#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #Builds a new profile HMM from input alignment, calibrates the HMM and saves to a file. Then runs a test HMM search over sample sequence and saves test results to Genbank file. To run this workflow, you need to specify appropriate locations for input/output files. This is achieved by selecting a task and editing interesting parameters in Property Inspector panel.Optionally, fine tune the build/search parameters as you see fit. Then schedule the workflow for execution by pressing CTRL+R shortcut. You can watch its" progress in a Task View of UGENE. workflow "Build HMM from alignment and test it"{ read-sequence { type:read-sequence; name:"Read sequence"; merge-gap:10; mode:0; } read-msa { type:read-msa; name:"Read alignment"; } hmm2-build { type:hmm2-build; name:"HMM build"; calibrate:true; calibration-threads:1; deviation:200; fix-samples-length:0; mean-samples-length:325; samples-num:5000; seed:0; strategy:1; } hmm2-write-profile { type:hmm2-write-profile; name:"Write HMM profile"; write-mode:2; url-out:profile.hmm; } hmm2-search { type:hmm2-search; name:"HMM search"; e-val:-1; result-name:hmm_signal; score:-1000000000; seqs-num:1; } write-genbank { type:write-sequence; document-format:genbank; name:"Write Genbank"; accumulate:true; write-mode:2; url-out:output.gb; } read-msa.msa->hmm2-build.in-msa.msa hmm2-build.hmm2-profile->hmm2-write-profile.in-hmm2.hmm2-profile hmm2-build.hmm2-profile->hmm2-search.in-hmm2.hmm2-profile read-sequence.sequence->hmm2-search.in-sequence.sequence hmm2-search.annotations->write-genbank.in-sequence.annotations read-sequence.annotations->write-genbank.in-sequence.annotations read-sequence.sequence->write-genbank.in-sequence.sequence .meta { visual { read-sequence { pos:"-780 -525"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; out-sequence.angle:360; } read-msa { pos:"-780 -675"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; out-msa.angle:360; } hmm2-build { pos:"-630 -675"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-msa.angle:180; out-hmm2.angle:360; } hmm2-write-profile { pos:"-435 -675"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-hmm2.angle:180; } hmm2-search { pos:"-435 -540"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-hmm2.angle:150; in-sequence.angle:210; out-annotations.angle:360; } write-genbank { pos:"-195 -540"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 128 64"; in-sequence.angle:180; } read-msa.out-msa->hmm2-build.in-msa { text-pos:"-45 -50"; } hmm2-build.out-hmm2->hmm2-write-profile.in-hmm2 { text-pos:"-32 -24"; } read-sequence.out-sequence->hmm2-search.in-sequence { text-pos:"-27.5 -24"; } hmm2-build.out-hmm2->hmm2-search.in-hmm2 { text-pos:"-32 -24"; } hmm2-search.out-annotations->write-genbank.in-sequence { text-pos:"-45 -37"; } } wizard { name:"Build HMM from alignment and test it Wizard"; help-page-id:16122715; page { id:1; next:2; title:"Input MSA(s)" parameters-area { read-msa.url-in { type:datasets; } } } page { id:2; next:3; title:"Input sequence(s)"; parameters-area { read-sequence.url-in { type:datasets; } } } page { id:3; next:4; title:"HMM Build"; parameters-area { group { title:"Output data"; label-size:120; hmm2-write-profile.url-out { label:"Output HMM profile"; } } group { title:"HMM Build parameters"; label-size:120; hmm2-build.strategy { } hmm2-build.profile-name { } hmm2-build.calibrate { } } group { title:"Additional"; label-size:120; type:hideable; hmm2-build.calibration-threads { } hmm2-build.fix-samples-length { label:"Fixed length"; } hmm2-build.mean-samples-length { label:"Mean length"; } hmm2-build.samples-num { } hmm2-build.deviation { } hmm2-build.seed { } } } } page { id:4; title:"HMM Search"; parameters-area { group { title:"Output data"; label-size:120; write-genbank.url-out { label:"Output genbank"; } write-genbank.accumulate { label:"Accumulate results"; } } group { title:"HMM Search parameters"; label-size:120; hmm2-search.result-name { } hmm2-search.seqs-num { } hmm2-search.e-val { } hmm2-search.score { } } } } } } }