These sections were pulled from the datasets tutorial because dGDE is no longer working. The SeqHound data warehouse that dGDE used has been discontinued. A new web service middleware client is under development using the  EUtils API. These sections will be returned to the tutorial when that has been completed.

Section A: Retrieval of initial hits from to temp.gen

To retrieve the corresponding GenBank entries, launch dgde:

dgde &

Choose File --> Import namefile and read in

Select the name, and choose Retrieve --> DNA(GenBank) from GI.
Send output to a file called temp.gen. The GenBank entries will be written to temp.gen . This will be a temporary file, since the next step is to find other defensin genes by sequence similarity search.

Section B: Retrieval of refined hits from all.acc to defensin.gen

The refined list will appear in the browser. Save this list as before. Change Display to 'GI List' and Send To to 'File'. Save the file as


Read in the refined gi list using File --> Import namefile.

Select the .gi list as shown above, and choose  Retrieve -->  DNA (GenBank) from GI. Send the output to a file called defensin.gen.

The file will be written to defensin.gen.