# a small example of a parameter file for MIRA # # basically, it does the same thing as the 'demo1' example # EXCEPT it does not search for repetitive sequences! # That is, there will be misassembled repeats present in the # contigs (you will spot them easily) # # # name all the input and output files starting with 'demo2' # setting this should be done as very first option # --project=demo3 # we want an assembly from scratch (denovo), it's genomic data, # "normal" assembly accuracy and it's sanger data -job=denovo,genome,normal,sanger # # by todays standard the data is low quality # -lowqualitydata # switch to settings for SANGER data SANGER_SETTINGS # # Tell mira to load a 'file of filenames' that contains # filenames of sequences in EXP format -LOADREADS: ft=fofnexp # do not load XML ancillary data (we don't have it, all we need is # in the EXP files anyway mxti=no # switch to settings for common data COMMON_SETTINGS # we need to load qualities from the SCF files (that's the only thing # not present in these EXP files) eq=scf # # ... but our input file is not in this directory (and has # has another name than the expected standard) # -FILENAME: fofnexpin=../data/exp_set1/fofn # # The experiment and SCF files are in separate directories, too # -DIRECTORY: exp=../data/exp_set1 scf=../data/scf