package org.rosuda.JRI; import java.lang.*; /** Rengine class is the interface between an instance of R and the Java VM. Due to the fact that R has no threading support, you can run only one instance of R withing a multi-threaded application. There are two ways to use R from Java: individual call and full event loop. See the Rengine {@link #Rengine constructor} for details.

Important note: All methods starting with rni (R Native Interface) are low-level native methods that should be avoided if a high-level methods exists. They do NOT attempt any synchronization, so it is the duty of the calling program to ensure that the invocation is safe (see {@link #getRsync()} for details). At some point in the future when the high-level API is complete they should become private. However, currently this high-level layer is not complete, so they are available for now.

All rni methods use long type to reference SEXPs on R side. Those reference should never be modified or used in arithmetics - the only reason for not using an extra interface class to wrap those references is that rni methods are all native methods and therefore it would be too expensive to handle the unwrapping on the C side.

jri methods are called internally by R and invoke the corresponding method from the even loop handler. Those methods should usualy not be called directly.

Since 0.5 a failure to load the JRI naitve library will not be fatal if jri.ignore.ule=yes system preference is set. Rengine will still not work, but that gives a chance to GUI programs to report the error in a more meaningful way (use {@link #jriLoaded} to check the availability of JRI). */ public class Rengine extends Thread { /** this flags is set to true if the native code was successfully loaded. If this flag is false then none of the rni methods are available. Previous @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 */ public static boolean jriLoaded; boolean loopHasLock = false; static { try { System.loadLibrary("jri"); jriLoaded = true; } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { jriLoaded = false; // should be implicit, but well ... String iu = System.getProperty("jri.ignore.ule"); if (iu == null || !iu.equals("yes")) { System.err.println("Cannot find JRI native library!\nPlease make sure that the JRI native library is in a directory listed in java.library.path.\n"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } static Thread mainRThread = null; // constrants to be used with rniSpecialObject /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_NilValue reference */ public static final int SO_NilValue = 0; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_GlobalEnv reference */ public static final int SO_GlobalEnv = 1; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_EmptyEnv reference */ public static final int SO_EmptyEnv = 2; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_baseEnv reference */ public static final int SO_BaseEnv = 3; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_UnboundValue reference */ public static final int SO_UnboundValue = 4; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_MissingArg reference */ public static final int SO_MissingArg = 5; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_NaString reference */ public static final int SO_NaString = 6; /** constant to be used in {@link #rniSpecialObject} to return R_BlankString reference */ public static final int SO_BlankString = 7; /** API version of the Rengine itself; see also rniGetVersion() for binary version. It's a good idea for the calling program to check the versions of both and abort if they don't match. This should be done using {@link #versionCheck} @return version number as long in the form 0xMMmm */ public static long getVersion() { return 0x010a; } /** check API version of this class and the native binary. This is usually a good idea to ensure consistency. @return true if the API version of the Java code and the native library matches, false otherwise */ public static boolean versionCheck() { return (getVersion()==rniGetVersion()); } /** debug flag. Set to value >0 to enable debugging messages. The verbosity increases with increasing number */ public static int DEBUG = 0; /** this value specifies the time (in ms) to spend sleeping between checks for R shutdown requests if R event loop is not used. The default is 200ms. Higher values lower the CPU usage but may make R less responsive to shutdown attempts (in theory it should not matter because {@link #stop()} uses interrupt to awake from the idle sleep immediately, but some implementation may not honor that). @since JRI 0.3 */ public int idleDelay = 200; /** main engine. Since there can be only one instance of R, this is also the only instance. */ static Rengine mainEngine=null; /** return the current main R engine instance. Since there can be only one true R instance at a time, this is also the only instance. This may not be true for future versions, though. @return current instance of the R engine or null if no R engine was started yet. */ public static Rengine getMainEngine() { return mainEngine; } /* public static Thread getMainRThread() { return mainRThread; } */ /** returns true if the current thread is the main R thread, false otherwise @since JRI 0.4 */ public static boolean inMainRThread() { return (mainRThread != null && mainRThread.equals(Thread.currentThread())); } boolean standAlone = true; /** returns true if this engine was started as a stand-alone Java application or false if this engine was hooked into an existing R instance @since JRI 0.4 */ public boolean isStandAlone() { return standAlone; } boolean died, alive, runLoop, loopRunning; /** arguments used to initialize R, set by the constructor */ String[] args; /** synchronization mutex */ Mutex Rsync; /** callback handler */ RMainLoopCallbacks callback; /** create and start a new instance of R. @param args arguments to be passed to R. Please note that R requires the presence of certain arguments (e.g. --save or --no-save or equivalents), so passing an empty list usually doesn't work. @param runMainLoop if set to true the the event loop will be started as soon as possible, otherwise no event loop is started. Running loop requires initialCallbacks to be set correspondingly as well. @param initialCallbacks an instance implementing the {@link org.rosuda.JRI.RMainLoopCallbacks RMainLoopCallbacks} interface that provides methods to be called by R */ public Rengine(String[] args, boolean runMainLoop, RMainLoopCallbacks initialCallbacks) { super(); Rsync=new Mutex(); died=false; alive=false; runLoop=runMainLoop; loopRunning=false; this.args=args; callback=initialCallbacks; mainEngine=this; mainRThread=this; start(); while (!alive && !died) yield(); } /** create a new engine by hooking into an existing, initialized R instance which is calling this constructor. Currently JRI won't influence this R instance other than disabling stack checks (i.e. no callbacks can be registered etc.). It is *not* the designated constructor and it should be used *only* from withing rJava. @since JRI 0.4 */ public Rengine() { super(); Rsync=new Mutex(); died=false; alive=true; runLoop=false; loopRunning=true; standAlone=false; args=new String[] { "--zero-init"}; callback=null; mainEngine=this; mainRThread=Thread.currentThread(); rniSetupR(args); } /** RNI: setup R with supplied parameters (should not be used directly!). @param args arguments @return result code */ native int rniSetupR(String[] args); /** RNI: setup IPC with RJava. This method is used by rJava to pass the IPC information to the JRI engine for synchronization @since experimental, not in the public API! */ public native int rniSetupRJava(int _in, int _out); /** RNI: lock rJava to allow callbacks - this interrupts R event loop until @link{rniRJavaUnlock} is called. @return 0 = lock failed, 1 = locked via IPC (you must use rniRJavaUnlock subsequently), 2 = rJava is already locked */ public native int rniRJavaLock(); /** RNI: unlock rJava - resumes R event loop. Please note that unlocking without a previously successful lock may cause fatal errors, because it may release a lock issued by another thread which may not have finished yet. */ public native int rniRJavaUnlock(); synchronized int setupR() { return setupR(null); } synchronized int setupR(String[] args) { int r=rniSetupR(args); if (r==0) { alive=true; died=false; } else { alive=false; died=true; } return r; } /** RNI: parses a string into R expressions (do NOT use directly unless you know exactly what you're doing, where possible use {@link #eval} instead). Note that no synchronization is performed! @param s string to parse @param parts number of expressions contained in the string @return reference to the resulting list of expressions */ public synchronized native long rniParse(String s, int parts); /** RNI: evaluate R expression (do NOT use directly unless you know exactly what you're doing, where possible use {@link #eval} instead). Note that no synchronization is performed! @param exp reference to the expression to evaluate @param rho environment to use for evaluation (or 0 for global environemnt) @return result of the evaluation or 0 if an error occurred */ public synchronized native long rniEval(long exp, long rho); /** RNI: protect an R object (c.f. PROTECT macro in C) @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param exp reference to protect */ public synchronized native void rniProtect(long exp); /** RNI: unprotect last count references (c.f. UNPROTECT in C) @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param count number of references to unprotect */ public synchronized native void rniUnprotect(int count); /** RNI: get the contents of the first entry of a character vector @param exp reference to STRSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not STRSXP */ public synchronized native String rniGetString(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of a character vector @param exp reference to STRSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not STRSXP */ public synchronized native String[] rniGetStringArray(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of an integer vector @param exp reference to INTSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not INTSXP */ public synchronized native int[] rniGetIntArray(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of a logical vector in its integer array form @since API 1.6, JRI 0.3-2 @param exp reference to LGLSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not LGLSXP */ public synchronized native int[] rniGetBoolArrayI(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of a numeric vector @param exp reference to REALSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not REALSXP */ public synchronized native double[] rniGetDoubleArray(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of a raw vector @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to RAWSXP @return contents or null if the reference is not RAWSXP */ public synchronized native byte[] rniGetRawArray(long exp); /** RNI: get the contents of a generic vector (aka list) @param exp reference to VECSXP @return contents as an array of references or null if the reference is not VECSXP */ public synchronized native long[] rniGetVector(long exp); /** RNI: create a character vector of the length 1 @param s initial contents of the first entry @return reference to the resulting STRSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutString(String s); /** RNI: create a character vector @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting STRSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutStringArray(String[] a); /** RNI: create an integer vector @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting INTSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutIntArray(int [] a); /** RNI: create a boolean vector from an integer vector @since API 1.6, JRI 0.3-2 @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting LGLSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutBoolArrayI(int [] a); /** RNI: create a boolean vector @since API 1.6, JRI 0.3-2 @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting LGLSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutBoolArray(boolean [] a); /** RNI: create a numeric vector @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting REALSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutDoubleArray(double[] a); /** RNI: create a raw vector @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param a initial contents of the vector @return reference to the resulting RAWSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutRawArray(byte[] a); /** RNI: create a generic vector (aka a list) @param exps initial contents of the vector consisiting of an array of references @return reference to the resulting VECSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutVector(long[] exps); /** RNI: get an attribute @param exp reference to the object whose attribute is requested @param name name of the attribute @return reference to the attribute or 0 if there is none */ public synchronized native long rniGetAttr(long exp, String name); /** RNI: get attribute names @param exp reference to the object whose attributes are requested @return a list of strings naming all attributes or null if there are none @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 */ public synchronized native String[] rniGetAttrNames(long exp); /** RNI: set an attribute @param exp reference to the object whose attribute is to be modified @param name attribute name @param attr reference to the object to be used as the contents of the attribute */ public synchronized native void rniSetAttr(long exp, String name, long attr); /** RNI: determines whether an R object instance inherits from a specific class (S3 for now) @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param exp reference to an object @param cName name of the class to check @return true if cName inherits from class cName (see inherits in R) */ public synchronized native boolean rniInherits(long exp, String cName); /** RNI: create a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP or LANGSXP) @param head CAR @param tail CDR (must be a reference to LISTSXP or 0) @param tag TAG @param lang if true then LANGSXP is created, otherwise LISTSXP. @return reference to the newly created LISTSXP/LANGSXP @since API 1.7, JRI 0.3-7 */ public synchronized native long rniCons(long head, long tail, long tag, boolean lang); /** RNI: create a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @param head CAR @param tail CDR (must be a reference to LISTSXP or 0) @return reference to the newly created LISTSXP */ public long rniCons(long head, long tail) { return rniCons(head, tail, 0, false); } /** RNI: create a dotted-pair language list (LANGSXP) @param head CAR @param tail CDR (must be a reference to LANGSXP or 0) @return reference to the newly created LANGSXP @since API 1.7, JRI 0.3-7 */ public long rniLCons(long head, long tail) { return rniCons(head, tail, 0, true); } /** RNI: get CAR of a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @param exp reference to the list @return reference to CAR of the list (head) */ public synchronized native long rniCAR(long exp); /** RNI: get CDR of a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @param exp reference to the list @return reference to CDR of the list (tail) */ public synchronized native long rniCDR(long exp); /** RNI: get TAG of a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @param exp reference to the list @return reference to TAG of the list (tail) */ public synchronized native long rniTAG(long exp); /** RNI: create a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param cont contents as an array of references @return reference to the newly created LISTSXP */ public synchronized native long rniPutList(long[] cont); /** RNI: retrieve CAR part of a dotted-part list recursively as an array of references @param exp reference to a dotted-pair list (LISTSXP) @return contents of the list as an array of references */ public synchronized native long[] rniGetList(long exp); /** RNI: retrieve name of a symbol (c.f. PRINTNAME) @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param sym reference to a symbol @return name of the symbol or null on error or if exp is no symbol */ public synchronized native String rniGetSymbolName(long sym); /** RNI: install a symbol name @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 @param sym symbol name @return reference to SYMSXP referencing the symbol */ public synchronized native long rniInstallSymbol(String sym); /** RNI: print.

Note: May NOT be called inside any WriteConsole callback as it would cause an infinite loop. @since API 1.8, JRI 0.4 @param s string to print (as-is) @param oType output type (see R for exact references, but 0 should be regular output and 1 error/warning) */ public synchronized native void rniPrint(String s, int oType); /** RNI: print the value of a given R object (via print or show method) to the console @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to an R object */ public synchronized native void rniPrintValue(long exp); /** RNI: preserve object (prevent grabage collection in R) until rniRelease is called. @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to an R object */ public synchronized native void rniPreserve(long exp); /** RNI: release object previously preserved via rniPreserve.

Note: releasing an obejct that was not preserved is an error and results in an undefined behavior. @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to an R object */ public synchronized native void rniRelease(long exp); /** RNI: return the parent environment @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to environment @return parent environment */ public synchronized native long rniParentEnv(long exp); /** RNI: find variable in an environment @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param sym symbol name @param rho reference to environment @return reference to the value or UnboundValue if not found */ public synchronized native long rniFindVar(String sym, long rho); /** RNI: return the list of variable names of an environment @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param exp reference to the environment @param all if set to true then all objects will be shown, otherwise hidden objects will be omitted @return reference to a string vector of names in the environment */ public synchronized native long rniListEnv(long exp, boolean all); /** RNI: return a special object reference. Note that all such references are constants valid for the entire session and cannot be protected/preserved (they are persistent already). @since API 1.9, JRI 0.5 @param which constant referring to a particular special object (see SO_xxx constants) @return reference to a special object or 0 if the kind of object it unknown/unsupported */ public synchronized native long rniSpecialObject(int which); //--- was API 1.4 but it only caused portability problems, so we got rid of it //public static native void rniSetEnv(String key, String val); //public static native String rniGetEnv(String key); //--- end API 1.4 /** RNI: convert Java object to EXTPTRSEXP @param o arbitrary Java object @return new EXTPTRSEXP pointing to the Java object @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 */ public synchronized native long rniJavaToXref(Object o); /** RNI: convert EXTPTRSEXP to Java object - make sure the pointer is really what you expect, otherwise you'll crash the JVM! @param exp reference to EXTPTRSEXP pointing to a Java object @return resulting Java object @since API 1.5, JRI 0.3 */ public synchronized native Object rniXrefToJava(long exp); /** RNI: return the API version of the native library @return API version of the native library */ public static native long rniGetVersion(); /** RNI: interrupt the R process (if possible). Note that R handles interrupt requests in (R-thread-)synchronous, co-operative fashion as it wants to make sure that the interrupted state is recoverable. If interrupting from another thread while using blocking ReadConsole REPL make sure you also interrupt your ReadConsole call after rniStop such that R can act on the signalled interrupt. @param flag determines how to attempt to inform R about the interrput. For normal (safe) operation using flag signalling must be 0. Other options are 1 (SIGINT for compatibility with older JRI API) and 2 (Rf_onintr call - use only on the R thread and only if you know what it means). Values other than 0 are only supported since JRI 0.5-4. @return result code (currently 0) */ public native int rniStop(int flag); /** RNI: assign a value to an environment @param name name @param exp value @param rho environment (use 0 for the global environment) @return true if successful, false on failure (usually this means that the binding is locked) @since API 1.10, JRI 0.5-1 (existed before but returned void) */ public synchronized native boolean rniAssign(String name, long exp, long rho); /** RNI: get the SEXP type @param exp reference to a SEXP @return type of the expression (see xxxSEXP constants) */ public synchronized native int rniExpType(long exp); /** RNI: run the main loop.
Note: this is an internal method and it doesn't return until the loop exits. Don't use directly! */ public native void rniRunMainLoop(); /** RNI: run other event handlers in R */ public synchronized native void rniIdle(); /** Add a handler for R callbacks. The current implementation supports only one handler at a time, so call to this function implicitly removes any previous handlers */ public void addMainLoopCallbacks(RMainLoopCallbacks c) { // we don't really "add", we just replace ... (so far) callback = c; } /** if Rengine was initialized with runMainLoop=false then this method can be used to start the main loop at a later point. It has no effect if the loop is running already. This method returns immediately but the loop will be started once the engine is ready. Please note that there is currently no way of stopping the R thread if the R event loop is running other than using quit command in R which closes the entire application. */ public void startMainLoop() { runLoop=true; } //============ R callback methods ========= /** JRI: R_WriteConsole call-back from R @param text text to disply */ public void jriWriteConsole(String text, int oType) { if (callback!=null) callback.rWriteConsole(this, text, oType); } /** JRI: R_Busy call-back from R @param which state */ public void jriBusy(int which) { if (callback!=null) callback.rBusy(this, which); } /** JRI: R_ReadConsole call-back from R. @param prompt prompt to display before waiting for the input.
Note: implementations should block for input. Returning immediately is usually a bad idea, because the loop will be cycling. @param addToHistory flag specifying whether the entered contents should be added to history @return content entered by the user. Returning null corresponds to an EOF and usually causes R to exit (as in q()). */ public String jriReadConsole(String prompt, int addToHistory) { if (DEBUG>1) System.out.println("Rengine.jreReadConsole BEGIN "+Thread.currentThread()); if (loopHasLock) { Rsync.unlock(); loopHasLock = false; } String s = (callback == null) ? null : callback.rReadConsole(this, prompt, addToHistory); loopHasLock = Rsync.safeLock(); if (!loopHasLock) { String es = "\n>>JRI Warning: jriReadConsole detected a possible deadlock ["+Rsync+"]["+Thread.currentThread()+"]. Proceeding without lock, but this is inherently unsafe.\n"; jriWriteConsole(es, 1); System.err.print(es); } if (DEBUG>1) System.out.println("Rengine.jreReadConsole END "+Thread.currentThread()); return s; } /** JRI: R_ShowMessage call-back from R @param message message */ public void jriShowMessage(String message) { if (callback!=null) callback.rShowMessage(this, message); } /** JRI: R_loadhistory call-back from R @param filename name of the history file */ public void jriLoadHistory(String filename) { if (callback!=null) callback.rLoadHistory(this, filename); } /** JRI: R_savehistory call-back from R @param filename name of the history file */ public void jriSaveHistory(String filename) { if (callback!=null) callback.rSaveHistory(this, filename); } /** JRI: R_ChooseFile call-back from R @param newFile flag specifying whether an existing or new file is requested @return name of the selected file or null if cancelled */ public String jriChooseFile(int newFile) { if (callback!=null) return callback.rChooseFile(this, newFile); return null; } /** JRI: R_FlushConsole call-back from R */ public void jriFlushConsole() { if (callback!=null) callback.rFlushConsole(this); } //============ "official" API ============= /** Parses and evaluates an R expression and returns the result. Has the same effect as calling eval(s, true). @param s expression (as string) to parse and evaluate @return resulting expression or null if something wnet wrong */ public synchronized REXP eval(String s) { return eval(s, true); } /** Parses and evaluates an R expression and returns the result. @since JRI 0.3 @param s expression (as string) to parse and evaluate @param convert if set to true the resulting REXP will contain native representation of the contents, otherwise an empty REXP will be returned. Depending on the back-end an empty REXP may or may not be used to convert the result at a later point. @return resulting expression or null if something wnet wrong */ public synchronized REXP eval(String s, boolean convert) { if (DEBUG>0) System.out.println("Rengine.eval("+s+"): BEGIN "+Thread.currentThread()); boolean obtainedLock=Rsync.safeLock(); try { /* --- so far, we ignore this, because it can happen when a callback needs an eval which is ok ... if (!obtainedLock) { String es="\n>>JRI Warning: eval(\""+s+"\") detected a possible deadlock ["+Rsync+"]["+Thread.currentThread()+"]. Proceeding without lock, but this is inherently unsafe.\n"; jriWriteConsole(es); System.err.print(es); } */ long pr = rniParse(s, 1); if (pr != 0) { long er = rniEval(pr, 0); if (er != 0) { REXP x = new REXP(this, er, convert); if (DEBUG>0) System.out.println("Rengine.eval("+s+"): END (OK)"+Thread.currentThread()); return x; } } } finally { if (obtainedLock) Rsync.unlock(); } if (DEBUG>0) System.out.println("Rengine.eval("+s+"): END (ERR)"+Thread.currentThread()); return null; } /** This method is very much like {@link #eval(String)}, except that it is non-blocking and returns null if the engine is busy. @param s string to evaluate @return result of the evaluation or null if the engine is busy */ public synchronized REXP idleEval(String s) { return idleEval(s, true); } /** This method is very much like {@link #eval(String,boolean)}, except that it is non-blocking and returns null if the engine is busy. @since JRI 0.3 @param s string to evaluate @param convert flag denoting whether an empty or fully-converted REXP should be returned (see {@link #eval(String,boolean)} for details) @return result of the evaluation or null if the engine is busy */ public synchronized REXP idleEval(String s, boolean convert) { int lockStatus=Rsync.tryLock(); if (lockStatus==1) return null; // 1=locked by someone else boolean obtainedLock=(lockStatus==0); try { long pr = rniParse(s, 1); if (pr != 0) { long er = rniEval(pr, 0); if (er != 0) { REXP x = new REXP(this, er, convert); return x; } } } finally { if (obtainedLock) Rsync.unlock(); } return null; } /** returns the synchronization mutex for this engine. If an external code needs to use RNI calls, it should do so only in properly protected environment secured by this mutex. Usually the procedure should be as follows:

	boolean obtainedLock = e.getRsync().safeLock();
	try {
		// use RNI here ...
	} finally {
		if (obtainedLock) e.getRsync().unlock();
@return synchronization mutex @since JRI 0.3 */ public Mutex getRsync() { return Rsync; } /** check the state of R @return true if R is alive and false if R died or exitted */ public synchronized boolean waitForR() { return alive; } /** attempt to shut down R. This method is asynchronous. */ public void end() { alive = false; interrupt(); } /** The implementation of the R thread. This method should not be called directly. */ public void run() { if (DEBUG > 0) System.out.println("Starting R..."); loopHasLock = Rsync.safeLock(); // force all code to wait until R is ready try { if (setupR(args) == 0) { if (!runLoop && loopHasLock) { // without event loop we can unlock now since we woin't do anything Rsync.unlock(); loopHasLock = false; } while (alive) { try { if (runLoop) { if (DEBUG > 0) System.out.println("***> launching main loop:"); loopRunning = true; rniRunMainLoop(); // actually R never returns from runMainLoop ... loopRunning = false; if (DEBUG > 0) System.out.println("***> main loop finished:"); runLoop = false; died = true; return; } sleep(idleDelay); if (runLoop) rniIdle(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { interrupted(); } } died=true; if (DEBUG>0) System.out.println("Terminating R thread."); } else { System.err.println("Unable to start R"); } } finally { if (loopHasLock) Rsync.unlock(); } } /** assign a string value to a symbol in R. The symbol is created if it doesn't exist already. * @param sym symbol name. The symbol name is used as-is, i.e. as if it was quoted in R code (for example assigning to "foo$bar" has the same effect as `foo$bar`<- and NOT foo$bar<-). * @param ct contents * @return true if successful, false otherwise * @since JRI 0.3 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, String ct) { boolean obtainedLock = Rsync.safeLock(); try { long x1 = rniPutString(ct); return rniAssign(sym,x1,0); } finally { if (obtainedLock) Rsync.unlock(); } } /** assign a content of a REXP to a symbol in R. The symbol is created if it doesn't exist already. @param sym symbol name. The symbol name is used as-is, i.e. as if it was quoted in R code (for example assigning to "foo$bar" has the same effect as `foo$bar`<- and NOT foo$bar<-). @param r contents as REXP. currently only raw references and basic types (int, double, int[], double[], boolean[]) are supported. @return true if successful, false otherwise (usually locked binding or unsupported REXP) @since JRI 0.3 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, REXP r) { boolean obtainedLock = Rsync.safeLock(); try { if (r.Xt == REXP.XT_NONE) { return rniAssign(sym, r.xp, 0); } if (r.Xt == REXP.XT_INT || r.Xt == REXP.XT_ARRAY_INT) { int[] cont = r.rtype == REXP.XT_INT?new int[]{((Integer)r.cont).intValue()}:(int[])r.cont; long x1 = rniPutIntArray(cont); return rniAssign(sym,x1,0); } if (r.Xt == REXP.XT_DOUBLE || r.Xt == REXP.XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE) { double[] cont = r.rtype == REXP.XT_DOUBLE?new double[]{((Double)r.cont).intValue()}:(double[])r.cont; long x1 = rniPutDoubleArray(cont); return rniAssign(sym,x1,0); } if (r.Xt == REXP.XT_ARRAY_BOOL_INT) { long x1 = rniPutBoolArrayI((int[])r.cont); return rniAssign(sym,x1,0); } if (r.Xt == REXP.XT_STR || r.Xt == REXP.XT_ARRAY_STR) { String[] cont = r.rtype == REXP.XT_STR?new String[]{(String)r.cont}:(String[])r.cont; long x1 = rniPutStringArray(cont); return rniAssign(sym,x1,0); } } finally { if (obtainedLock) Rsync.unlock(); } return false; } /** assign values of an array of doubles to a symbol in R (creating an integer vector).
equals to calling {@link #assign(String, REXP)}. @param sym symbol name @param val double array to assign @return true if successful, false otherwise @since JRI 0.3 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, double[] val) { return assign(sym,new REXP(val)); } /** assign values of an array of integers to a symbol in R (creating a numeric vector).
equals to calling {@link #assign(String, REXP)}. @param sym symbol name @param val integer array to assign @return true if successful, false otherwise @since JRI 0.3 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, int[] val) { return assign(sym,new REXP(val)); } /** assign values of an array of booleans to a symbol in R (creating a logical vector).
equals to calling {@link #assign(String, REXP)}. @param sym symbol name @param val boolean array to assign @return true if successful, false otherwise @since JRI 0.3-2 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, boolean[] val) { return assign(sym,new REXP(val)); } /** assign values of an array of strings to a symbol in R (creating a character vector).
equals to calling {@link #assign(String, REXP)}. @param sym symbol name @param val string array to assign @return true if successful, false otherwise @since JRI 0.3 (return value changed to boolean in JRI 0.5-1) */ public boolean assign(String sym, String[] val) { return assign(sym,new REXP(val)); } /** creates a jobjRef reference in R via rJava.
Important: rJava must be loaded and intialized in R (e.g. via eval("{library(rJava);.jinit()}",false), otherwise this will fail. Requires rJava 0.4-13 or higher! @param o object to push @return Pure REXP reference of the newly created jobjRef object or null upon failure. It will have the type XT_NONE such that it can be used in @link{assign(String, REXP)}. @since JRI 0.3-7 */ public REXP createRJavaRef(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; String klass = o.getClass().getName(); boolean obtainedLock = Rsync.safeLock(); try { long l = rniEval( rniLCons( rniInstallSymbol(".jmkref"), rniLCons( rniJavaToXref(o), rniLCons( rniPutString(klass), 0 ) ) ) , 0); if (l <= 0 && l > -4) return null; /* for safety failure codes are only -3 .. 0 to not clash with 64-bit pointers */ return new REXP(this, l, false); } finally { if (obtainedLock) Rsync.unlock(); } } }