To install MASE: 1) Make the ``faulkn'' library. ``cd'' to the lib directory (probably "../lib"). Run ``make''; this will make "lfaulkn.a" 2) Determine the directory where the MASE public files should reside (or are currently loaded). These are help files and configuration files. This directory must be readable by all who will use MASE. 4) Configure ``MASE''. Edit the ``path.h" to reflect the decisions made in ``2'' above. One need edit only two ``#defines'' - ``MASE_DIR'' and ``SYSTEM_HELP_STRING''. This should not be difficult. The ``SYSTEM_HELP_STRING'' is for using browser within MASE to view documentation. Edit the ``MASE_ADMINISTRATOR'' - this is where ``gripes'' will be mailed to. 5) Build MASE. Run ``make'' to compile all objects and load ``mase''. It should now run. Copy the binary ``mase'' and ``mase-demo'' to someplace in your ``path'' list, and be sure the file protection mode allows execute for all those who wish to use mase. (``make install'' will do this for you) 6) If you are running X Windows, run ``make x10'' or ``make x11'', depending on which version of X Windows you are running. This will build the mouse_type mouse driver, and ``xmase''. ``xmase'' is a ``encapsulator'' - it starts mouse_type, runs ``mase'', then kills the mouse_type. NOTE - mouse_type needs to be suid to root ... sorry.