ; = ; where link_type is one of the types of links defined in the LinkBitNumbers ; section. [LinkFiles] LocusLink = /home/joe/locus_gis.txt UniGene = /dev/null Structure = /dev/null Geo = /home/john/geo.txt ; EOF