# # This is the EMBOSS coded prompts file. Any messages found here will # override those in the .acd file, and can be translated into other # langauges. The file extension (default "english") is set by the # variable "emboss_language" # # Messages are referred to by .acd files as code: NAME # # Default prompts: these are used where no prompt for a data type # has been provided. DEFALIGN "Write output alignment to" DEFREPORT "Write output report to" DEFINTEGER "Enter a number" DEFFLOAT "Enter a number" DEFBOOL "Yes or No" oops DEFDIRECTORY "Which directory" DEFOUTFILE "Write output to" DEFFEATOUT "Write features to" DEFSEQOUT "Write sequence to" DEFSEQOUTSET "Write sequence set to" DEFSEQOUTALL "Write sequences to" DEFSEQUENCE "Read sequence from" DEFSEQSET "Read sequence set from" DEFSEQALL "Read sequences from" DEFSTRING "Enter text" DEFGRAPH "Graph type" DEFXYGRAPH "Graph type" DEFRANGE "Range(s)" HELPDIRECTORY "Directory name" HELPOUTFILE "Output file name" HELPALIGN "Output alignment file name" HELPREPORT "Output report file name" HELPFEATOUT "Output features UFO" HELPSEQOUT "Output sequence USA" HELPSEQOUTSET "Output sequence set USA" HELPSEQOUTALL "Output sequence(s) USA" HELPSEQUENCE "Sequence USA" HELPSEQSET "Sequence set USA" HELPSEQALL "Sequence database USA" HELPGRAPH "Graph type" HELPXYGRAPH "Graph type" HELPCODON "Codon usage table name" # Gap penalties GAP "What gap penalty" GAPEXT "What gap extension penalty" fred "Sanger special" CIAO "Hello from Bari"