HMM Hidden markov model analysis

Program nameDescription
ohmmalign Align sequences with an HMM
ohmmbuild Build HMM
ohmmcalibrate Calibrate a hidden Markov model
ohmmconvert Convert between HMM formats
ohmmemit Extract HMM sequences
ohmmfetch Extract HMM from a database
ohmmindex Index an HMM database
ohmmpfam Align single sequence with an HMM
ohmmsearch Search sequence database with an HMM
ehmmalign Align sequences to an HMM profile
ehmmbuild Build a profile HMM from an alignment
ehmmcalibrate Calibrate HMM search statistics
ehmmconvert Convert between profile HMM file formats
ehmmemit Generate sequences from a profile HMM
ehmmfetch Retrieve an HMM from an HMM database
ehmmindex Create a binary SSI index for an HMM database
ehmmpfam Search one or more sequences against an HMM database
ehmmsearch Search a sequence database with a profile HMM
libgen Generate discriminating elements from alignments