application: complex [ documentation: "Find the linguistic complexity in nucleotide sequences" groups: "Nucleic:Composition" relations: "EDAM:0000157 topic Sequence composition" relations: "EDAM:0000374 operation Nucleotide sequence complexity calculation" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] seqall: sequence [ parameter: "Y" type: "dna" relations: "EDAM:0002887 data Sequence record (nucleic acid)" ] integer: lwin [ standard: "Y" default: "100" minimum: "1" maximum: "$(sequence.length)" failrange: "N" trueminimum: "Y" information: "Window length" relations: "EDAM:0001251 data Window size" ] integer: step [ standard: "Y" default: "5" minimum: "1" maximum: "$(lwin)" failrange: "N" trueminimum: "Y" information: "Step size" help: "Displacement of the window over the sequence" relations: "EDAM:0002141 data Window step size" ] integer: jmin [ standard: "Y" default: "4" minimum: "2" maximum: "20" information: "Minimum word length" help: "" relations: "EDAM:0001250 data Word size" ] integer: jmax [ standard: "Y" default: "6" minimum: "2" maximum: "50" information: "Maximum word length" help: "" relations: "EDAM:0001250 data Word size" ] endsection: input section: advanced [ information: "Advanced section" type: "page" ] toggle: omnia [ default: "N" information: "All sequences" help: "Calculate over a set of sequences" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] integer: sim [ default: "0" information: "Simulations" help: "Calculate the linguistic complexity by comparison with a number of simulations having a uniform distribution of bases" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] boolean: freq [ default: "N" information: "Calculate frequency" help: "Execute the simulation of a sequence based on the base frequency of the original sequence" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] endsection: advanced section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] boolean: print [ default: "N" information: "Print to file" help: "Generate a file named UjTable containing the values of Uj for each word j in the real sequence(s) and in any simulated sequences" relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "complex output" information: "Program complex output file" relations: "EDAM:0001259 data Sequence complexity" ] outfile: ujtablefile [ default: "complex.ujtable" information: "Program complex temporary output file" knowntype: "complex temporary output" help: "" nullok: "Y" ] seqoutall: outseq [ standard: "$(omnia)" nullok: "Y" relations: "EDAM:0000849 data Sequence record" ] endsection: output