# =================================================================== # PROTEIN FEATURES # =================================================================== # # Syntax: # output_name internal_name internal_alias # /tag # /tag=type # # The first type is the default used if the internal and output names # are not found. # # output_name = internal_name # (obsolete) defines an alias for an internal name # replaced by the list of aliases above # this syntax was used for gff2 nucleotide types # but not for any others. # If the type is '.' this becomes the new default. # # '#include file' includes a file and any #includes it countains # # '#includeonly file' includes only the file and ignores any # '#include' and '#includeonly' lines # # # # =================================================================== # GFF 3.0 feature keys # ==================== #includeonly Efeatures.gff3protein # SwissProt/UniProt feature keys # =============================== #includeonly Efeatures.swiss