application: xmltotext [ documentation: "Convert an XML document to a plain text format" groups: "Utils:Misc" gui: "yes" batch: "yes" cpu: "low" relations: "EDAM:0000220 topic File handling" relations: "EDAM:0000335 operation File reformatting" ] section: input [ information: "Input section" type: "page" ] infile: infile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "ascii text" information: "ASCII text file" relations: "EDAM:0000969 data Text" ] endsection: input section: required [ information: "Required section" type: "page" ] list: type [ standard: "Y" header: "File content" # Values are taken from EDAM "format" branch. More could be added in time. values: "S:Sequence record, F:Sequence feature annotation, A:Sequence alignment" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Enter the type of file content" help: "You must specify the type of file content so that appropriate output format options may be generated." relations: "EDAM:0002527 data Parameter or primitive" ] list: seq [ standard: "@(type=='S')" # Must give sensible default default: "X" header: "Sequence format" # Values are taken from EDAM "format" branch and are sequence record formats supported by EMBOSS. More could be added in time. # Must add list of formats. values: "X:XXX, X:XXX" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Enter the ouput file format" help: "This option sets the format of a sequence output file." relations: "EDAM:0002129 identifier File format name" ] list: feat [ standard: "@(type=='F')" # Must give sensible default default: "X" header: "Sequence feature format" # Values are taken from EDAM "format" branch and are sequence feature formats supported by EMBOSS. More could be added in time. # Must add list of formats. values: "X:XXX, X:XXX" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Enter the ouput file format" help: "This option sets the format of a sequence feature output file." relations: "EDAM:0002129 identifier File format name" ] list: align [ standard: "@(type=='A')" # Must give sensible default default: "X" header: "Sequence alignment format" # Values are taken from EDAM "format" branch and are sequence alignment formats supported by EMBOSS. More could be added in time. # Must add list of formats. values: "X:XXX, X:XXX" delimiter: "," codedelimiter: ":" information: "Enter the ouput file format" help: "This option sets the format of a sequence alignment output file." relations: "EDAM:0002129 identifier File format name" ] endsection: required section: additional [ information: "Additional section" type: "page" ] endsection: additional section: advanced [ information: "Advanced section" type: "page" ] endsection: advanced section: output [ information: "Output section" type: "page" ] outfile: outfile [ parameter: "Y" knowntype: "ascii text" information: "ASCII text file" relations: "EDAM:0000969 data Text" ] endsection: output