package PGF::GapResolution::ParseContigOrientation; =head1 NAME PGF::GapResolution::ParseContigOrientation =head1 SYNOPSIS use PGF::GapResolution::ParseContigOrientation; my $obj = PGF::GapResolution::ParseContigOrientation->new($contigOrientationFile); my @contigs = $obj->getAllContigs(); foreach my $contig (@contigs) { my $orientation = $obj->getOrientation($contig); ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module parses the contigOrientation.txt file generated by the module as part of the Gap Resolution sub system and contains access methods to the data. The format of the contigOrientation.txt file are as follows, whereby each entry is separated by a tab, one per line: 1. contigName 2. orientation (+/-) =head1 AUTHOR(s) Stephan Trong =head1 HISTORY =over =item * Stephan Trong 12/17/2008 Creation =back =cut #============================================================================# use strict; use Carp; use Carp qw(cluck); use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib"; #============================================================================# sub new { my $class = shift; my $file = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->_parseFile( $file); return $self; } #============================================================================# sub _parseFile { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my %attribs = (); my @contigs = (); unless (open FH, $file ) { confess "ERROR: failed to open file $file: $!"; } while ( my $entry = ) { chomp $entry; next if !length $entry; if ( $entry =~ /^(\S+)\t(\S+)$/ ) { $attribs{$1} = $2; push @contigs, $1; } } close FH; $self->{_attribs} = \%attribs; $self->{_contigs} = \@contigs; } #============================================================================# sub getAllContigs { my $self = shift; my @contigs = (); if ( defined @{$self->{_contigs}} ) { @contigs = @{$self->{_contigs}}; } return @contigs; } #============================================================================# sub getOrientation { my $self = shift; my $contig = shift; my $orientation = ''; if ( exists $self->{_attribs}{$contig} ) { $orientation = $self->{_attribs}{$contig}; } return $orientation; } #============================================================================# 1;