== TODO & BUGS == HIGH PRIORITY * Test with Sjoerd's modifications * BUG: Labels too big (don't scale with zoom factor?) * Patch tool using Dgpml input, with adjustable fuzz factor * Make similarity function more flexible. There must be a minimum similarity. Can two different object types match? Should there be a priority score per Attribute? * BUG: Line matching wrong when comparing Ach_synth.gpml version 2 and 3. Need to score based on movement distance. * Yellow color not very visible, maybe use different color? * Better hinting: CenterX, CenterY changed should be Position changed. LOW PRIORITY * Pathway.equals * add timing code * Test with lot's of Biopax content (or maybe just ignore biopax content?) * Test script, that takes any two similar pathways, compares them, creates a diff and then pathches both ways and see if you get the same thing back. Should run as an agent on wikipathways automatically. == Milestones == Original estimates are between parenthesis, followed by current estimate * XML diff utility start : (May 28) may 28 status: COMPLETED * SVG generation start : (Jun 18) Jun 18 status: COMPLETED * Patch Utility start: (not planned) Jul 11 status: IN PROGRESS * Integration into wikipathways.org. start : (Jul 2) Jul 30 status : NOT STARTED * User testing and performance optimization start : (Jul 23) Aug 7 status : NOT STARTED * Integration into PathVisio (1 week) start : (if time allows) status : NOT STARTED