#@UGENE_WORKFLOW #The workflow uses the SnpEff tool to annotate and predict the effects of genetic variations (such as amino acid changes). # #To use the workflow you're required to input at least one file with variations (SNPs, insertions, deletions, and MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing experiment, and it is usually in Variant Call Format (VCF). # #To analyze the input variations SnpEff requires the variations file to have a certain chromosome notation. For example, "chr1" specified for a variation works fine, but "NC_000001" will result in an error. Therefore, the workflow contains an automated way for changing the chromosomes notation, which can be tweaked, if required. # #SnpEff outputs the annotated variations file and a detailed HTML report. workflow "Variation annotation with SnpEff"{ get-file-list { type:get-file-list; name:"Input Variations File"; url-in { dataset:"Dataset 1"; } } seff { type:seff; name:"Annotate and Predict Effects with SnpEff"; out-mode:1; } rename-chromosome-in-variation { type:rename-chromosome-in-variation; name:"Change Chromosome Notation for Variations File"; prefix-replace-with:chr; prefixes-to-replace:"NC_00000;NC_0000"; } .actor-bindings { get-file-list.out-url->rename-chromosome-in-variation.in-file rename-chromosome-in-variation.out-file->seff.in-file } rename-chromosome-in-variation.url->seff.in-file.url get-file-list.url->rename-chromosome-in-variation.in-file.url .meta { parameter-aliases { get-file-list.url-in { alias:in; } seff.canon { alias:canon; } seff.custom-dir { alias:out_dir; } seff.genome { alias:genome; } seff.hgvs { alias:hgvs; } seff.lof { alias:lof; } seff.motif { alias:motif; } seff.out-mode { alias:mode; } seff.updown-length { alias:upDown; } } visual { get-file-list { pos:"-873 -501"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"42 108 251 64"; bounds:"-30 -30 108.25 97"; out-url.angle:349.38; } rename-chromosome-in-variation { pos:"-608 -513"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"128 104 117 64"; bounds:"-30 -30 160 136"; in-file.angle:228.094; out-file.angle:347.905; } seff { pos:"-268 -514"; style:ext; bg-color-ext:"0 128 64 64"; bounds:"-30 -30 141 130"; in-file.angle:228.945; out-file.angle:345.256; } get-file-list.out-url->rename-chromosome-in-variation.in-file { text-pos:"-42.9844 -27"; } rename-chromosome-in-variation.out-file->seff.in-file { text-pos:"-45 -43"; } } wizard { name:"Variation Annotation with SnpEff Wizard"; help-page-id:16122730; page { id:1; next:2; title:"Input variations"; parameters-area { group { title:"Input file(s)"; get-file-list.url-in { type:datasets; } } } } page { id:2; next:3; title:"Change chromosome notation for variations"; parameters-area { group { title:Parameters; label-size:150; rename-chromosome-in-variation.prefixes-to-replace { } rename-chromosome-in-variation.prefix-replace-with { } } } } page { id:3; next:4; title:"SnpEff parameters"; parameters-area { group { title:Parameters; label-size:200; seff.genome { } } group { title:Additional; label-size:200; type:hideable; seff.canon { } seff.hgvs { } seff.lof { } seff.motif { } seff.updown-length { } } } } page { id:4; title:Output; parameters-area { group { title:"Output folder"; label-size:100; seff.out-mode { } seff.custom-dir { } } } } } } }