/* Copyright (c) 2003 by Stefan Kurtz and The Institute for Genomic Research. This is OSI Certified Open Source Software. Please see the file LICENSE for licensing information and the file ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for names of contributors to the code base. */ #include "streedef.h" #include "protodef.h" #include "debugdef.h" #include "streeacc.h" void rescanstree(Suffixtree *stree,Location *loc, Bref btptr,SYMBOL *left,SYMBOL *right) { Uint *nodeptr, *largeptr = NULL, leafindex, nodedepth, node, distance = 0, prefixlen, headposition, tmpnodedepth; SYMBOL *lptr; lptr = left; nodeptr = btptr; if(nodeptr == stree->branchtab) { nodedepth = 0; headposition = 0; } else { GETBOTH(nodedepth,headposition,nodeptr); } loc->nextnode.toleaf = False; loc->nextnode.address = nodeptr; loc->locstring.start = headposition; loc->locstring.length = nodedepth; loc->remain = 0; while(True) { if(lptr > right) // check for empty word { return; } if(nodeptr == stree->branchtab) // at the root { node = stree->rootchildren[(Uint) *lptr]; prefixlen = (Uint) (right - lptr + 1); if(ISLEAF(node)) // stop if successor is leaf { leafindex = GETLEAFINDEX(node); loc->firstptr = stree->text + leafindex; loc->previousnode = stree->branchtab; loc->edgelen = stree->textlen - leafindex + 1; loc->remain = loc->edgelen - prefixlen; loc->nextnode.toleaf = True; loc->nextnode.address = stree->leaftab + leafindex; loc->locstring.start = leafindex; loc->locstring.length = prefixlen; return; } nodeptr = stree->branchtab + GETBRANCHINDEX(node); GETONLYHEADPOS(headposition,nodeptr); loc->firstptr = stree->text + headposition; } else { node = GETCHILD(nodeptr); while(True) // traverse the list of successors { if(ISLEAF(node)) // successor is leaf { leafindex = GETLEAFINDEX(node); loc->firstptr = stree->text + (nodedepth + leafindex); if(*(loc->firstptr) == *lptr) // correct edge found { prefixlen = (Uint) (right - lptr + 1); loc->previousnode = loc->nextnode.address; loc->edgelen = stree->textlen - (nodedepth + leafindex) + 1; loc->remain = loc->edgelen - prefixlen; loc->nextnode.toleaf = True; loc->nextnode.address = stree->leaftab + leafindex; loc->locstring.start = leafindex; loc->locstring.length = nodedepth + prefixlen; return; } node = LEAFBROTHERVAL(stree->leaftab[leafindex]); } else // successor is branch node { nodeptr = stree->branchtab + GETBRANCHINDEX(node); GETONLYHEADPOS(headposition,nodeptr); loc->firstptr = stree->text + (nodedepth + headposition); if(*(loc->firstptr) == *lptr) // correct edge found { /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } node = GETBROTHER(nodeptr); } } } GETONLYDEPTH(tmpnodedepth,nodeptr); // get info about succ node loc->edgelen = tmpnodedepth - nodedepth; prefixlen = (Uint) (right - lptr + 1); loc->previousnode = loc->nextnode.address; loc->nextnode.toleaf = False; loc->nextnode.address = nodeptr; loc->locstring.start = headposition; loc->locstring.length = nodedepth + prefixlen; if(loc->edgelen > prefixlen) // can reach the successor node { loc->remain = loc->edgelen - prefixlen; return; } if(loc->edgelen == prefixlen) { loc->remain = 0; return; } lptr += loc->edgelen; nodedepth = tmpnodedepth; } } void linklocstree(Suffixtree *stree,Location *outloc,Location *inloc) { Branchinfo branchinfo; if(inloc->remain == 0) { outloc->remain = 0; outloc->nextnode.toleaf = False; getbranchinfostree(stree,ACCESSSUFFIXLINK,&branchinfo, inloc->nextnode.address); outloc->nextnode.address = branchinfo.suffixlink; outloc->locstring.start = inloc->locstring.start + 1; outloc->locstring.length = inloc->locstring.length - 1; } else { if(inloc->previousnode == stree->branchtab) { rescanstree(stree,outloc,stree->branchtab,inloc->firstptr+1, inloc->firstptr + (inloc->edgelen - inloc->remain) - 1); } else { getbranchinfostree(stree,ACCESSSUFFIXLINK,&branchinfo, inloc->previousnode); rescanstree(stree,outloc,branchinfo.suffixlink,inloc->firstptr, inloc->firstptr + (inloc->edgelen - inloc->remain) - 1); } } }